4 months ago - TheGamepires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

13s [Music]
15s hello everyone welcome welcome welcome
18s welcome sit back relax and chill with us
22s for an hour or so while we talk about
25s the game play a game a little bit and
27s explain to you some things that are
28s cooking around uh my name is name is
30s beta I'm the senior community manager
32s here you already know me and you already
34s know my colleague Martin you also know
36s him as fur on Discord and he's here to
39s answer some of your questions as well uh
41s because I told him he has
43s to and he had no choice uh but yeah we
47s are here uh We Gather some of your
50s questions that you put on the steam post
52s and we're going to Showcase you a little
54s bit of the in-game footage from the
56s alpha build everything is still work in
57s progress of course so take everything
59s with a little bit of you know grain of
62s salt and yeah anything to add nope
66s nothing at all so nice being here yeah
69s thank as you can for the invite yeah as
71s you can see he's really really excited
74s whenever I ask him to do anything he's
76s so happy to do it but yeah um I hope
80s you're all having a good evening and
83s grab a drink grab a snack and
87s then let's see what's going on on and
91s then first of all I can see a lot of you
93s in the chat right
95s now uh Hey Mala hey M uh Hey feudal
100s better for president what's up with that
102s guy I don't know he needs to be banned I
104s don't trust him I don't trust him I'm
106s more trust fudal with him saying that my
108s forehead is I mean oh no my head okay
111s never mind uh anyway so let's get back
114s right into it so our first question
116s right now is from the guy on Steam named
119s Hower
121s is there any more info on the sickness
123s broken bones water purification and any
126s other survival features
129s no okay okay okay perh there's a there's
133s a bit Yeah so uh regarding any survival
137s features like broken bones that's been a
139s big one uh they are still in plans uh
142s but they are uh planned for a time
146s that's not now so yeah that that's going
149s to be in the game a b later I guess but
152s uh like water
154s purification uh and just general
157s illnesses and any upgrades to the
160s metabolism uh we're still planning to do
163s and add a lot of them of course that's
166s uh kind of what we want for the game and
168s that's why we made the metabolism the
171s way it is right so yeah we reip all
175s right soon soon so next up we have ZFS
179s Martin can we forget about the tactics
182s skill
183s forever uh well it's certainly not going
187s to be that soon that one is uh out of
191s our sides for now but uh it's not a hard
195s no so one day
197s perhaps all right uh fod foder I guess
205s hello is there any more plans for
207s expanding admin tools if so can you give
210s us some details about them yeah sure
214s so with Bas basically every feature we
217s add in we try to add as much uh admin
221s settings as we can and uh one of the
225s bigger ones that is not that imminent
228s but uh we have high hopes for it uh is
232s the ability for several admins to make
235s some tiny little quests on their own
239s that's uh still work in progress and in
242s the in the concept phase uh but we are
246s tossing the idea around because we think
249s it would be very
250s cool uh so yeah that's that I think
253s everyone would be pretty happy with that
255s one and it's going to be a big one all
257s right before we uh go into next question
261s uh first of all behind the scenes as
263s always is our one and only kicks who
267s needs to switch around our names uh
273s but anyway and stay like that for now
275s yeah okay so and next up we want to say
277s hello to raikit who is currently
279s leeching off our content hi raikit all
282s right next up we have Vladimir is there
285s a chance we get 1.0 this year and I can
288s answer you this one Vladimir as we
290s already said in our Dev Vlog um around
295s August or something like that uh full
298s release we are playing it on Q2 2025 to
303s make sure that the quality of 1.0 is
306s meeting uh both your guys' expectations
308s and ours as well uh next down next up we
313s have zuro will the mechanic of BCU being
317s able this is not me messing up English
321s but this is what it's written to
323s resurrect the players corpse into a
325s puppet after death be included in 1.0
328s it's something that was seen in the long
330s trailer in 2018 and seems to me to be a
332s pretty core part of how scum works yeah
335s that's a really good question actually
338s uh that's something uh from the past
341s videos that uh we really want to add but
345s the technical difficulties around it are
348s currently a bit too much for us so uh
351s whenever uh we have the capabilities to
