about 1 month ago - TheGamepires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
15s hey hey hey hey get a boovie guys hi hi
18s who are you and what are you working on
19s right now I'm Christian uh better known
21s as kicks I'm quality insurance quet and
24s I'm currently testing quads all right
25s can you show us something yeah of course
26s take a look cool so I'm currently
29s checking if quads are being properly
31s destroyed by hit with boom rocket
34s launchers like RPG and 84 and if they
38s can be set on the service mode with the
42s carjack which apparently crashes the
44s game that's not good man that's not good
47s you better report that before it gets
49s out yeah I'll get on to it right now
51s thanks GS yeah don't
54s [Music]
58s worry hi hi who are you and what are you
62s working on right now I Dom I'm a 3D
65s animator here at game Paris and at the
67s moment I'm working on the new cinematic
70s trailer all right in shortes yeah
73s sure so these are just placeholder
76s animations for now uh that's why
79s everybody's
80s Bal uh we're still figuring out the
82s shots and timing basing of everything so
87s for now Bas what in here so it's still
89s work in progress right yeah yeah pretty
91s much but it's going to be good as always
94s that's what I like to hear man thanks a
95s lot
97s [Music]