SCUM Dev Tracker


    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Attention inmates! 'Tis that time of the week again, 'tis the time to keep you updated on how things are going on our end. So without further ado, let's get into it ->

The programming team has had their hands full, with some further work on NPC's and overall improvements to the encounter manager, but mostly with bug fixing, progress on the anti-cheat front and overall optimisations to the game.

Our Level Designers are completely committed to fixing bugs and making sure everything on the map sits in it's right place.

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20 Mar

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey there everyone! Might be a bit chilly outside today, but we're warming things up with a hotfix for the latest update! ->

  • Fixed a very rare bug where map would be completely white.
  • Fixed the issue with flying gardens.

  • Reduced Christmas ornament spawns
  • Drones will now be invisible when logging in, after pressing X they will go back to their old default state.

As always, make sure to follow us on our social media channels for all things SCUM:

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18 Mar

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone! It's that most wonderful time of the week, where we reminisce about all the shenanigans you've been up to. Please enjoy each piece of content equally ->

I think wr_bloodlust is about to find out what his name really means

I'm getting cult vibes when I'm looking at this picture, not rea... Read more

17 Mar

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Welcome, prisoners, to your weekly update on the development of the game! Now that the latest update is out, our full focus is on the development of 1.0. Here’s a glimpse of what the team has been working on this past week!

The programming team has been hard at work fixing a variety of issues, focusing on the rain/wetness mechanics, a fix for first-person shadows, and improvements to the ocean opacity map. Additionally, enhancements have been made to the encounter manager, tutorial UI highlighting, and localization. We've added new survival tips, UI highlights, tutorial tasks, and codex pages. More functionalities have also been implemented for armed NPCs. However, make no mistake— overall bugfixing still remains the biggest priority.

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13 Mar

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey hey everyone, happy Thursday! As mentioned in the community address here comes the last content update before 1.0! Check it out!

Like announced on Tuesday, this update will contain a soft wipe as well, in preparation for next months anit-cheat update!

First up, a new bow, the Manchu bow! With its slick design and stealthy mechanics, it is a perfect choice for taking out puppets or other players when you do not want to be heard. It might look big, but we consider it the perfect size!

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11 Mar

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello prisoners! Perito has been transferred to solitary confinement for no particular reason, which means I'm handling your weekly dose of entertainment. Enjoy an assortment of community contributions and our 'witty' takes on them, oh and an important announcement as well! ->

But before we get to the Community showcase an announcement! You all heard that there will be a new update this week. Well we can confirm that it is happening on Thursday!
And you asked for it and we can confirm, there will be a partial/soft wipe on that update as well. Not for the content that is dropping itself but to ease in implementation of a certain new anti cheat system next month. Consider yourself warned!

Looks like someone has experience with ... Read more

10 Mar

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Attention inmates! Big announcement coming! This is not a drill! I repeat, big announcement coming! Make sure you check it out ->

We have some pretty good news for you all, and we doo mean news in plural. So make sure you check it out!

- Beda

04 Mar

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Howdy ho, prisoners! Looks like I've been let out of the basement to compile last weeks highlights in the Scummunity. So, enjoy the genius level captions and handpicked content before I have to go serve the rest of my sentence ->

Finally, I can say "nice rack" without ending up at HR

An accurate dep... Read more

03 Mar

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Prisoners! It's that time of the week again! No, I’m not referring to your weekly hosing, but rather the latest update on the development of SCUM. Enjoy... while you can... ->

Our programmers have been keeping themselves busy with a variety of tasks. First, they’re improving the rain and wetness effects. They’re also working on the NPC spawning mechanic, a new high-loot POI, and new quest functionalities. In addition, they’ve been making major improvements to the server browser and preparing the tractor for its return to the prison island. Several optimizations to overall server functionality are in progress, along with enhancements to the anti-cheat system. Oh and let's not forget the inordinate amount of bugfixing that was conducted as well.
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25 Feb

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Incoming announcement - Perito fell outta line and is now serving his own sentence. However, don't think that you're getting off the hook. Here's this week's batch of awesome community contributions and our not-so-awesome interpretations ->