354s add that in uh we're going to do our
357s best uh but for now it
360s uh is just not a possibility I'm afraid
364s yeah the technical side of it is a
366s hassle let's just say it like that all
370s right and up next uh we have question I
373s which I guess as soon as you guys saw
375s that Martin is going to be on stream is
377s the one that you're mostly excited about
379s I wanted to ask more and this one is
382s from uh northmark 91 how complex will
385s the quests be yeah so let's prepare for
390s this one kicks get us in game
393s yeah so the quests
398s um the quests will be soft launched at
401s first so something like the drop ship uh
406s we kind of liked how the drop ship went
409s because we got so much feedback from it
411s from you guys that uh we think it's the
415s way to go for the
416s quests uh as you may know uh we didn't
420s have anything like it in the game so far
422s so it was a challenge for us as well and
427s we're going to work up on the complexity
429s right so we're going to start by
432s building a framework for ourselves to be
434s able to you know make the quest
437s quality and with some future updates
440s they're going to receive uh constant
443s upgrading but for now so like the first
446s iteration that everyone will get uh with
450s a certain
452s update uh is going to be the
455s following uh four of the Traders will
458s have
459s quests uh the quests will not be uh
463s direct story quests so we are not for
466s now in the soft launch implementing uh
469s any like story type
472s quests um they're going to be
474s Progressive so you will be able to uh
477s get to some more difficult quests
481s uh and there's going to be a few ways of
484s getting acquiring the quests and
486s finishing them uh some of that has been
488s shown in the like in the de Blog videos
492s so that's going to be cool and yeah the
494s like the types of quests are going to
496s range from your basic fetch type quests
500s to killing missions sweeping NPCs to
504s some more interactive ones so once we
507s get that done we're going to collect the
509s feedback see where we need to
511s improve uh and what needs to be changed
514s and then we're going to add the quests
517s to other Traders as well uh and we'll
521s see where the future goes uh of course
523s one day uh that whole system is going to
527s bring us to something more of a story
530s like theme but uh not anytime soon
534s because as I said it's been a challenge
537s to build that system up from the
539s beginning so we need to be sure we have
542s the framework the foundation right
544s before we continue to the extreme Quest
548s stuff all right and is there something
550s in game in alpha build that we have
552s right now that you want to show guys
553s yeah we have some stuff so uh as you
557s could have seen in the in the devlog
559s videos there's going to be three ways of
561s acquiring quests one of them are notice
564s boards that are going to be placed in
566s every uh slightly bigger town
571s um everyone will be able to see the same
574s quests there and of course if you don't
578s have anything unlocked some of them will
580s be unavailable to
582s you um and yeah the the quests will be
586s based around Outpost so the Traders are
589s going to be the quest givers for now and
592s depending on uh which Outpost is the
596s closest to the notice board you find uh
600s that's going to be your focal point for
602s finishing quests uh although some quests
605s are going to be autocom completed if you
608s have a mobile phone other quests like w
612s quests uh you will need to you know
614s return the item to the trader so you're
617s going to have to find your
620s ground and each Quest will have some
623s information for you so you should be
625s able to see everything of course uh the
629s like the art and everything is still VIP
631s you can see the blank papers right here
634s they are not actually
635s blank so when you interact with it
639s better it doesn't work because I told
641s you it's an alpha build right because
643s yeah the server setting is off yeah so
646s in editor currently it's working and all
649s that this is the alpha build that we got
650s today so a lot of the stuff that we are
652s talking about today might might be able
654s to be shown in the build right now uh
657s but for an example you can see an examp
659s example of uh notice board and where
662s abouts you can find them it doesn't mean
664s it's still going to be here uh this is
666s just a like testing case of where we're
669s going to place them y uh but this is
672s what
672s they're approximately going to look like
675s and so you know what to look for once it
677s finally drops yeah so there's going to
679s be like about six six quests on the
682s board and as people uh take the quests
685s they're going to have some refresh
687s timers uh so potentially from you know
