about 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @gdl_kevin thank you for following the steps for adjusting your proxy in the game settings file.

If this has not prevented the error code from appearing, would you please make sure to follow all the steps in our connectivity troubleshooting guide too, as this contains the most common steps for improving connectivity to our servers, >>> https://ubi.li/YPwnl
If you continue to see this error code after following these steps, please let us know as we will need to take some details to report this to our Siege team, such as ISP, time of disconnection, regional location, and data centre connected to.

Can you also let us know if you have manually changed your data centre or if you are using a VPN?

Whilst we can not guarantee you will never see this error code again and disconnection, you shouldn't be experiencing it every day on each game session.