Originally Posted by EnPro23
Hi, this stuff I knew. But I'm talking about ranked games where they haven't got their placement yet. Not unranked as a game mode. Does the mmr limit count for people that haven't done their placements?
This 700 MMR gap is seriously going to affect the way people play this game for the worse. Friends want to play together and you've just increased the likelihood of either A.) Friends not being able to play so will just be a lobby of solo queue players or B.) Said Friends will just stop playing the game all together. Or even possibly C.) They become toxic and throw matches and ruin other peoples games so they can drop rank to play together
Then you've got the unlimited number of smurf accounts that you can make on console which again is just as toxic. Ubisoft aren't really getting this right in the slightest. Most people would rather play with their friends than be bothered by someone boosting to get a digital charm on a computer game. This isn't pro league, there's no money involved in it for the average player. So what's the point. Focus on mnk and 3rd party adapters if you want to get it right. Not mmr difference in lobbies.
Hey EnPro23,
Thank you for getting back to us.
Following on from Ubi-Milky's post above regarding your query - as you start with 2500MMR as a totally new, fresh slated player, if the person you're trying to group with isn't within the 700MMR threshold, you won't be able to play together.
Those who haven't yet completed placements yet, do still have an MMR rating applying to them in the background as this helps the system determine the best rank for them once this has been done.
We appreciate your feedback on the system though and are more than happy to pass this onto the team for them to consider.
If there is anything further we can answer, help with, or pass on, please let us know.
Thank you!