690s the even PVP standpoint if you uh get to
694s a town and see an empty Quest board you
697s probably know someone has been there or
700s is living close even so that's also
703s something to consider for everyone uh
706s but yeah for every other problem you may
709s see now we blame kicks because I mean
712s it's the only logical thing to do yeah
714s absolutely so whatever something happens
718s that it's not supposed to happen the
720s person you can harass is kicks uh
722s fortunately he streams a lot so you can
724s actually harass him live as well so you
726s get a live reaction of uh him hating his
731s life um anything else you want to cover
734s right now well I think we have more
735s quest questions coming along so we'll
738s get to it all right
740s so next up we have Martin
745s accurate nice
746s name I'm interested which questions will
749s be asked and answered but I likely will
751s not be able to watch or join later on I
753s hope the stream will be free open to
754s rewatch later or will it be locked for
757s viewing uh viewing it after it is
760s finished so yes we are going to be
762s saving the VOD and we are going to be
763s reuploading the VOD later on uh to get
768s you guys who are not able to watch uh
770s right now to be able to watch it later
773s and for people uh like uh raikit feudal
777s and other people that like to analyze
778s every single detail that has been said
781s uh you're going to have material don't
784s worry all right uh next up Jack Brooks
789s new snow textures will there be
791s Footprints would make hunting animals
793s and other prisoners much more
794s interesting and
796s immersive um most likely not not
800s confirmed not but the issue is the
804s limitations that we have with the Unreal
805s Engine right now and the size of the
807s game so adding fo Footprints and players
810s leaving frints and then synchronizing it
812s all over the server and make sure
814s everything is uh you know nice and
818s proper uh might take too much resources
822s uh from the people that are already
824s tested with finishing all the other core
826s elements and major elements of the game
829s so don't count on it but it's not 100%
834s no uh next up we have face waster uh
838s looking forward to playing the new
839s features we're looking forward for you
841s to play them as
842s well uh next up we have sticks
847s 2909 thank you for the update and for
849s your work guys thank you for enjoying
852s it and Akamai we all know Akamai we all
855s love
857s aamai how many cups of coffee does
859s Martin drink per day first of all it's
862s not cups it's gallons yeah and it really
864s depends if I talk to aamay that day or
867s not but like if not then like it's two I
871s guess and if yes then I don't even know
875s man it's hard life with that guy all
878s right and then the second question what
880s does Martin use to disinfect the room
882s after an update upset stomach oh why
886s would I do
890s that all right uh next up is uh KJ KJ a
896s and this one is a bit longer one so bear
898s with us here
901s uh I love the slow walking zombie
905s animation I wish there was a puppet
907s cannot run or slow puppet server option
909s it would fit perfect to the section
912s where puppets cannot open doors or
914s puppets cannot jump through
916s Windows please think about to add a slow
919s puppet's options okay we understood that
923s love the animation that would give like
926s The Walking Dead wipes zombies or
928s puppets or looking way more aesthetic
930s when they are not running and jumping
932s around like clowns the slow animation is
935s great I know the open world would be
937s easier but there are still drop ship
938s smack suiciders and maybe NPC enemies in
941s the I guess future slow puppets would so
945s good only in server options you can turn
947s on thank you keep up the nice
950s work yeah well thanks
953s yeah uh so only walking zombies possible
957s or
958s not uh yeah I mean why not
961s but it's it's difficult with things like
965s that because they uh tie into other
968s things like prisoner speed that's also
972s why we sometimes get questions if we
974s going to make prisoners even faster or
976s something but then again it's correlated
979s to NPC speed as well because from some
981s of them you need to be able to run away
984s from the
984s others not so much so I mean as a server
989s setting a lot of things are possible but
992s yeah I'm not going to confirm or deny
994s that all right well I see a comment here
996s software developers is using paper I'm a
998s community manager I'm not a software
1000s developer so I need my paper all right
1001s then you back the hell off all right
1004s next up we have the ISU been eagerly
1007s anticipating the quest update as someone
1009s who plays single player primarily and
