
Runescape Dev Tracker

20 Nov


It will be, yes! To clarify, the linked timestamp shows two different things:

  1. Line-of-sight pathing (the clip near Lumbridge mill)
  2. Smooth movement (the clip in the gnome maze)

The upcoming update is smooth movement ONLY.


Originally posted by TankityGank

Alright, that makes more sense. Would it not be possible to introduce thematic seed bags, eg arc berries, herb seeds, tree seeds, etc?

Maybe, but the current issue is still there even in that format. I've flagged it again for consideration for post-release but it's something that will need further investigation I'm afraid.


Originally posted by Nomen_Heroum

Hey Raven, can you clarify whether this new spirit tree will be required for the Master Quest Cape? If so, will it get the same ~July grace period as the Completionist cape?

You should not need to plant all 4 for the achievement no.


Originally posted by Viktor_Fury

Please never leave Jagex Raven.

I have no current plans to. ;)


Originally posted by King_Knoxy

Thank you! Loving the mobile version. I started a brand new ironman just to experience the game from scratch entirely on mobile.

There's so much feedback I would love to give. Both positive and constructive.

Right now my main challenge is questing. Two things that would greatly improve the experience...

Is there any way to add in NPC name plates? Finding the right npc by long pressing can get tedius.

Also, Have the dotted line path and highlighted area for all quests (it's super inconsistent as to what quests do and don't have this)

Really good feedback here. Stay tuned! :)


Originally posted by Mystic_Clover

Future combat encounters will take into account new food.

This is what concerns me.

A lot of time goes into obtaining three T3 dino meats, and you'll need 7 allotment produce and 2 fruit in addition. How much effort goes into each one of these feasts, 15+ minutes? Just a few of these is an entire hour of combat upkeep.

They seem too expensive to start designing content around them.

So, don'tpanic about this just yet. When I say "will take into account" I don't necessarily mean "you must absolutely have this or you will die".

What I mean is, we can consider it for higher difficulty moments as a possible solution and we can take it into account for the overall balancing of an encounter. We may choose to ignore it for that balancing, but we may choose to make certain encounters substantially harder without it.

We may decide at some point to make something super difficult to face that will require ALL of the best stuff and still be a challenge. But that doesn't mean that all content will be like that.

Basically it's one of the tools in our arsenal of balancing, but it's just one among many.


This is really awesome! :D


Originally posted by KoneheadLarry

Wonder if the Frogs and Jadinkos have farming perks. Was somewhat concerned about the Money Tree but if its rare enough, I dont mind. Primal Feast sounds ridiculous to create, more ingredients than an Ovl and generally you use more food than pots. On top of that, the only purpose of a lot of the new farming produce is just Primal Feast components. Feels a bit underwhelming.

I think the Dino combat perks should be a bit more spread out between abilities so they aren't as niche, otherwise it massively encourages a very specific playstyle or is useless most of the time. It's like giving Rabbits the perk "Yaks are 50% more likely to breed" rather than "all animals are 5% more likely to breed"

Give all damaging ultimates +10% crit chance rather than +20% crit chance for just Meteor Strike. Damaging ultimates are already rarely used as Berserk/Sunshine/Swiftness are far superior, but a +10%/20% crit buff all around could make certain situations like Tsumami against groupe...

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Wonder if the Frogs and Jadinkos have farming perks.

They do! I won't say what, but they do have perks.

I think the Dino combat perks should be a bit more spread out between abilities so they aren't as niche, otherwise it massively encourages a very specific playstyle or is useless most of the time.

The design intention behind farming animal perks has always been to focus on the niche. Something that boosts all ultimates is certainly wonderfully powerful, but it means why would you ever keep any other animals? Making it niche means making it tailoured to your playstyle.

Choice is gameplay after all.


Originally posted by Bentoki

Thanks for the tl;dw as always

Its nice to see that they took some... inspiration from OSRS for this update lmao

I mean, yeah, of course we did and vice versa. I realise there's a community rivalry between the games, but in the office we're cheering each other on and we often get together to talk over what worked where and whether it's a good thing to add to the other game. This just gets players more good content and that's the goal of all content developers.


Originally posted by tokyoaro

Ooo a Farming Guild. Thats actually something I was asking for a week ago! Hopefully we get more skilling guilds in the future.

We're certainly interested to see how guild reputation goes down as a system. This farming guild is a little different to most guilds (which are in reality largely just a hub for that skill) and we want to see if this is an avenue worth exploring more in future. Certainly I would love to create more impressive guilds that use reputation to add more content and functionality as you improve.


