over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Devin - Direct link

Blog Link: http://rocketleague.com/news/cross-platform-progression-with-free-to-play--a-closer-look/




Cross-platform progression, one of Rocket League's most requested features, is set to arrive with the game's next update. Soon, you'll be able to share your Competitive Rank, Rocket Pass Progress, and your hard-earned inventory across all platforms! We want to make sure players are ready, and this blog has everything you need to know.


Rocket League’s cross-platform progression is made possible with an Epic Games Account. So, creating one or signing into your existing Epic Games Account is the first step of the process. You'll be prompted to do this when you start up Rocket League for the first time after the update. Once that's completed, there are a couple of different ways to connect your Rocket League platforms to your Epic Games Account and complete the process for cross-platform progression. 

Once you're logged in, you will be asked to set a Primary Platform. Your Primary Platform will be your source of progression (Rocket Pass Progress, Competitive Rank, XP Level) for all of your connected platforms. In other words, be sure to choose the platform where you have the most progress in Rocket Pass, and your highest Competitive Rank. Credit and Esports Token balances will stay tied to each platform as they cannot be transferred to a new platform. Once your Primary Platform is selected, you will be able to play with your Competitive Rank, and Rocket Pass progress, and XP Level on all other connected platforms. 

You'll be able to connect additional platforms you have to your Epic Games Account on our account linking page. Simply link your platforms using your PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, Nintendo Switch Online, and Steam account login information and share progress. You may also designate one of them as your Primary Platform from the linking page. If you've linked platforms to your Epic Games Account in the past, you won't need to do it again for Rocket League.

If you make a mistake or change your mind about which platform will be your primary, don't worry! You will be able to unlink your platform and choose a different platform as your primary, but you will not be able to link that platform to a different Epic Games Account.  

If you're looking for an extra reason to link your Rocket League platforms to your Epic Games Account, everyone who does will automatically receive the Chopper EG Wheels pictured above!



Shared Inventory is a major part of Rocket League’s cross-platform progression. Each platform you link to your Epic Games Account shares its inventory with your other connected platforms, with a few key exceptions. For example, if you completed Rocket Pass 2 on your PC but also play on other platforms, you can now use those Rocket Pass 2 items everywhere. Here's everything that will and won't be shared across your connected platforms:

Shared Across Platforms

  • All earned free drops (Common Items, Event Items)
  • Season Rewards & Titles
  • Rocket Pass Items
  • Item Shop Purchases
  • Blueprints and items built from blueprints
  • All Rocket League-branded DLC included in the Legacy Pack

Not Shared

  • Platform-Exclusive Items: e.g., Sweet Tooth, Hogsticker, Armadillo, Mario and Luigi NSR, and Samus' Gunship
  • Ultimate Edition On-Disc DLC: Batman/DC Superheroes Pack
  • Premium DLC Packs: licensed content that was previously available in the Showroom (e.g., Back To The Future, Jurassic World, DC Superheroes, Fast and the Furious, Ghostbusters, Knight Rider, etc.)
  • Credits and Esports tokens balances 

You will still have access to use the purchased DLC Packs on the platform where they were purchased. We are working to make Premium DLC accessible across platforms, but this will not be available when free to play launches.


The arrival of cross-platform progression means changes to player-to-player trading

To reduce the risk of fraud, purchased items can only be traded on their platform of purchase. For example, if you build a Blueprint with Credits on PlayStation, you won't be able to trade that item on a linked Xbox or any other linked platform. It's only tradable on PlayStation.

Your other tradable items can be traded regardless of which platform you acquired them on, but you can only initiate trades with players logged into the same platform as you.

As an additional anti-fraud measure, we will also require both players involved in any trade to have purchased at least 500 Credits (players who played Rocket League before the launch of free to play are exempt from this requirement). 

We're excited to bring cross-platform progression to Rocket League, and this is just one of the new features coming to the game when the update goes live later this summer. We still have a lot of info to share as we approach launch. So, stay tuned for RocketLeague.com and follow us on Twitter for the latest news and announcements.

External link →
over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by coledeb

One question for you, u/Psyonix_Devin . Will I be able to link two Steam accounts to one Epic account? I gave my old Steam account to a friend who purchased his first PC (because it had many single player games on it), and created a new one. I have since recovered this account bc he stopped using it. I have a Grand Champion title on my new one, but I have my bronze s1 crown on the old one.

