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I have been TK'd 4 games in a row in casual. It's always a group of 2 to 3 people who don't have any respect for other playing the game. I always die the first 2 rounds and by then most of the game is over. I understand you guys get complaints about this all the time and I understand there is a report button in game. I have used this every time on the offenders. I know this type of behavior in not tolerated and will be delt with by the ban team. My idea is simply to give people an in-game message telling them the usernames of the people who got banned, this way i know my reports actually worked. I play on xbox one btw.
I don't know where to post this so I made my own thread.
I love rainbow 6 and it's been one of my favorite games for a while. I have stopped playing it near as much recently because of all the team griefing. I hate to say this but it's true. Everytime I get on I'll get Team killed the first round or two and I lose motivation to play. Sorry for the long post but I really needed to vent.
Thanks in advance to the ubisoft team for all their hard work and amazing game design. I'm looking forward to the new assassin's creed as well.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Hey MorgothCrusher,

Thanks for reaching out and I am sorry to hear about what happened, as I fully appreciate how one might find this.

In regards to team-killing, as soon as one player kills his teammate, this is registered by the server-side and temporary suspensions will be issued.
If this is something that happens on multiple occasions, the temporary suspension player receives will be extended. In a case of doing this for a pro-longed period of time, permanent ban is also possible.

On top of that, our team has been working on improving this and reverse friendly-fire has been introduced. To find more information about this all, have a look at the following article.

We appreciate your communication and I will ensure your feedback gets passed to our game team accordingly.

P.S. I am looking forward to the new Assassin's Creed: Valhalla too, should be a lot of fun!

Hope you have a great day and should you have any questions, let us know!
over 4 years ago - UbiKoality - Direct link
No problem at all, MorgothCrusher! We are always happy to help. Happy gaming!