Me and a couple of mates have been running into a problem where if one of the people in the game switches to another app (e.g. YouTube, Netflix), the entire server hangs until they disconnect, and if you leave you still get hit with a leaver penalty. One of us have recently received a 24-hour ban because of this, leaving the game virtually unplayable with how often this happens. Searching on Twitter for "@Rainbow6Game lobby" shows plenty of other people with the same problem.
There didn't seem to be any official bug report on R6Fix about this, so we've now posted one. I'm reposting here though to make sure anybody having the same problem contributes/confirms the bug on the official report though, since then it'll be more likely to be fixed, since they won't look into it unless 10 people have confirmed it's a problem.
There didn't seem to be any official bug report on R6Fix about this, so we've now posted one. I'm reposting here though to make sure anybody having the same problem contributes/confirms the bug on the official report though, since then it'll be more likely to be fixed, since they won't look into it unless 10 people have confirmed it's a problem.