
Runescape Dev Tracker

13 Sep


Originally posted by KobraTheKing

Since everyone is talking fairies, I'll ask about some of the other yak track pets that can be used as base.

Will we get giant rat update using Target?

Scorpions using Pinchy?

The deer of Enchanted Valley using Buck?

Baby dragon (both pets and enemies) using Mollik?

Also, for varrock guards I can point out that Captain Rovin that should get guard captain outfit and not the normal one, and that in the quest "River of Blood" Rovin and two guards gets extra armor as part of the quest so it might need some extra graphical work.

What do do with Hartwin is also interesting, he should look different from the normal guard.

I can't offer any statement of guarantee that you'll get anything. ;)

What I can say is Daze and I've created backlog tasks for each of these, to investigate and apply what we can update elsewhere with the current available assets.

The first of those completed tasks went live today (Yak to Basics outfits on Lumbridge guards and dark wizards).

We have to prioritise the projects we have currently been assigned above our backlog tasks, though, so I can't offer you any ETA or any certainty.

It's also possible that another team might get to it before we do.


Originally posted by Taste_Zaros

It's very good to hear about older NPC's getting some much needed modernisation!

I was wondering what ever happened to the dragon model rework. IIRC the Red Dragon model was ready to be released with ED2. has this been shelved because they never got around to update the other dragons?

I really liked those designs and it's a shame we never got to see them ingame

I'd have to investigate the current status of dragon models/textures that got as far as being released.

Mod Orion or Sova probably have a more informed answer, since they worked on EDs.


Originally posted by Trewavas_

Ooh, I didn't expect such an explanation! Many thanks for taking the time to write that.

I guess in one way it's a shame that they can't all be done in one go, but I fully agree that they should be used if you have them ready to go. I personally always thought it was a waste not to see such models used in-game. It reminds me a little of the Zamorakian models from the Battle of Lumbridge. I always thought they might have been a nice replacement for the chaos mobs that are dotted around. Perhaps they're showing their age now, though! Anyway, I'd rather see some updated rather than none (particularly as things like unicorns and bears are also located near areas that HAVE been updated recently). I suppose the list would include giant rats and scorpions as well?

Going forward, could we expect to see the models released alongside the update (EG black unicorns, potentially Ardy guards etc)? Would it be something that saves time, or would it work out to about the ...

The trouble is that every project has to be mindful of scope.

Most deadlines are decided about a year in advance, so that you're getting regular beats of game updates. So if any production risks arise, descoping is usually the first weapon we unsheathe.

(Which is rather nice, because crunching tends to be the weapon of last resort we keep in the bottom of the backpack.

A refreshing philosophical difference from a lot of the gaming industry.

Jagex recognise we have to keep on trucking week after week, so it doesn't do us any favours to crunch. They recognise tired people don't do their best work and it's a greater long term cost than the short term gain.

And even if I say work double shifts for a few days to squeeze a bunch of extra features into a project, that doesn't mean the impacted staff that have to test it, etc, have the capacity to do the same. So if I overwork, that can create a crunch cascade that hurts those adjacent to me.)

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Originally posted by dandroid126

So as a content developer, right now my only option available would be to make every fairy look like Snowflake

Really ironic, considering all snowflakes are unique.

I know, right?

This tin-foil hat is itchy, but I have to wonder if the developer named her that with his tongue wedged firmly in his cheek.


Originally posted by ErikHumphrey

Unlike city guards, fairies mostly tend to be uniquely named characters with specific defining visual traits. Making every fairy an identical Snowflake probably wouldn't be considered acceptable.

Time to add respawning enemy fairies you can slay!!

Is prettier fairy snow-snow in the short term worth the loss of special snowflakes?


Time to add respawning enemy fairies you can slay!!

You're a monster, and I admire that.


Originally posted by Wahisietel

How about imps (and snow imps)? Mephisto's model can be used for regular imps (although they'll have to go without weapons), and Violet is Blue Too's snow imp models can be used for all the still in-game snow imps (scarfless model used for Marvin, Marius, Benny & one version of the ice amulet follower, scarfed model for the other version of the ice amulet follower). The imp champion can use the Howie pet's model.

Banner carriers and Zimberfizz would have to go without new models unfortunately.

We created a backlog task for red and blue imps too. :)

As you say, there'd be edge cases that need props or certain anims we'd have to defer 'til later when artist resource is available/outsourced, but using the newest generic model where we can is a win in my book.


Originally posted by Kadem2

Tell whoever did this update that they look phenomenal!

Mod Daze, my team lead did it.

Thank you, I'll pass on the message to him. :)

Hearing the value you put on cosmetically improving old content - even if it means less time spent on new playable content - is really helpful to us.


Originally posted by UnwillingRedditer

First of all, your level of communication is legendary and can't be praised enough.

Is there any internal thoughts about the fact that the 'dark wizard robes' dropped by dark wizards don't match their appearance? I realise they probably can't just be updated to match since the yack track override becoming a copy of al ow level magic armour would suck. Probably just one of those things we have to put up with.

Thank you! Hmm, that's a tricky one.

From our perspective, we certainly could update dark wizard robes worn by players to use the same assets as the dark wizard outfit cosmetic override.

The only thing that'd give me pause is player sentiment.

Would it irrevocably mess up player FashionScape if dark wizard robes no longer had their current look?

Would it be perceived poorly if an appearance acquired as a Yak Track reward also was available from wearing dark wizard robes?

