
Runescape Dev Tracker

17 Sep


Originally posted by MasterMaka

Since we're talking about drop rates, are there any plans to release kerapac's drop rates any time soon? :)



That someone is misinformed. No Kerapac drop rates have changed since day of release.


Here is a super solid catchup guide from the lovely RuneScape wiki team:


Originally posted by HpsiEpsi

And it looks sick lol. The cannon balls are on fire, people

hell yeah


Originally posted by lone_stark

Will they give 1 x clockwork comps or 4 x clockwork comps?

4 :)

16 Sep

15 Sep


Originally posted by Nerevaryjczyk

Now that all Lumbridge guards have been updated and standardised, maybe you can help solve a little mystery I stumbled upon when working through them on the wiki last month (good timing to archive them, it seems). I noticed that, depending on the account I used, all guards except the one with the dog and the one patrolling west side of the river could have either rune or iron equipment (the ones on the bridge and the named ones in the castle). Additionally the bridge guards completely changed their name and dialogue (Elite Lumbridge guardsman for rune and Lumbridge guard for iron) and this dialogue dependency was shared with the one with the dog on the other end of the bridge. Now it seems they all agreed to use the same, new, shiny equipment for every player and the bridge guards are also consistently named Lumbridge guardsman now, however their dialogue variance still remains in-game. From what I (and another person interested in this) was able to gather, it seems to be dependant...

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That's very kind of you!

The guards and dark wizards are all Mod Daze's work, though, so I can't take credit for it. He developed You Are It and the clue scroll rework prior to it, which proved handy familiarity.

As for BoL and the Lumbridge guards...

Those who engaged in the Duke's Dilemma events during the Battle of Lumbridge decided by majority vote how to spend Duke Horacio's treasury.

We chose to recruit more guardsmen, improve their weapons and train them, and train guards. Which in combination resulted in upgraded elite Lumbridge guardsm...

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14 Sep


Originally posted by alaz_the_second

Mod Orion jested about us thinking there would be a 5th front. I think its just the 4 fronts and then a quest or series of quests to finish the story.

I often talk a load of crap so who the hell knows what's happening


There will not be any livestreams this week. We've rescheduled the Leads Q&A for next week alongside another very exciting livestream reveal!


Originally posted by IvarRagnarssson

It really is a great quest. Shame that ahem we never got a sequel to it ahem

To be fair, I'm happy I was given the opportunity to describe the key beats via creative writing.

And in some respects, the scene conjured through prose will be timeless, and it's a closer reflection of what I had in mind for character resolution than likely would've been practical through interactive gameplay.

I'm also glad Sir Owen is now available to get more directly involved in the ongoing story, and even got to feature in Azzanadra's Quest.


Originally posted by IvarRagnarssson

Damn props to you for even popping over to answer a question about a 5+ year old quest lol

Aww, thanks!

The Death of Chivalry is my Candyman Candyman Candyman.

It's like spicy catnip to a hellcat. Can't get enough.


Fix in the works - currently it's displaying the name of the example NPC for that task, used to get the monster weakness.

I deved the fix last week and it's finishing off QA this week.

As you noted, it doesn't affect Slayer task progression - just the heading text for the task.

13 Sep


Originally posted by KobraTheKing

For the varrock guards the edge cases probably take some work, like the River of Blood armor upgrade for Rovin and the guards.

Some existing asset use you can use for Varrock Guards:

If you want a alternative look for some guards to stop them all being identical, using Crunchy's helmet give a natural look. Wiki link.

What do do with Hartwin is also interesting, he should look different from the normal guard. Maybe colour swapping Guardian of fortitude hood? Wiki link.

Thank you for the answers Stu, great as always!

Much obliged!

There's a superior Varrock guard outfit that I believe Daze used for Captain Hartwin, so he's got you covered.

But yeah, IIRC one of the asset dependencies for the Varrock guards is we need a hand from an artist to replace the River of Blood sprite billboards, used to make an army of Varrock guards on the horizon without tanking the frame rate.

"Do an epic human vs vampyre army scene that looks amazing in NXT", they said. "Also make it run well in Java", they said. :D


Originally posted by king_giovas1

dark wizard robes are not like a fire cape for example. You could totally update the robes and people would be happy.

That's reassuring, thank you!


Originally posted by TheSmallIceburg

The value provided from the Yak Trak is that the appearance of the object in game would require a keepsake key, while the Yak Trak version doesn't, so for completing the Yak Trak, the player essentially receives an outfit's worth of dope keepsaked, modern looking armor. That provides value to them, but also provides the ability to achieve the appearance of the new stuff without completing the yak trak or buying skips, instead by buying keepsake keys. Either way, as long as it is the cosmetic part that is valued, and is used as an override, the player wins and Jagex profits.

Only question remaining is, does changing the appearance break fashion scape? I would probably say it does not.

Also, legendary replies to this thread. This is the most j-mod interaction I have personally ever seen on reddit.

Well said! Thank you for your feedback.

Well, time will tell if I get in trouble for it. ;) It's generally advisable to only post on our social media accounts during core hours, where we benefit from CM's support and coverage.


Originally posted by Trewavas_

Are there any areas that are liable to be updated in the future? Would be more likely to see such updates alongside a wider project (EG, a Karamja update coming along with a skilling/quest bundle, Seers' Village with a quest/event), or might we see them as standalone updates again?

I personally think there's more value in releasing them with content (Archaeology demonstrated that), but I think there's a case for investment in improving the aesthetic of some small areas of the game as 'mini' updates, in the same vein as the Dwarven Mine building or Draynor Manor's garden. Off the top of my head, this could include things like the Crafting Guild, the rift entrance by Senntisten, or some of the buildings by Manor Farm/Ikov, such as the Ranging Guild and Sorcerer's Tower.

Whilst I am aware that they would need their own environment artists, is there a case for updating them on a purley aesthetic basis, or would you prefer to see a small amount of content added to ...

To be honest, your question seems like the sort of "strategies for the future" our RS leads prefer to directly communicate with you, so I'd best steer clear.

Personally, I'd like to be in a position where aesthetic graphical area reworks, modernising old content and systems, tuning the core loops of established skills, improving the early to mid game, were appreciated on their own terms, and "counted" as being worth your membership fees.

I don't know if player perception has changed in recent years, but in the past it seemed that graphically updating areas tended to be dismissed as a "no update" week, especially if updating an area rarely trafficked by high-level players.

Despite it being considerably more effort to upgrade existing content and retain its functionality (accounting for all the fringe behaviour of decades of additions), than to make new content from scratch elsewhere.

For example, we were required to spend 2 sprints making the temporar...

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