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So I just recently logged back into siege to play with friends thought it would be a good time to pick it up and play ranked. Well I was wrong my level used to be a 74 with all the old rank charms and cosmetics I had over a couple of seasons on my xbox. I tried loading it up on my ps5 lost all my rank and operators plus renown and couple of skins I bought. Tried reloading it up on my xbox it was the same deal. Im frustrated to the point after trying to do the reset a couple of times it didnt work. Does anyone have a fix to get your level and operators back?

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @SickSmoke20, while it is normal to not have an in-game rank or level if you skip a few seasons, any missing items or operators is very concerning. I can see that you already have a support case open with us. Our team will gather your information there and investigate to see why certain things may have gone missing for you.

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Havoc - Direct link

Hey there @SickSmoke20, apologies for any wait. It's been a bit busier than usual but our agents are working to tackle all incoming cases. They'll be able to get back in contact with you as quick as possible to help investigate into your account.

@Hyt567r I'm sorry that when you made a new Ubisoft account to play on PS4 that would have permanently linked your new console profile to that new Ubisoft account (rather than being linked up to your older Ubisoft account that has your Xbox linked). But no worries there - please reach out on a support ticket as well and our teams can check into any options we have to get the accounts consolidated~!