Originally posted by TankityGank

Too expensive to do for free*

I've mentioned this above, but I feel it important to clarify what we mean when we say something is too expensive.

What we're not saying: "It costs a lot of money"

What we are saying is: "Creating this means removing other, arguably more impactful, content from the players"

I.e when we say "expensive" we mean in terms of what it will cost the player experience not what it will cost our wallets. The reality of developing anything is that when you do one thing it's at the expense of something else that could have been. We have to choose between which things we create and we always aim to give players the best, most impactful experiences with the content we release.


Originally posted by Danzferno

They really cant do a seed bag? It's that hard with the coding? So the code is so archaic and old or they dont have the technical expertise on hand to make it viable at some point? How did osrs manage it?

So it's worth remembering that OSRS and RS are two fairly different games right now. I know they share a lot of similarity and are descended from the same place, but there's been over a decade of difference between the two now and they're quite different.

One of the big differences is in terms of memory space and limits on certain memory intensive systems. As it stood with POF we pushed some of the game to its limits and we've really pushed it up against the wall with this update (don't panic, it's all stable and good, it's just a reality of stuff we're dealing with) and seed storage would be an additional demand on this limit.

OSRS isn't there yet with it's codebase, because it simply hasn't had that decade to build up those objects, locations, npcs and inventories.

Now, there were cheats that would let us build this storage bag, but they introduced dangerous issues and a high chance of bugs which might result in the loss of stored seeds. All while still...

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Originally posted by Legal_Evil

Will the Harvest Potion only be obtainable with beans or can we make them with Herblore?

Can some of the now low value seeds like palm, dwarf weed, calquat, and magic seeds be partial replaced by the new farming seeds from our bosses drop tables?

For farming contracts, please don't make every player need the same seed. I don't want one seed type of skyrocket every new contract.

Will the Remote Farming machine only allow use you check growth stages of our patches and cure diseases like the spell, or can we also remotely harvest and plant seeds with it?

Can the Brassica Primer effect be tradeable so 200m farmers can sell them?

And lastly, can bombs be used in PvP and can they skull you?

Will the Harvest Potion only be obtainable with beans or can we make them with Herblore?

You can make them with herblore. We wanted to give an option of purchasing them for beans if you are a farmer. The shop bought one is only a single dose I believe, the ones you create are the normal dosage.

Can some of the now low value seeds like palm, dwarf weed, calquat, and magic seeds be partial replaced by the new farming seeds from our bosses drop tables?

In future maybe. But we've not done a full drop table rebalance as part of this project.

Will the Remote Farming machine only allow use you check growth stages of our patches and cure diseases like the spell, or can we also remotely harvest and plant seeds with it?

It works like the spell, but now you can cast it for free and without needing to be on the lunar spellbook. You do need to have unlocked the spell to build...

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Originally posted by Bullstrode

Is harvesting Jadinkos mean collecting them from hunting harvest or is it exclusively Ranch harvesting on release?

For the new seeds, exclusive to the ranch at this point in time.


Originally posted by munclemath

Am I going crazy, or is there no mention of the dinosaurs from slayer in here?

Venomous, Ripper and Feral dinosaurs are all "varanusaurs". Brutish dinosaurs are their own category and are there.


Originally posted by Charzila

Primal feast seems like a hella lot of work for something nearly the same as 4 sailfish, I wonder what content will be made with it in mind given how eating food is just not really done now so it's pretty useless

It's niche definitely, but there's a lot of potential there with how it can be used. Sailfish, for example, is very close healing, but that's a definite 4 slots in the inventory taken up. Consider, for example, the use of a primal feast and 3 sailfish. Whereas before those inventory slots were worth 9,600 in total healing, with 3 sailfish and one primal feast, they're now worth 17,200. That's an additional 7,600 (which would require another 4 inventory slots of sailfish to achieve).

For some players this will allow them to engage with PvM encounters that they physically couldn't do before. Albeit with a hefty upfront effort before hand.

It shouldn't be thought of as "the new food" that is the exclusive healing object used, but it should be considered as part of a wider suite of PvM gear.


Originally posted by GioTheRedditorXDDDDD

meant to be an easy spirit tree to get to so u can go to other ones


The intention is that it should be a nice easy entryway to the other ones, rather than a destination in itself.


Originally posted by munclemath

Am I going crazy, or is there no mention of the dinosaurs from slayer in here?

Those are classified as varanusaurs, which were mentioned, but the word might be new and the connection not made.


Originally posted by mitzi86

Can I get a jmod response in regards to what is going to be part of the grace period for archaeology? I think most people assumed that we would be losing the max guild on release. Is this still the case?

When we start discussing Archaeology in greater detail we'll cover this.