
Runescape Dev Tracker

04 Nov


Originally posted by Chechenborz-95

Well, Poerkie is a dutch guy, so its not a surprise his english isnt as good.

You can blame it on my language but I did not write any of them :) Happy to take the blame though :)


Originally posted by Hab_

"Various BGH improvements" What are these?

I've spotted that one and it's now clarified in the news article.


Originally posted by Ned-Kelly

A patch week that doesn’t patch extremely serious bugs introduced in the previous week? No word on buff bars and client crashes for Mac users? Very disappointing

This is something we're looking into and figuring out what it is exactly that causes it. We might think the buff bar frame drop might be related to it. hence we released that separately from the buff bar bugs introduced last week.


I'll apologise in advance for the unsorted list. It's not something I've been able to do this week.


Originally posted by kathaar_

Out of morbid curiousity, what is this Seedicide bug that torements you so?

It was a really rather dumb one as it turns out. Checkboxes were not working properly for the new seeds we'd added. Something so simple on paper, literally the little ticks were not appearing on the screen.

Took 3 devs, several hours of debugging and pouring over the code, before we realised that there were duplicate entries that had snuck into a data file... that's it. Duplicate entries that our code addled brains had filtered out when we looked over it.

I may have screamed a little.


Originally posted by Californ1a

Ramen and I are currently pulling our hair out over a small bug (in test, not live) with Seedicide.

I've never even heard of any issue with seedicide. It might be nice to see more of these issues that you guys are fixing but no one ever hears of, and not just on your own personal twitter accounts - in a more compiled place. Maybe it'll be listed as a patch note? But even then, the patch notes never really describe or show what the issue was, they tend to just say an issue was fixed, which doesn't say anything about how difficult it was to find/fix, what was causing it, who all contributed to try to fix it, etc. I think it'd be pretty neat to see an extended version of the patch notes, or a page with further descriptions of each of the patch notes. Surely most of this is already tracked in jira, so basically just exporting the jira task for that bug into a public description after it's been fixed.

It might also be nice to do something simil...

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Well the issue wasn't a live one, it was with the content we're currently working on. So that would be why you weren't aware, I was just using it as a reference.

Honestly we don't have the time to write up that sort of detail for patch notes. What we write in jira would need to be edited, sanitised, have the code specifics removed and then rejigged to make it player facing. The time taken to do that for each bug would rack up really quickly and we'd be losing the ability to actually fix bugs or create new content to do it. So I don't think it's something we're ever going to do.

03 Nov


If all goes well, you'll see more news about it tomorrow.


It's something we're looking at, but it's not as easy to figure out what is causing it. It's even more interesting because we did not make any changes to our engine last week.


Originally posted by Arlitub

Glad to know they meant it when they said that 2018 had too few quests and they had learned from it, and from 2019 on wards it would be better. Thanks u/JagexOsborne.

I know I am one of the ones responsible for the lack of quest content, but I’ve written two of the last few in my own time and a couple that haven’t finished development, as well as making steps with the quest sub team. I hope this shows I am invested.