No, you can only link one account per platform to an Epic Games Account. So you could have a PS4 and a Steam account linked, but not two Steam accounts.

You can unlink your Steam account and link a different one, but they cannot both be connected simultaneously.

Also keep in mind part of the Epic Games Account ruleset for linking is that a platform account cannot be linked to different Epic Games Accounts. So once you link your Steam account to one, you can't take it to a different one later. This is part of fraud prevention and other abuse.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by zCourge_iDX

So Steam and EGS will be two separate platforms? How will this affect cross-platform matchmaking? Surely, they would both count as PC and still be matched up together?

All PC platforms are considered the same for the purposes of matchmaking. If you turn off cross-play on PC, you'll still match with/against both PC platforms.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by mr-funnyman

u/Psyonix_Devin I've got most of my items and progress on my switch account and want to use that as primary, but will there be a way to use the est 2016 title and other items I have on my older steam account if my switch account is primary? Any sort of account merging?

You'll get your Est. 2016 title regardless of which account is set to primary, as long as you link your Steam+Switch to the same Epic Games Account

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by YouGotOwened

If I understand this, it's a massive relief, as someone who moved after playing console for multiple years and has now played on Steam for more than a year.

So we can link Steam + Playstation/Xbox to an epic account, choose steam as primary platform and keep playing on steam. Getting access to season rewards, rocket pass items and event stuff from my old PS4 account on steam.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but this is a slam dunk, bring it on. Can't wait to get my S1 crown back.

This is accurate

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by RYN-BTTGG

What about other items like black markets on an old account? Can these be used on the primary (steam) if they're currently on xbox?


over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by Xslice55555

Is there any insight if I NEED an Epic account to play from steam? As much as I want my stuff from xbox, I don't really care about it, I just wanna be able to keep playing from steam without having to link it to an Epic account first.

You will need an Epic Games Account to play on Steam. However, you don't have to create a full account with personal info like email & password. When you boot Rocket League, you'll be able to create a new account that's only associated with your Steam profile with one button press, no additional info/setup required.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by coledeb

I assume if I linked a Steam, then unlinked it, then linked the 2nd, it wouldn't keep the inventory of the first, correct? It would only keep the inventory of the currently linked Steam?

The first Steam account's inventory would stay "with" the Steam account, meaning it would no longer be accessible from your Epic Account once de-linked.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by Quinnyluca

What does this mean for Alpha items on PC and Code redeemed wheels?

These are part of your online inventory on a platform, and will be usable on any other platforms you link to your Epic Games Account.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by 1definitelynotbatman

all earned free items, well does this mean all non crate items can be traded cross platform, including the tw octane?

You cannot initiate a trade with a player signed in on another platform.

However, if you have a Titanium White Octane on your PS4 and link your Switch. You can launch the game on Switch and trade that Octane to another Switch user.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by Schaule

So if both my playstation and pc steam account have seperate inventories right now, I will be able to merge them if they are both linked to the epic games account? (except credits etc)

Also it says purchased items wont be able to be traded across platforms. If i trade credits for tw zomba on ps4 will i be able to trade those later on pc?

You will be able to access both inventories on any platform linked to your Epic Games Account. "Merged" isn't quite accurate, but both inventories appear combined when you're playing with linked accounts.

If you acquire a TW Zomba on PS4, it will not be tradable on Steam, because it is a paid item that was built/acquired on PS4.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Devin - Direct link

Originally posted by Draxaria

u/Psyonix_Corey This sounds great!

I'm in some kind of special situation and would appreciate, if you could confirm my thoughts:

I started on PC short after release (got S1 silver crown) and switched to PS4 after some time, where I have spent more than 4 years. Best rank was Diamond 1 on PS4, but I reached Level 733 there! A few month ago I went back to PC. The new Hardware (I guess) pushed me to Champ 2, which means I will get my very first Champion rewards on PC. The bad part is, that I'm only Level ~250 on PC. If I link my PSN and Steam to Epic and set my PSN as my primary account, will I get back to Level 733, can use my S1-Silver-Topper, can enjoy the "est. 2015"-Title and additionally use my first Champ-Rewards, even though I've never been Champ on my PS4 before? Edit: To be clear: I will continue playing on PC.

