
Runescape Dev Tracker

19 Nov

18 Nov


Originally posted by vishalb777

Hello /u/JagexHypnos, thank you for the update.

Not sure if you are the person to talk to about this, but currently there are no labels on the Lodestone Map, shown in the image below

Would it be possible to add the names of the cities somewhere on the map, or in the long-press menu for the new players who will be joining as well as those of us who have issues with memorization?

Thanks for the feedback. Real estate's a bummer there but we'll see what we can do.


Originally posted by RSBloodDiamond

Are there any plans to reinstate access for devices that meet all the specs and were working, but that without warning were declared "incompatible"?

This has happened A LOT during the beta, and I for one won't be returning to the game unless and until someone at least gives a straight answer to the question....

The straight answer is yes. The caveat is that I'm not sure whether or not your device fits into the short-term fix we have planned, or the long-term one. If it was working before then there's a higher chance that the short-term fix, which we're hoping to release soon, would address the issue. I'll send out a post when I have details on when we can deliver that.


Originally posted by Snooty_Cutie

Hey Mod Hypnos,

On the issue of incompatible devices, is there any plans to put out a list of devices which ARE compatible? Many players want to buy mobile devices in order to play, but are afraid to spend hundreds on a device that may not be compatible.

Thanks! :D

At the moment the limiter is based on the Android OS, so if the device had at least Android 7 or above when it was first purchased, you should be good to go, but I would say don't go out and buy a device for this just yet, because we're working on a short-term fix as well as a long-term solution that doesn't have a limiter at all. We're a ways off from that, but there's progress!


Originally posted by ivan_x3000

My memory is rough but i think RS mobile beta started around the end of last year. So a bit over a year in and the Android build of rs mobile is still not fully released. Will the development of the IOS version be significantly quicker than this like maybe 25% of the time or 50% of the time?

Believe it or not, they're actually being developed in parallel, which means once we're good to launch on Android, we'll also be good to launch on iOS. The reason why we can't get anyone into the build at the moment is a limitation with the iOS platform itself, but we're working on a solution. Stay tuned!


Originally posted by ookalooka999

Oh, nice! You're doing awesome so far! Btw any chance of some statistics video at end of the year or beginning of next, where you showcase popularity of mobile, desktop client, which regions have most players, which graphical settings most players play at, etc? I think it would be quite interesting.

Oh like an infographic! Yeah that’d be cool. Not sure if we can make one but I’ll poke around.


I'm fairly certain what you're referring to is not game content, but something for the website. I'll ask about it tomorrow.

EDIT: Planned to be released this Friday, wherever blogs go (there'll be a news post too, I'm sure).


Originally posted by ookalooka999

TYVM for reply! I googled you and it seems you're quite new in Jagex? At least Twitter account was new. It is actually nice to see some formal behavior and feedback to players from a J-mod (and actually useful feedback). So far, you're killing it!

I've been here for a little while, but I've given myself some bandwidth recently to make a bit of noise. :)


Originally posted by ExtremeHunt

The feedback we receive is tremendously helpful for giving you guys the best experience possible before we go fully live.

What kind of further feedback is there to give while quite some devices are marked "incompatible" and thus unable to download and install RS mobile? This was already present in its early beta stage and still today in its early access stage. Isn't the point of developing a new app, game, website, w/e, to embrace any kind of feedback and not how the RS mobile team has been doing it, shutting peoples voices by not letting them download and install the app cause the team found the device "incompatible"?

Which in itself is actually good feedback! We're definitely in the mindset of getting this available to as many players as possible. I'm going to touch base on this in the near future as I think we have solid solution for it.


Originally posted by CommaGomma

Mod Hypnos has to be the best mod name right behind Mod Nicepants.

He's probably got a more interesting story behind his than I do too. I'll go ask him, haha.


Originally posted by RsQp

This may be a dumb question, but how do we give feedback about our mobile experience? I love it so far, but there are definitely a few areas that could be improved such as long holds to drag items, skill tab interactions, and quick chatting to name a few

Not at all! We technically use all channels to gather feedback, but the forums tend to be one of the main ones that we encourage everyone to use. You're also welcome to go through Discord where Asherz and others will likely pick it up pretty fast.


Originally posted by ookalooka999

Damn, actually a properly formatted formal letter from a J-mod. Any other mods should look up to this guy.

On a side note - when will the new click indicator change colour when you interact with something? Right now it has been yellow for every action. Which makes it very difficult to know if you tapped on an object or not.

We're working on a cool new toy for just this actually! Not quite 100% on the release yet because we're playing with different options, colors and shapes in particular.


Hello everyone,

Here's your thread to ask any questions you have around the other half of next week's huge update to Farming and Herblore - the Ranch Out of Time and Herblore to 120!

We'll be learning more about what you can expect (if you need a refresher, here's the RuneFest keynote - and as a bonus you'll get to hear Granny Potterington shout 'Absolute Unit' again)

Other areas we'll be talking about tomorrow - and feel free to ask any questions you have in the thread as well - will be around Premier Pass, an intro to the Core Ex...

Read more External link →

Originally posted by ookalooka999

Any particular reason why Finland?

Yep. As mentioned, the RS brand awareness there is healthy, that's the biggest reason.


Originally posted by STCLAIR88

For 4 months? And like everything is fine?

I covered why it wasn’t fine on the most recent livestream. It’s worth looking there


Originally posted by Ik_oClock

Why is the final pet design polled on twitter instead of ingame? I don't have a twitter account, this seems like a really weird decision when there's a perfectly fine poll system in game you used for pet designs before.

Changed it, that is some old incorrect information. We will indeed use the polling system.