over 5 years ago - Coffee Stain Studios - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s My parents don't even know what I work with when i try to explain to them,
4s but that is fine.
7s Hi, i'm Sofi and I work here at Coffee Stain as a concept artist.
11s I am the only one with a concept artist title,
14s but like we are so few here that everyone helps out with everything. So
20s if i don't have time for something
22s then there is for sure someone else who can do a good job as well.
25s I do concept art mostly, but I also do some programming, yeah,
31s help out Jace a lot...
32s As a concept artist here, I design and come up with ideas
37s that i portray and illustrate, like
39s machines and environments and creatures and characters, and yeah,
45s you name it - i've done it.
47s Like yeah, just try out ideas that we then can choose from and make 3D art from.
52s So it's like fast preproduction stuff.
56s My favorite thing that i've made in satisfactory so far,
60s i guess, like it's so hard, but i think the character - yeah.
64s All characters are fun to make them.
66s There were sooo many iterations on it,
68s like every time i felt like i was done,
70s someone else had a really good idea that i had to put in there.
73s So that was hard but it's like that with every concept,
76s like there is so many iterations.
78s It always turns out better as well, if you listen to the other people as well,
83s but i just feel like "im done now" ...
85s ...never done.
86s Maybe also, i'm not sure if we are allowed to show it, but like the
89s [pipe confirmation blocked]
90s it's really cool.
91s There is definitely both big and super small stuff to work on.
95s The smallest one i can think of right now, which isn't that small but like
99s for example the med kit.
100s I'm gonna take the character as an example again,
103s because it's a good example, like
104s there are all these small little details in her outfit
109s and like little lamps on the helmet and stuff like that,
112s so always trying to get into the details as well.
115s I would say the hardest part about concept art or working with concept art
119s is like right in the beginning
120s when you haven't got any inspiration or like, you have no idea where to start.
126s Right in the beginning it is the most hard i think.
128s Usually i google stuff and pinterest stuff that is close to what i'm gonna do,
135s just try to get a lot of inspiration from different places.
138s When i've done that, i'm starting to sketch kind of where we wanna go
142s and take the sketches to the art director
145s and he kinda gets to choose what i'm supposed to continue with.
148s Sometimes he is super picky, for sure,
151s and sometimes ...
152s I can almost choose myself.
154s Those are the good days.
155s Caterina Parks
156s I got like this character description:
160s middle aged, very powerful woman.
162s When you get to meet her she is kinda like - what do you say like - intimidating?
166s I guess?
166s So i had to try to portray that, i think it went alright.
170s We have her now.
171s We have Steve as well,
173s which is Caterina Parks' assistant and
175s he is like super ambitious but also really stressed guy
180s doing all her tasks.
182s I guess you could call him to get you a coffee, whatever.
188s I did!
188s It's a food court.
189s We weren't sure what it's gonna be like,
191s how many different food places,
193s what they would serve and stuff like that.
196s So i wasn't sure how big it was gonna be,
198s lot's of iterations on that one.
200s I was told we can't have fish, which is sad.
204s I love fish.
205s *sniff*
206s The old design of the character,
207s so like i said before,
209s there is so many iterations with everything and especially maybe the character.
213s With this one we tried so many different versions,
217s we just wanted to try out different colouring,
219s so that's what's going on here.
221s Cause at this point we wanted us to be able to choose your character colour,
225s maybe that will happen, i don't know?
228s If you look at this one and compare it to the new one,
231s like the helmet is super different, like this is so like:
234s i'm. going. on. my. mo. tor. bike. tonight. or whatever.
241s The main character or whatever if you can call it that,
243s we wanted it to be a woman.
245s So we tried making this mainstream kind of game character, like
250s good looking, skinny, coolish
253s But we wanted her to be more industrial, like
258s this mix between industrial and sci fi is a main thing with the character i guess.
263s So this one was kind of the beginning of the character we have right now,
268s like the direction we wanted to go in.
270s Then we made the final one
272s after some meetings and discussions where we wanted it to go.
276s So we updated it a bit,
279s adding more personality for the character.
286s Why is it a woman?
287s Why is it guys in every other game?
290s like
290s what. That's a weird question.
292s Why shouldn't it be a woman?
295s Jace...
296s you are killing me!
299s [Jace laughing in the background]
301s I try to upload my art everywhere,
304s so everyone will see.. but..
306s no one ever does.
307s My main social media is Instagram.
310s What I upload is also my personal style,
312s so it doesn't really look like the art in the game i guess.
314s But, yeah
315s Even though i have my own styles,
317s i also can jump into other ones,
319s but... it's not my favorite thing.
325s Yes..?
326s Now it sounds like a hate my job.
327s If i was to choose whatever i could draw,
329s it would be like
330s this costume drama hats and stuff.
333s So if you wanna check that out, please do!
346s And, what hardware do you use?
349s Excuse me?
350s What kind of hardware?
350s A computer..?
351s Who is your favorite person in the office?
353s [laughter]
355s [Obvious deep voice overdub] Jace
356s Stupid English... [Don't worry, we fired her]
358s Jace: Hey what? That's racist.
359s NOOoooo