Suuuuure, let's talk about 1v1 tournaments!
Many of you have been asking about them, so here I am to give you some context as to why they aren't currently part of the feature's design.
So, a large issue with adding 1v1 tournaments connects to how scheduled Tournaments must be structured to begin with. The most important 2 Tournament requirements that relate to 1v1 tournaments are:
- Tournaments must start at a specific time and their round times are finite.
- A tournament time slot must have a known list of all participating players at its exact start time.
Cool. Without getting too deep into the weeds, larger team sizes allow us to service more players within a single tournament time slot. You'll notice that sometimes when you sign up for a tournament, your first match does not start immediately. Sometimes we supply you with an estimated wait. During that wait, the system is working through every team participat...
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