2 months ago - TheGamepires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
16s hey and we're back with another behind
18s the scenes video you might remember
20s cheesecake chees King from our last
22s batch of videos hey cheese hello how are
26s you man uh I've been better I see
30s suppose it's uh it's quite busy around
32s here quite busy around here indeed yeah
34s uh we're officially at crunch time right
36s now so uh the guys are burning on both
39s ends but uh let me ask you uh could you
42s tell us a little bit about uh the
44s responsibilities of the QA Department uh
47s yeah so we are basically the last line
49s of defense so we test everything that's
52s supposed to go out we also are in charge
55s of antichat uh cuz we don't have a
59s separate department for that and we're
60s also doing Community Management uh
63s server providers basically everything
65s that's that you see on the outside i'
67s say well that sure sounds like a lot
69s yeah um
72s maybe and uh what are you guys up to now
75s uh so we currently testing quests and
78s turrets and everything that's supposed
79s to be coming to this patch mhm um we're
82s also getting ready for the play day so
84s on the weekend the whole company is
86s going to be playing the everything
87s that's coming out in the PCH M the best
90s way to test stability and um live
92s environments so to say um and yeah
97s that's basically just testing everything
98s for the patch taking care of the
100s community antichat everything day today
103s plus the testing and that's about it
105s yeah and uh and what are some of the
107s features that you guys are testing out
109s uh quests turrets the we also got
112s Cruiser the the new motorcycle that's
114s coming out M uh we have implementation
118s for two wheel vehicle push now so you
121s will might be able to install engines as
123s well
124s mhm um and everything else that's coming
127s in the patch I don't want to give away
129s too much yeah yeah that's totally fine
131s and let me ask you how do you decide uh
133s which tester is uh is the right tester
135s for a specific feature um I I guess it's
139s it's um it's like that in every company
142s so you come here you basically have to
144s learn on all the fundamentals to start
146s and then over time you just get better
149s some things and then
150s we have people that are better at
152s testing certain things and we usually
155s separate the work to do the exact same
158s tests every time um so for example we
161s have a weer over there hey
164s we so we is a weapon enthusiasts and he
168s also has around 10K hours in scum and uh
172s he's our guy for testing weapons we have
174s the brother who is currently not here
177s brother is our anti- specialist our flit
180s specialist and uh yeah that's about how
184s we do it so over time you just profile
186s to be better at testing something and
188s you just get the same thing to test over
190s and over again yeah that makes sense
192s yeah okay thanks a lot man and uh and
195s good luck yeah see yeah and we got
198s another one for you I'm sure you guys
200s remember all Stella from our last batch
202s of videos and the map studio and so on
205s and so on how are you Stella hi good
208s okay and uh can you tell us a little bit
210s about some of the features that you
211s worked on in the past uh yeah I worked
214s on the d DLC uh did half of those
217s animations and most of the preparation
220s for you know bringing the dancers
222s organizing the shooting times everything
224s like that uh the death blog was my baby
228s I worked on that yeah that was a fun
231s challenge uh vehicle skins DLC that
234s trailer is mine quad trailer and I don't
237s know some facial work like for trailers
240s design work for the trailers for example
243s I did the facial closes for the photo
246s mode and here I can show you even some
249s of those things like how it works we
251s have these morphs and each of them
254s targets a certain area of the face and
256s then we can create a
259s pose so you know we can create a
262s finished pose using in each individual
265s morph so we have Clint pose for an
268s example something like that or you can
270s just control each eye and things like
274s that it's it's weird anything get funny
278s but yeah yeah that is so cool
280s actually so about the facial animations
282s there's another process that we use to
284s create them we have a phone with which
287s we can shoot our face you know with a
289s selfie camera and then we use that
290s footage to import it into an real engine
293s and with certain plugins we can you know
295s basically use it on met human characters
298s and then when when we do that you can
299s transport into mile and then we get
302s after we do some tweaking a finished
304s product like this which is basically a
307s really lovely facial animation oh that's
310s so nice yeah but before it looks
314s something like this this is the Louis
316s Monada from the DLC and you know we have
319s a control rig like this each of them as
321s I showed you before controls certain
323s parts of the face and then we just tweak
326s the animation and when it's ready it
328s goes into the trailer mark materials
331s whatever it's very versatile like you
334s can use his head on many different
335s bodies but you know this is Kane the
337s character from her trailers he's missing
339s a beard because when we work like that
341s they're all bald so it gets kind of
343s funny a lot of eggs in your trailer that
345s makes sense like yours like mine yeah
348s thanks for that Stella By the way
351s so yeah that's about it let me ask you
356s how long have you been here at game pars
357s a year and a half just a year and a half
360s yeah it sure feels like longer right
362s thank you same all right that's good to
364s hear uh that will be all thanks a lot
367s Stella till next time bye bye

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