
Runescape Dev Tracker

22 Apr


Originally posted by Jojoejoe

Do you have any insight on whether or not the frostbite ability is able to be mitigated like the poison/lightning ones?

Il speak to Orion & see if there was anything extra to prevent it. - I have a feeling not, but we could potentially add something to mitigate it - for now give her the ol' ice blitz and see how she likes being frozen.


I dun goofed and missed it - Fix (hopefully) coming to a rex near you this Monday


Originally posted by Artemaker

It's sad that things like this only get noticed when it's on the Frontpage on r/runescape... I feel like the bug submit feature ingame is useless, been reported by many players in the last months

It definitely works to report it in-game, so please do keep on that.

It does sometimes help to raise these things in the community though, no doubt. There's a balance of prioritisation happening all the time in development, and sometimes things fall through the cracks. When we see things like this bubble up, it helps guide that process because it's clearly important to people.

On that note, we expect this to be fixed in Monday's update - so thank you for raising it!

21 Apr


Just so you're aware I am working on this as we speak. Currently trying to unravel why it's not unlocking, but I'm adding a check to Seren (at the council chamber) after the quest so, if you don't have it unlocked, simply speaking to her will resolve it. Keep an eye on the patch notes for when this fix goes live.


Thanks for posting this. We've flagged it to the team and they are revisiting it to see when we can get this deployed.

20 Apr

19 Apr


Hello Ironman community!

With almost everyone back in-game, we're now ready to kick start some conversations around our future plans for doing right by Ironman players.

Ironman as a mode has much more sensitivity for us to consider than the base experience, and whatever we do in our future plans needs to take the expectations for the mode into account. That said, we really want to do more for those impacted and we hear the feedback clearly on this. 

We see our upcoming Wishes as a really big opportunity to better serve the asks we've seen out there, so today, we're looking for your thoughts on some of the areas we are considering to allow Ironman players to participate in through the Wishes and get your thoughts.

Note: These are very much still in development, so please remember anything discussed below is subject to change. Once we've locked in the design, our full announcement on the Wishes will offer a lot more detail and clarity than we can c...

Read more External link →

You should check the Lumbridge Catacombs for some of those slayer monsters.