Thanks in advance!

Interesting scenario! In this case, if you link both to an Epic Games Account, and then set your PS4 as your Primary, you would be level 733, and your Rank would be Diamond I. However, with both accounts linked, you'll still have access to the Champ rewards you earned on PC whether you're playing on PS4, PC, or any other platform you link.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by John_aka_Alwayz

1) I can't tell if esports shop items are included under item shop purchases or not so could we get a confirmation that those items do transfer over?

2) So if my credits/tokens transfer over, can I buy items on the platform with the tokens and then use said items on a different linked platform?

Esports Shop Items are accessible from any linked platform, but cannot be traded to other players.

Credits do not transfer. But if you make a purchase, the items you get are accessible everywhere.


  • I have 1000 Credits on PS4. I cannot use/access these credits on Steam/Xbox/Switch, only PS4.
  • I purchase a G2 Decal from the Esports Shop with my credits.
  • I can now use the G2 Decal on a linked Steam/Xbox/Switch account
over 3 years ago - /u/dirkened - Direct link

Originally posted by Djdistress

What about your actual player rank. If i was level 700 on Xbox and level 300 on Steam will this combine to make my new level 1000?

What about your actual player rank. If i was level 700 on Xbox and level 300 on Steam will this combine to make my new level 1000?

No, your primary account will be your source of progression. So if you decide to make your Steam account your primary, you will have an XP Level of 300.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by kracksundkatzen

Usable, but not cross-platform-tradeable?

If they're tradable currently and not paid (like Blueprint items, Crate items, etc), they're tradable on any platform you link to.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by SumoSizeIt

You will still have access to use the purchased DLC Packs on the platform where they were purchased. We are working to make Premium DLC accessible across platforms, but this will not be available when free to play launches.

Just to confirm because the caffeine hasn't kicked in:

I have premium DLC on PC (e.g. Batman, Back to the Future), and Xbox (Jurassic Park). At release, I won't be able to access Batman on Xbox and Jurassic on PC, but eventually that will be available, right?

Our goal is to make your Batmobile available on your Xbox and your Jurassic Jeep available on your PC, but yes, it will not function that way on day 1.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by FIGHTME_RL

Will existing Steam PC users, after creating their Epic Games account, be able to trade with new free-to-play users who are on Epic Games PC?

Our plan as of today is that PC users can trade with PC users, regardless of platform/launcher. We will let the community know if anything changes with that.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by Fish_Goes_Moo

So similar to satisfactory on Steam?


If you don't want to make an account, it just uses your public steam id to log you on.

I haven't played Satisfactory, but going off their FAQ:

Similar, but meaningfully different. They say very clearly they will not create an Epic Games Account to play online. For Rocket League, you will need an account, but we make it frictionless to get one, and we don't require any personal information.

Essentially, you end up with a "proxy" Epic Account that lets you use our services and is associated with your Steam profile, but doesn't know anything else about you (email, name, etc.).

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by Aluminizing

As an additional anti-fraud measure, we will also require both players involved in any trade to have purchased at least 500 Credits (players who played Rocket League before the launch of free to play are exempt from this requirement).

Is this limited to purchasing at least 500 credits worth of item(s) in-game (item shop / blueprints) or just purchasing at least 500 credits from your platforms store?

You must purchase at least 500 credits directly, you cannot unlock item shop content using traded credits to bypass this requirement.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by vicegold

Do Alpha rewards count as platform exclusive items? Or can I use them on my PS4?

Alpha rewards are not platform exclusive

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by dannyapplesauce

For real. For anyone that is scamming items, $5 seems like a REALLY low bar to hop over to continue scamming.

This is actually a fairly common threshold, it's the same for Steam trading.


over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by goods03

How does this affect the workshop maps on Steam? If Steam is fully supported does that mean that all of the workshop maps are too? What about the creation of new ones in the workshop?

Workshop will continue to function as it has been on Steam.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by HarvInThePaint

Thanks for the example Corey! Very helpful . Would the same principle work for rocket pass?

2000 credits on switch. Buy rocket pass on switch. Get progress from playing on my PC ‘main’ account. (All linked to epic account)

Rocket Pass is different in that we use your Primary account's Rocket Pass progress and status.

