over 4 years ago - Coffee Stain - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s fine yeah we'll make it work in post
3s [Laughter]
7s hey everyone my name is Jason the
9s community manager here at coffee stain
10s studios today's video is gonna be a bit
12s of a jumbly thing I'm gonna cover a
14s bunch of different things but first off
16s I'm gonna talk about games come
17s I went to games come last week for a
19s couple days and it was super fun I met a
21s lot of industry folks and content
23s creators but I also met with a lot of
25s community members and it was just
28s incredible how many people actually came
30s up and met me and how many people I ran
32s into when I was just running around from
33s meetings to meetings so that was super
35s cool so I've given out some loot to them
37s I took a lot of pictures hopefully I'll
38s remember to add the pictures here and
40s one of the coolest things that were in
43s the loot bags were these like really
45s awesome fix-it coins that we made we're
48s really proud of those and a lot of
49s people really like them and a lot of
51s people online are asking if they can get
53s their own or buy their own it's not
55s possible because we have run out of
56s coins sorry but in terms of merch we are
60s currently actively looking into merch
62s and so hopefully it'd be really cool if
65s we can have something by Christmas but
67s we really don't know yet but this loot
69s that I gave away Gamescom was also just
71s kind of like a trial of how we can make
73s some merch and it obviously it went
75s pretty well so the next thing I want to
77s talk about is our QA site which is where
79s people can report bugs offer suggestions
82s ask questions and the community can help
85s each other out upvote and downvote
86s things and whatnot so if we've said it
89s we've talked about it before if you have
91s any bugs that is the single best place
93s to report blood blogs so report bugs a
96s lot of people have also given us a lot
98s of feedback about it's not really easy
99s to use and there's some issues and a lot
102s of people who are trying to offer
103s suggestions are just getting mast down
105s voted when you know their suggestion
107s might be for a quality-of-life thing for
109s a casual player but not for a hardcore
111s player than they're getting down voted
113s and I've seen this many times really
114s good suggestions with like -5 votes so
117s we've actually done something to address
118s that specific thing we've removed down
120s votes completely you can only up vote so
123s if you like something you up voted if
124s not you just move on and it doesn't get
127s your up the vote that way people who
129s people will not be afraid to make
131s suggestions and I think we're still
132s going to be seeing a good spread of what
134s is getting a lot of attention and what
136s is not we're going to be doing more
138s updates on the QA side it's really hard
140s search for things there's a lot of
143s problems with it and we're aware of it
145s and I've been wanting to work on it for
147s quite some time but now I found some
149s time to really focus on it with our QA
151s tester and IT guy so hopefully we're
153s going to be getting some results on the
155s QA site pretty soon and I'll keep you
157s posted on that too so the last thing I
158s want to talk about is update number
160s three the big one and as I've said in a
162s video before we were away on holidays
165s and we had no idea what we were doing
166s for update number three but we have been
168s working on that and we have some vague
169s ideas and some plans of what we want to
171s do so that's good news so what I can
174s tell you about that update number three
176s is that we plan on releasing it around
177s December at the end of this year so
180s that's a big period big gap with no real
182s meaty substance updates and the reason
186s for that is if we do that we can put in
188s bigger content like bigger systems or
191s anything like that
192s in the game so we may do that from time
194s to time we may do monthly things not
196s really sure yet but in this case we want
198s to take a lot of time to put some big
200s stuff in the game as for what we're
202s gonna put in the game I can't tell you
203s everything because we do want to keep
205s some stuff hidden to build some hype but
208s there are some other really cool things
209s that I can tell you right now and that
211s is we want to put in either mud support
214s or dedicated servers or both if we can
218s we think that there's they're both super
220s important we have a really active mod
222s community right now even though there's
224s no mod support so we wanted to enable
225s the modding community by giving them
227s official mod support so everyone can
230s enjoy mods at the same time we have a
233s lot of network issues and performance
236s and issues with non persisting worlds
240s when friends are playing together and so
241s dedicated servers will be very useful
243s for that so these are two really big
245s things and we need to choose which one
248s we want to do if you have an opinion on
250s if we should do what like if the
252s priority should be mod support or the
254s priority should be dedicated servers I
256s would really like to hear it in the
258s comments below I don't do the whole
259s comment down below thing very often but
261s this one we're genuinely interested in
265s what you think should be the top
267s priority so yeah that's pretty much
268s everything today
269s it's again a bit of a mishmash of
271s information I hope this video is okay
274s but and I hope you're okay I hope you're
276s doing a doing great today bye
287s got to have confidence in my work yes