First off, we'd like to start this showcase with an exciting event that will take place this weekend and will feature some of our game's biggest streamers. Here's the trailer for the upcoming event, along with the information on the contestants and other details:

  • When?
    01/March/2025 - 5PM EST (2PM PST / 10PM BST / 11PM CET)
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24 Feb

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Attention inmates! February is coming to a close and we're slowly marching into the next month. But nice weather isn't the only thing coming closer as deadlines are going to start to creep on us soon enough. Let's fill you in on what's been going on ->

Our programmers have not only been cleaning up for the past week, but have also made significant progress with our aeronaval marvel and a variety of other goodies, such as the gardens health system, some UI improvements and getting their taste buds used to the taste of energy drinks. They have also been doing God's work with advancements in the Anti-cheat department.

The ... Read more

18 Feb

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Attention inmates! It s that time of the week again and we have a freshly baked community showcase for you, so let's see what you guys were cookin' up in the past week ->

I bet he would've liked to stay longer, but I guess his hands are tied

And here we have C9_Nelf and his m...
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17 Feb

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Prisoners! Your weekly entertainment transmission, containing the latest development progress of SCUM, is ready!

Aside from intensive bug-fixing efforts, the programming team is working on various tasks, including optimizations for the Sentry, improving movement capabilities for armed NPCs, and ensuring the Kinglet Mariner is roaming the skies. Work is also progressing on the UI redesign for the phone, garden health mechanics, and anti-cheat improvements.

Reworking the map has inevitably resulted in some bugs, and the team is ensuring that any issues found are being addressed. Additional tweaks and testing have also been... Read more

11 Feb

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello again prisoners! As part of your incarceration, you are hereby subjected to your weekly punishment consisting of subpar puns, obscure references and outstanding community contributions!

Let's start with a selection of screenshots from the past week:

Can't shake the feeling that a very specific Tom Petty song would fit this visage. Nice shot AerinoKavli!

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10 Feb

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone! Another Monday, another dev update, check it out!

Our programming team has really sunk their teeth into bug fixing and optimisation, with it taking up the bulk of our manpower in that regard.
Pesticides aside, more work has been done on the UI front, as well as the highly anticipated Kinglet Mariner and the garden's health functionality that we mentioned last week. Other than that, there have also been further improvements to the armed NPC's movement.
That's not all, there has also been some progress when it comes to the implementation of new anti-cheat efforts.

The Level Design guys are stil... Read more

04 Feb

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone! Ready for another round of bad puns, random pictures and even less coherent videos to accompany all that? Me neither. Let's dig in ->

Still better than Ghost Rider 2007

This pans out to be quite relatable
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03 Feb

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
We wish everyone a warm welcome into the new week with a new update on how things are going with SCUM!

The programming team is heavily focused on bug fixing, with an additional rework being conducted on the overall look of the rain and the look of the terrain affected by it. Further testing has also been conducted on the lighting probes as well. Also, work has continued on the melee combat functionality for the armed NPCs and on the rework of the foliage. Additionally, certain improvements have been implemented with regard to trophy and weapon rack snapping on loophole walls and hatch floors. Work has also started on adding health functionality for the garden so it functions as a proper base building element, meaning that it will be part of raid ... Read more

30 Jan

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, happy Thursday! Cold days are coming to a close so let's warm up some more with a hotfix, check it out! ->

  • Fixed the issue where repair, plant and defuse interactions were not available while on ladders, making hatch doors OP from below.
  • Fixed the issue where if looking at Questbook when quests expire, player would have non interactable expired quests.
  • Fixed the issue where ending vehicle service on a car jack would crash the server.
  • Possible fix for a rare server crash relating wheelbarrows.
  • Fixed the issue where refilling turrets with multiple ammo types would sometime crash the server.
  • Fixed the issue where puppets would not attac...
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28 Jan

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Attention inmates! It's that time of the week again and I still haven't run out of puns to accompany captured moments of your shenanigans. So without further ado, the spotlight is all yours and let's get into it ->

It's JAWrring how FINished you are once the shark get's you
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