So you would need to purchase RP on your Primary platform to access it everywhere.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by Baked_Gingerbreadman

Does that mean a one way platform transfer? Or does that mean that its full cross platform trading with the caveat of needing to own said platform?

It is not one way.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Devin - Direct link

Originally posted by CunnedStunt

Could this cause an issue with smurfing? For example, I'm GC on PC but my PS4 account is somewhere around D2. So I could make PS4 my primary, have my rank at D2 and rep my Season 14 GC title with no punishment? I would personally never do that, but I could see it being an issue for the first little but after this update.

This is all lining up with the next competitive season, so in this scenario you would be going through placement matches once account linking is live. If you're already at GC on one platform, and D2 on another, I imagine you'll be out of Diamond pretty quickly in the new season.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by Fish_Goes_Moo

Thanks, I assume the proxy account won't effect linking if you want to do it later with a full account?

I don't play anywhere but pc, so I make the proxy account. If I then get it on say switch and want to fully link, I need an epic account. Is the proxy account going to cause a problem. Will Epic see it as X steam account has already been linked to an Epic account (the proxy one RL made) , and then won't let it link to a full epic account that I've now created?


You just need to do things in correct order.

The proxy account you create can be "promoted" to a full Epic Account at any time by attaching an email address on epicgames.com. This is similar to how Fortnite lets players "skip" full account linking but still have an Epic identity for social interaction/friends, but still use that platform to log in/link later.

So in your case, you'd just need to upgrade your Epic/Steam account to a full account with an email, then link your Switch to that account.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by seaishriver

It's probably more like when you play Fortnite on console. You get an Epic username that people on PC can use to add you, but you can't login on PC with it.

This is a good comparison. Caveat for both - you can login on PC if you upgrade that console login to a "full account" with an email address on Epic's website

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by Grfine

If I set my steam as primary and Xbox on secondary will I be able to have access to the Xbox items while playing through steam, or would I have to be playing through Epic Games?

Yes, you will have access to your Xbox items while playing on Steam.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by theshinycaptain

That is an odd way of phrasing it, since you literally cannot receive "traded credits" if you cannot trade.

Was a poor example on my part. Just saying - if you get Credits somehow other than purchasing, they don't count if spent. It's the credit purchase that is tracked.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by dannyapplesauce

Thanks. It still seems low to me, but who am I to judge what is fairly common.

Edit: Wasn't the limit for Steam more for combating bots, and not necessarily combating scamming, like play-to-player trading scams? To pay $5 to scam someone out of a potentially $100 TW octane seems like a no brainer if I'm a scammer. I mean i guess this might stop those random bots from sending people links to fake steam login sites "TO CLAIM YOUR FREE REWARDS" or whatever is the current bull they are pulling. So overall it's mostly a good thing.

Any price deterrent at all screens out a large category of bots and fraudulent behavior.

You're correct that many thresholds still make scamming profitable. We have to attack the problem from multiple angles, and preferably without preventing trading unless you've spent $100+.

Truly addressing your use case requires all of them working in tandem:

  • Minimum spend to trade (can't spin up thousands of throwaway accounts for free)
  • Better in-game interface to expose scam techniques (working on actively)
  • Adding more trading requirements, like Two Factor Authentication, required to trade
over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by pikunderscored

Does this proxy account get the Chopper EG Wheels, or is a fully setup account required for that?

You get the wheels

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by theshinycaptain

If I create a new account after Rocket League goes F2P - can you give me an example of how I could get Credits somehow other than purchasing, if trading is not possible?

I'm a designer, I'm trying to lay out rules that don't get contradicted later by something that doesn't exist yet.

E.g. if we for some reason gave everyone 500 Credits because matchmaking went down for a week. Those wouldn't count.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Epic Accounts have their own rules for Display Names changes. IIRC, they let you change it every two weeks?

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by BanzYT

Also keep in mind part of the Epic Games Account ruleset for linking is that a platform account cannot be linked to different Epic Games Accounts. So once you link your Steam account to one, you can't take it to a different one later. This is part of fraud prevention and other abuse.

What about the epic games store "lite" accounts you're talking about with no email, etc. Is that exempt? Would one have an issue unlinking from there and linking to a full account later?

