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So, yeah, I have spent all of my time in RB6 playing TH, I have no interest in PVP at all. BUt thats not what im here for.

Im just gonna say, it seems certain operators seem to have a MUCH easier time than other operators due to odd hitboxes or they get reduced reaction time from AI...

Example, and one ive noticed distinctly, I take Fuze through a TH match and the AI are slower to start shooting and have a MUCH reduced accuracy against him. This is a distinctly noticeable feature that ive seen playing solo, and also with my dad and bro for the short time they played with me. I have walked into bad days with Fuze and come out of it either unscathed, or having taken only 1 bullet, where other operators, like my next example, are DEAD. In fact, I just got done playing Fuze, I basically walked around, standing up, just ADSd and got shot at by atleast 20-30 bullets, only getting hit 1 time.

Now, you take Maverick, and when im playing him, the AI get first shot hits on him, and have no pauses in reaction time shooting at him. IQ, she suffers the same thing, AI melt her instantly, due to just having much faster overall reaction and acquisition time against her. Just got done trying to play this clown and he gets first bullet hits on him constantly. AI comes around the corner, its instant on target, instant hit, and instant multi hits. A single burst and im at 40 health.

Now Buck, another Operator I play quite a bit in TH. He seems to be somewhere in the middle.

And no, im not talking the damage when they get hit, im talking the AI's reaction time and accuracy vs different operators seems to be noticeably different.
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Originally Posted by KnightGhostbear
So, yeah, I have spent all of my time in RB6 playing TH, I have no interest in PVP at all. BUt thats not what im here for.

Im just gonna say, it seems certain operators seem to have a MUCH easier time than other operators due to odd hitboxes or they get reduced reaction time from AI...

Example, and one ive noticed distinctly, I take Fuze through a TH match and the AI are slower to start shooting and have a MUCH reduced accuracy against him. This is a distinctly noticeable feature that ive seen playing solo, and also with my dad and bro for the short time they played with me. I have walked into bad days with Fuze and come out of it either unscathed, or having taken only 1 bullet, where other operators, like my next example, are DEAD. In fact, I just got done playing Fuze, I basically walked around, standing up, just ADSd and got shot at by atleast 20-30 bullets, only getting hit 1 time.

Now, you take Maverick, and when im playing him, the AI get first shot hits on him, and have no pauses in reaction time shooting at him. IQ, she suffers the same thing, AI melt her instantly, due to just having much faster overall reaction and acquisition time against her. Just got done trying to play this clown and he gets first bullet hits on him constantly. AI comes around the corner, its instant on target, instant hit, and instant multi hits. A single burst and im at 40 health.

Now Buck, another Operator I play quite a bit in TH. He seems to be somewhere in the middle.

And no, im not talking the damage when they get hit, im talking the AI's reaction time and accuracy vs different operators seems to be noticeably different.
Do you have a clip of what you are referencing? As Nem pointed out, you may just be used to the old AI behavior.