1011s eventually reaches a plot Plateau with
1014s progression once I got a decent gun
1015s collection and food lder built up it'll
1018s be nice to run par for the merchants
1021s will we be getting new voice lines when
1023s the quest update releases yeah yeah for
1026s sure so uh each Trader that will'll
1029s initially have and later on uh quests uh
1033s we're going to uh get some new voice
1035s lines for them for you know the usual
1037s stuff when um they accept the quest when
1040s you finish the quest when you do
1043s something bad when you do something good
1045s whatever but yeah uh they will have new
1047s voice lines for sure
1049s all right and next up we have uh Zimbra
1054s plus something written in Korean and I'm
1056s sorry I can't read Korean uh guys should
1060s I install the game or wait still though
1062s uh install the game now like right now
1065s this second do it install it
1070s now
1073s immediately cool monkey games VR air
1076s balloons when please
1080s yeah
1081s soon don't don't don't even say
1084s it's they will take it serious and then
1087s in two days I'm going to be responding
1088s to like 50 questions like oh you
1090s promised air balloons no we haven't
1092s promised air balloons we haven't
1093s mentioned air balloons that's going to
1095s be your problem not mine next question
1098s Samantha
1099s Raven uh they're tired but they look
1103s like they're having so much fun making
1105s this game the animation Department looks
1107s like it's a lot of fun but complicated
1108s at the same same time keep up the
1110s amazing to amazing work gire team uh
1114s thank you samanta
1116s yep all right next up we have sir alard
1119s the
1120s six not the previous five but the six
1124s number six will there be any motorcycles
1127s other than the sports and dirt something
1129s like a chopper or
1131s Harley-Davidson I mean yes there has
1134s been before and it's going to make a
1136s return return really soon yep we call it
1139s the cruiser but basically the same thing
1141s yeah so every vehicle we had back then
1144s we going to have back now
1148s yeah uh next up we have Jim the coffee
1151s guy Dev stream heck yeah I better see
1155s you there in chat Jim the coffee guy cuz
1157s if you're that excited with four
1160s exclamation marks and five question
1163s marks you better be here all
1166s right uh next up we have wild style
1170s killer will there be an animation pass
1172s for example to match up the head bobbing
1174s and arm movements in the first person
1176s while moving currently it feels very
1179s cartoony when holding a knife melee
1180s firearm in first person and run running
1183s full Sprint like the arms and feet
1185s movements don't match up the character
1187s feels floaty almost and the zero gravity
1189s jumping will this change uh I can answer
1193s you this uh yes uh animators are making
1196s a pass on all of the animations and
1198s seeing what needs to be up updated uh
1200s and how they're going to best approach
1203s it and all that how and when it's really
1206s too early to tell but work is being done
1211s on that front as
1212s well uh sha sh sh sh
1219s sh got it y third times a chart I like
1222s the video fun to see the mockup being
1224s done looking forward to the stream I
1226s better see you here as well even though
1227s I butchered your name I I better see you
1229s in chat as well sorry about the name
1231s though uh zanic
1234s 1993 Mac 10 hell
1237s yeah my questions will the game support
1242s modding uh will you add server said uh
1247s okay so first off let's answer that
1250s definitely not before
1253s 1.0 uh currently we are focusing all of
1257s our efforts on finishing the features
1259s making sure that it's ready for uh
1263s 1.0 after that we can revisit and see
1267s but do not expect it earlier okay kicks
1269s what is
1271s it never mind all right what I'm showing
1274s my profile too much no okay cool all
1278s right cool uh will you add sever cuz my
1281s chat is here and then my camera all
1283s right never mind we are a professional
1285s company second one will you add server
1287s setting to make zombies walk slj and we
1290s answer that in the previous one as
1292s well
1294s Pythagoras as soon as I hear that name
1297s my flashbacks flashbacks to high school
1300s and Primary School like I really want to
1303s skip your question now with the name
1304s with pagor but I'm going to be nice
1306s today will the skill system be reworked
1309s to actually use the plenty of unused
1311s bars or will some of those go unused in
1313s the full release skills like programming
1316s animal handling Etc yes so
1319s uh as you may remember we had a lot of
1321s those disabled in the character
1325s creation uh we have plans for some of
1327s them but they are meant to go hand inand
1330s with other features so like we won't add
