Original Post — Direct link
Just a few days ago the game was lauching and working fine. Now when I go to lauch it a message from steam pops up saying "Preparing to Launch Rainbow Six Siege" and then goes away a few seconds later and nothing happens. I can't get on to the game or onto uplay. I've tried veriying the files, reinstalling the game, and putting the game into compatability mode. Nothing has worked. Does anyone know how to fix this.
about 7 years ago - Ubi-Rufus - Direct link
Could you make sure that the Siege process isn't running already in your task manager when launching the game?

If that doesn't help, please try the steps in our basic PC troubleshooting guide.

over 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Originally Posted by Anthony_Plaz
what i did was i opened the folder that the game is install in from the play laucher. From there looked for rainbow.exe something like that and then opened the properties of the .exe and went to complatily and changed it to windows 8 since I'm on windows 10 not sure what you are on. And changed it to run on administaor.
Hey Anthony_Plaz,

Welcome to forums and thank you for sharing this with us .

Hopefully whoever is experiencing the issue will find your steps useful!