Rogue Company

Rogue Company Dev Tracker

16 Apr


We're looking into an issue with the servers. Should be resolved shortly.


Appreciate you reporting this, it's been reviewed and pertinent actions taken.

15 Apr

14 Apr


Mastery 10 displaying is currently a bug we plan to address in an upcoming hotfix. It is certainly something to be proud of and we want you to be able to show it.


Originally posted by Riinggs

yo, quick question, why do my mastery 10 rogues look like they’re mastery 0?

This is a known issue we plan to hotfix as soon as possible.


Originally posted by Born2beSlicker

So, out of curiosity, why change it now and not when the feedback was both loud and identical during and after the PTS?

I’m glad it’s being addressed but why did it take quite so long?

PTS is typically tested by a fairly small group and while the feedback is pivotal, it's not always representative of what we'll see in overall community. We did make some minor adjustments based on this feedback, but it didn't seem to address the overall sentiment enough.

Once we realized this, the team moved quickly to address it.


Greetings Rogues!

We received a lot of feedback over the Public Test Server test weekend, as well as the past 24 hours, regarding the most recent update Arms Dealer. Many of you have enjoyed the new Dodgeball Limited Time Mode, the new Rooftops map, and many of our other gameplay changes, but raised concerns over the Arms Dealer event, mainly around pricing.

We’ve heard you loud and clear! Effective immediately, we have lowered Rogue Buck prices for all Shipments in the event by 50%. As a thank you to those who bought in at the higher price, we are putting 100% of the Rogue Bucks spent on the event back into your account! Spend those on other things, and please keep and enjoy all the items you purchased in the Shipments. Also, don’t worry, no one’s progress in the event has been lost! You can pick back up where you left off and earn many items for free just by completing missions.

The vision of the Arms Dealer event was to create a...

Read more External link →

13 Apr