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I'm pretty pissed off. For the third time today, I've tried to load into a ranked game, banned maps and operators, and got onto my drone. As soon as the prep phase begins, my frames drop below 10, my cursor appears over the game, it black screens and crashes. I then get the same message that i have seen so, so many times, asking if i want to submit my crash report. This crashing (in ranked only) has just now led to a 2 hour ban. I don't even know whether ill ever be able to play again, as apparently it goes to a day, then a week. once i get to a week I'm guessing i get permabanned so I'm never going to be able too play ranked again. I'm assuming that if this ever happens again, even in a few weeks, ill get a day ban. This is completely unfair and the support is not very helpful, saying only this
'Hello there! Those penalties are issued server side by an automated system and cannot be overturned.'
I wish that there was a way to reconnect like there usually is. I've had 3/9 of the games I've tried to play today crash, and these crashes all resulted in bans. Please help me, i just wanna play my favourite game without having to worry about getting banned for no reason

Can someone also explain the ban system, like if this was to happen next week would i get a 1 day ban

almost 4 years ago - UBI-Froggard - Direct link

I'm sorry we're unable to remove those bans but you won't get a permanent ban from it.

Regarding your crashes, we'd need a bit more information to go off to help further than suggesting to try the steps found here first of all, but for issues like this we really need to be able to look at your system files to help see what may be causing it.

Another good thing to try is to close Uplay, go to your cache folder in your Uplay directory and rename your cache folder to something like "cachebackup". Then see if you still have an issue.

If you have done those steps, please could you submit them through a support ticket / live chat. You can also private message us on Twitter or Facebook if you prefer.

You can find instructions on how to create the files and attach them to your ticket at the bottom of the first link.
almost 4 years ago - UBI-Froggard - Direct link
Originally Posted by nthnx
My name has changed for no reason, i think my account may have been hacked. is there any way to revert this as it wasnt me who made the change
The name change was us, you haven't been hacked. You have been sent an email regarding the name change.