They are considered the same as full accounts for the purposes of linking. However, you can contact Epic Customer Support and they can usually solve these types of conflicts.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by OutaTime76

Will the Epic account "Display Name" become your in-game name? For example if I'm OutaTime76 on Xbox, OutaTime on Steam, I choose Steam as my primary account, but neither name was available through Epic, so I'm GenericName504.

What shows when I play Rocket League on Steam?

We generally use your platform name in online play (scoreboard, etc.) where other players see it.

Your Display Name is used for social features, like in the Friends List, any Epic Friends you add, you'll see both their Display Name and their platform name (when online)

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by JiroDreamsOfCoochie

I've been an xbox player forever, but this account syncing has finally made me want to switch to Rocket League on PC. One of the major things in doing that is the workshop maps. Is there a recommended path for someone going from console to pc so that you get all available options? Like should we buy the steam version first? Or get it from epic?

If you have the game on Xbox already, you won't gain any particular benefit from buying it on Steam before it goes free on the Epic Games Store. The only reason to do so would be if you want to launch the game from Steam instead of EGS.

over 3 years ago - /u/dirkened - Direct link

Originally posted by rhysshelleyjones

u/dirkened surely we will still have access to all the borders and titles we gained on Xbox yeah? So we can be level 300 on steam and use level 700 border and title?

So we can be level 300 on steam and use level 700 border and title?


over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Devin - Direct link

Originally posted by WitchiePrincess

Any idea how much longer until i can use my xbox batmobile on pc??? I mained it on xbox and was devistated when i learned it wasnt avaliable on pc after i switched. Although im sure its a complicated issue, im just curious

We're trying to get it done asap after the free to play update, but no time/date right now.

over 3 years ago - /u/dirkened - Direct link

Originally posted by rhysshelleyjones

Nice. u/dirkened How come we can't combine our levels together? The title "Cross-Platform Progression" seems a bit misleading now. Pretty bummed that I can't link my level 1400 PS4 account and my level 80 Steam account to my Epic account and continue playing as level 1480 on Steam.

There are a few reasons, but one of the major ones is that we want to be able to gracefully handle delinking accounts, and not combining the levels allows us to do that.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by Blazingbee98

/u/Psyonix_Corey I have square deadzone enabled in Steam settings, do you think Steam controller settings will still be supported when this update is live?

If you're playing on Steam, it should keep working.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Devin - Direct link

Originally posted by xboxonelosty

I'm sure there is not a huge demand, but any chance the Hogsticker could come to PC? I understand why Nintendo wouldn't want Mario on other platforms, but Microsoft doesn't really have exclusives not on PC anymore. I feel like it could maybe be worked out, but that is obviously way out of my area of expertise.

Passing this idea along, thanks!

over 3 years ago - /u/dirkened - Direct link

Originally posted by HighOfTheTiger

u/dirkened hey I hate to bother you but I was hoping I could get an answer to the above question regarding cert rankings carrying over. I was on Xbox for almost 4 years and PC for the last year so this will have a lot to do with how I go about getting my cert setups onto the same platform. Thank you in advance for any info on this!

Certification stats should travel with your item since they are saved by PsyNet; so you can continue to rack up stats with the same item no matter which platform it came from.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by Soleniae

Haven't seen it mentioned yet - how's cross-platform chat coming along (outside of /party)? u/Psyonix_Corey

Still against platform policy

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by theshinycaptain

This comment, the purpose of which is to assure r-funnyman that he will get Est. 2016, has given people the false impression that you are saying he will ONLY get Est. 2016.

Please confirm that what you meant was:

His Steam account will get Est. 2016, and his Switch account will get Est. 2018 (or whatever), and both will be available in his Shared Inventory?

To me, it is clear that this is what you meant, but some people are reading what you said and telling other people they ONLY get one.

You will get the Est. title from each platform and can access all of them while linked. So in your case, you'd have both Est. 2016 and Est. 2018, not one or the other.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by Baked_Gingerbreadman

Hey Corey! Appreciate the response.
Have a couple of follow up questions if you don't mind.

A) My brother and I share the same console, he paid for the game and since it is his primary I have never needed to. Will I still get legacy items since my account was created before, or will I become 'F2P' and need to buy 500 credits to trade again?