My gut says it'd be no big deal and the value of Yak Track providing a cosmetic override remains whether or not there's an object version.

But again, would welcome your feedback. Do any of you consider updating wearable dark wizard robes unacceptable?

I'll point Mod Daze towards this thread, so he can take it into consideration. :)

(He's pretty gosh darn amazeballs, so I imagine he already has a follow-up plan for dark wizard robe objects.)


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Originally posted by RunesRath

Really appreciate the technical insight, it helps to understand the scope of the challenge and understand what tough choices have to be made by the various dev teams. It's far more insightful than "It is technically infeasible to update old characters at this time." Dealing with old incompatible animation rigs seems like a big challenge in-particular (Quest cutscenes come to mind for one-off animations).

I can't speak for everyone, but I personally don't think the old fairy models are completely terrible (Though I'm somewhat biased because I remember when they were last overhauled, so they still feel "new" to me, especially since I have a fondness for RSHD 2008-2011 era graphics), so I think maintaining their individuality should be prioritized. Given that - as you said - they tend to be unique and individual characters with special defining traits: I'd personally rather have all the fairies remain "special-snowflakes," rather than become bland cut-and-paste Snowflakes. Tho...

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Interesting question! Responding somewhat cynically, the cut-off tends to be when we get a strong negative reaction from players that a change has gone too far (it no longer matches the silhouette of a character), and are forced to revert back or put in a toggle. ;)

Though I'd boldly suggest we're a lot more mindful of being conservative where it matters the most nowadays.

So far from your feedback it's sounding like fairies are one of those sharp edges where it's best to wait 'til there's a library of fairy assets available to at least retain the most memorable elements, given they're largely self-contained to Zanaris.

Fortunately there's plenty of overworld mobs like the city guards that in the short term can provide a far-reaching visual upgrade with minimal loss of distinct character.


Originally posted by darkhawk1005

On the topic of using existing assets, are there any other unused assets that could thrown into a small graphical update pass? I recall there being screenshots shown of updated Seers Village models that were never used.

Not that I'm aware of that are ready to ship and wouldn't require artistic finessing to get up to modern standards.

The Seers' Village rework really didn't get far enough to have salvageable assets I could drop into game now. Most of what you recall with fondness didn't get very far past concept art and placeholder scene blocking, IIRC.

Environmental reworks are best left to environment artists. They can do a miles better job with their eye for detail than a developer substituting models in configs and tweaking the map where necessary. True artists. :)

Fortunately there's plenty of models created for specific projects that could get greater value by being applied to more of the game, with minimal artistic intervention.


Originally posted by yuei2

Using what you have is absolutely better even if you can’t do them all at once.

Honestly for like generic mob updates I’d really like to see the new giant rat the most.

Yeah, giant rat's on the list! (At least the most common one that the new base model would suit. There's a surprising number of giant rat variants, so FutureScape retextures ahoy.)


Originally posted by SangersSequence

wacky fringe cases like the unicorn getting squished by a rock in Underground Pass

I love that this is the level of detail that you care about!

Welcome to my brain. Edge cases. Edge cases everywhere.


Originally posted by OlevTime

Now I can impersonate the Lumbridge Guards and lure the noobies to the decked out Dark Wizards

Oh no, what have we done?


Originally posted by Trewavas_

Nice! Any chance of the unicorn and bear models (I recall a bear model was made alongside the Björn pet?) being rolled out as well?

Mod Daze and I recently created tasks on our backlog for each of the known Yak Track models that hadn't been applied to the rest of the game, and according to our outsource manager are signed-off for us to use. That included the unicorn and bear models.

We don't have any artistic resource in our team, though, so as content developers we can only go as far as the assets that are already available.

(So eg can currently update white unicorn mobs, but there isn't currently an adult black unicorn skin or spirit stallion variant, and wacky fringe cases like the unicorn getting squished by a rock in Underground Pass probably aren't compatible. So those'd have to be considered in another pass when an artist is available.)

(And similarly right now we only have the base used for Bjorn the lightning bear, so I can update grizzly bears, but black bears or bear cubs or oddities like the rage bears in A Soul's Bane probably would have to go into the system as art requests...

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Originally posted by yuei2

Ah okay cool ty Stu!

Is there a plan on the docket to use the fairy model from Yak track to update the fairies? Or is that a bit too big of a rework graphically?

In terms of a long term plan, yes. (But a plan, much like a traitor, is only a plan until it's executed.)

In terms of immediately available opportunities, we have precisely one fairy model available in the new format (the Yak Track fairy pet named, amusingly enough, Snowflake).

The newly modeled and animated base for that fairy means a big part of the work for a character & animator is done (modeling various fairy hairstyles, outfits, props, etc, is comparably lower than the formidable cost of a whole new species rig), but an artist would still need to model all the variant appearances for each of the unique fairies we want to retain before we could paritively update all the fairies.

So as a content developer, right now my only option available would be to make every fairy look like Snowflake (and disable calls to any old fairy animations that can't be substituted by one of Snowflake's new animations).

In some respects, that scorched-earth homogenous...

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Originally posted by garl12

Tagging /u/jagexcamel.

Cheers. I've passed this onto the team working on this years event.


Originally posted by yuei2

I wonder why Varrock was left out? Can the place just not be updated without a major graphic rework?

Applying the outfits provided by Yak to Basics to Varrock guards is also in the works. The Lumbridge guards and dark wizards were ready sooner, so we released them ASAP.


Originally posted by saschahi

