3 months ago - TheGamepires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
15s hi hi who are you and what are you
18s working on right now uh I'm Stella I'm
20s an animator here at game par and today
22s we're working on uh recording some
24s motion capture animations for a new
26s trailer with left mhm can you show us
29s yeah of course
35s depos
47s [Music]
52s actually that looks great okay bye
63s hi who are you and what are you working
65s on right now hi I'm beta I'm the senior
67s community manager you probably seen me
69s in patch notes and everywhere else right
71s now I'm collecting what the team has
73s been doing formatting it into uh
76s materials and events that the community
78s can record uh right in
81s show absolutely
83s no well that sucks moving on hi who are
88s you and what are you working on right
90s now hi everyone uh I'm fratman I'm the
93s uh junior Community manager here at game
95s pares and I'm currently uh going through
98s the feedback that we're receiving from
100s our community uh which will then be
102s related to our to our game designers all
105s right sounds great guys thank you thank
107s you
111s [Music]