B) Will Bakkesmod still work if I buy the game after the epic launcher transition on a PC once I build it? Or will the epic launcher no longer support bakkes/alpha mod?


A) As long as your account has played before f2p (with an online connection) it will be a Legacy status account.

B) Nothing about the Epic Launcher version of the game will directly conflict with third party mods like Bakkesmod

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by MisterLeon03

u/Psyonix_Corey what about blueprints and golden eggs themselves? Will they be tradeable on any platform we link it to?


over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by theshinycaptain

I've been answering other people's questions to save you some time, in the hopes that you will be able to find the time to answer my questions.

It is my understanding that when this update happens, I will be forced to either link my Steam account to an existing Epic Games Account, or have an automatic Epic Games Proxy Account linked to my Steam account

My questions are concerning this sentence:

You will be able to unlink your platform [...] you will not be able to link that platform to a different Epic Games Account.

First question:

Can I then simply unlink my Steam account from my Epic Games Account and use Rocket League on Steam without being linked?

Second question:


What happens if I just delete my Epic Games Account while my Steam account is linked?

If I delete my Epic Games Account, will I then never be able to link my Steam account to an Epic Games Account again?

The first thing I will be doing on launch day, after creating an Epic Games Account to link to, is immediately deleting it.

If you unlink your Steam account, the next time you log in, you will be prompted to sign into an Epic Games Account. You must have an active link to play, even if it's just to a proxy account.

My understanding is that if you delete your Epic Games Account, your Steam account becomes unlinked and would have to be linked again before proceeding.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by Phippe

Basically the same question as u/Wubdor: I currently have an Epic account. Now, if I were to create a proxy account at first instead of using my full Epic account, would it still be possible to upgrade/link this proxy to my Epic account at a later point or would the proxy “generate” a new one?

If you bypass linking initially and "create" a new Epic Account in-game (aka a proxy account), you can't directly link it later to another Epic Account without help from their customer support team.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Corey - Direct link

Originally posted by TheElasticTuba

Is there any plans for a similar feature on EGS?

We won't have integration with EGS Mods at launch, but intend to look into how we can reuse the Steam Workshop behavior to detect content installed via EGS and show it in-game, like how Workshop functions.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Devin - Direct link

Originally posted by pikunderscored

/u/Psyonix_Devin /u/Psyonix_Corey Any chance of a clarification?

Your Primary Platform will be your source of progression (Rocket Pass Progress, Competitive Rank, XP Level) for all of your connected platforms. In other words, be sure to choose the platform where you have the most progress in Rocket Pass, and your highest Competitive Rank.

With Rocket Pass, any connected accounts would share and see the same Rocket Pass progress.

over 3 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Devin - Direct link

Originally posted by pikunderscored

Awesome, thanks. Just wanted to make sure that the Primary Account wasn't the only one giving progression after linking them all together.

/u/storfedspasser there's your answer.

Nope, all connected accounts can contribute to progression on the pass.

over 3 years ago - /u/halcylon - Direct link

Originally posted by ytzi13

I have 2 concerns that maybe you can address:

  1. You can choose your source of progression, so that means that if I haven’t linked up yet, I could create a brand new account on PS4, link it to my PC account, and essentially reset all of my ranks? If that’s the case, I have to imagine that will be pretty appealing to a lot of players who feel stuck and want to “start over”, in a sense. I understand that accounts will be free after this update, but it also grants players the ability to reset established smurfs as well, meaning we’ll see a lot of low ranks with titles.

  2. No doubt, this is going to create a black market for people selling titles. For example, someone on PS4 ranked gold thinks it would be cool to have a title. They can essentially purchase a title account to link to and keep all of their own ranks and progression on their own account (or choose to switch their progress up to the GC level). Sure - it’s a 1 time purchase for someone on their account, but this also opens up the possibility for players to purchase accounts and get instantly boosted to a rank of their choice, does it not? So, I’m wondering what kind of restrictions are in place to prevent this type of thing from happening, especially when boosting is already a heightened concern in the new F2P environment? And I assume that if a PS4 account and a Steam account are linked, both accounts can’t be actively playing at the same time, correct?

You’re not going to be able to unlink and relink, but there will be processes in place to help with any account setup issues.

Your “stuff” isn’t deleted if you choose an alternate platform as your primary account to use.