Original Post — Direct link
VoIP ingame is blocked, my ISP which is in Egypt (WE) blocked Vivox related traffic which is responsible fro VoIP transmission and I can't use voice chat in game to communicate with my teammates.

I had to run a batch file to unblock the voip and it worked but it's no longer working,

this is the code:

@echo off
:: BatchGotAdmin
REM --> Check for permissions
>nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system"

REM --> If error flag set, we do not have admin.
if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' (
echo Requesting administrative privileges...
goto UACPrompt
) else ( goto gotAdmin )

echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
set params = %*:"="
echo UAC.ShellExecute "cmd.exe", "/c %~s0 %params%", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"

del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
exit /B

pushd "%CD%"
CD /D "%~dp0"

ECHO Starting RainbowSix Voip Routing
set ip="IP Address"
rem set ip="IP Address"
for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %%I in ('netsh interface IPv4 show addresses "vpn" ^| findstr /C:%ip%') do set ip_address=%%I
route add mask %ip_address%
ECHO **************************************************
ECHO ## Created by Mahmoud Ghonem , UPlay : B-LACK-Y ##
ECHO **************************************************

This used to unblock the VoIP but since the game update it no longer does, I have tried everything in the support page which said to open ports and to no avail, this is the only thing that fixed it, so I would like you to help me by changing anything in the code so it can unblock the VoIP again.
almost 4 years ago - UbiKoality - Direct link
Hey there, pledgeofdemon! I'm terribly sorry to hear that you're having trouble with the VoIP in Rainbow Six Siege. Although I'm not able to assist with changing any codes, I can provide some suggestions. For starters, I would advise going through all the steps listed in this post. These steps have helped other players experiencing similar issues like the ones you've mentioned. Afterward, if none of these steps help resolve the problems, please contact our team at support.ubi.com for further assistance. Our team would be glad to investigate this with you. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Hey pledgeofdemon,

Thanks for your response there and I am sorry that steps advised didn't get you anywhere.

I'm not sure whether you had already, but if you do suspect that this is in relation to limitations from your ISP, I would say that in order to check whether that is the case indeed, try connecting to the game whilst using a different connection, such as mobile hotspot (as an example), and see what happens, as this will help to narrow the root of the issue.

Should you have any questions in the meantime, let us know.