1334s any skills just to have more skills
1337s because the like the balancing per
1338s attribute and everything gets really
1341s complicated then uh so yeah like
1344s features like animal handlings and
1347s further electronic stuff stuff that
1349s would require hacking programming
1352s whatever uh are in the future how
1356s far nobody knows but uh yeah those
1360s skills you've seen
1363s previously uh are still in contention
1365s just not in the immediate future all
1369s right y GG Allen 45 I would love to know
1373s if the plans for losing teeth and
1375s advanced unarmed combat are planed to be
1377s implemented as stated early in the
1380s development or if current design
1382s decisions have shifted fortunately we
1385s have a game designer yeah so design
1388s design decisions H what a
1391s question um yeah so we have like a
1396s shortterm plan uh they are not in the
1399s short-term plan but in the long-term
1402s plan who knows uh we kind of want to get
1405s you know the the stuff we really need to
1408s get for until 1.0 and from there we'll
1413s kind of see uh where the game will be
1416s and where the community will be as
1419s always we listen to you guys perhaps
1421s even a bit too much at times but yeah
1424s we'll see about that I mean judging by
1425s the comments I read we don't listen to
1427s them at all but yeah but that's why
1429s that's why we had Lis Monada in the
1431s chats he he's going to show oh yeah all
1434s right cool so whatever somebody says
1437s that we don't listen we just send them
1438s over his way yeah yep that's for sure we
1441s good Louis you all right with that plan
1444s I hope you are cuz that's what we're
1445s doing right now all right next question
1447s R shark 111 117 which all right what
1453s about dual weapons was that ever
1455s considered it would be cool to shoot
1457s like a cowboy with my dual 357 serpents
1460s from the
1461s hip zero
1463s accuracy yes so that would be one of the
1466s coolest things we could do so we won't
1470s do it I disagree I disagree I hate W
1472s building you hate it it's unpractical
1475s and like zero accurate as long as you're
1476s like asking this you're just basically
1478s asking for an excuse so you can like
1480s explain to your friends why you have
1481s zero accuracy oh no guys I was dual
1484s building we all know you can't hit [ __ ]
1486s so we won't do it just because of that
1488s yeah yeah but no it's so
1491s technically uh it's really really
1494s complicated to
1496s support basically all of the animations
1498s we already have but for the other hand
1500s so how would you how would you reload
1502s those how you have you have one revolver
1504s you have the other revolver you run out
1506s of bullets oh what am I going to do now
1508s well you just hide them like from the
1510s screen we're not doing that and they
1512s magically K kicks actually comes then he
1515s runs up and he he reloads it behind the
1518s scenes yeah all right or the third arm
1522s appears yeah that's also a good one yeah
1525s yeah uh yeah watch Thomas love saying
1528s that we're going to do it now because I
1529s said we won't uh next up eight Wonder
1532s baton eight Mr Martin Mr Martin Mr oh
1536s thank you sophisticated sophisticated
1538s are there any plans to implement a
1540s companion NPC I don't care if it is a
1542s wolf as a companion instead of a human a
1546s little bit furry but it would be great
1548s if the Companion Wolf attacked the
1550s puppet it would make the single player
1552s mode more
1554s interesting so as I've mentioned about
1556s the animal handling skill
1559s uh
1561s companions were kind of planned but it's
1565s it's like it was in the concept and it
1568s still is what that would mean in scum uh
1571s since of course we have both PVP and PV
1575s and everything in between with the
1577s private servers so we still are not sure
1581s how would that look how would we do it
1584s from the performance
1586s side uh but yeah like should go along
1589s with the anim animal handling
1592s stuff uh we did not scrape it off the
1594s board but yeah we'll I guess see about
1598s that one it's not going to be anytime
1600s soon I can confirm that one all right
1603s next question is by the guy called
1605s Romania
1607s Hunter what what about to put back the
1611s tatos I guess tattoos but it says TS TS
1616s TS potatoes no t
1619s ters ters stick them mesh them put them
1622s in the
1622s stool okay so about the tattoos yeah so
1625s they are planed to make a return there
1627s is a issue where it's really not that
1630s simple especially when you consider the
1632s complexity of our characters so as you
1635s all know that how much you eat and what
1638s you eat uh it depends on your body
1640s weight and your
1641s bodybuild and then you have something
1644s called UV mapping and then you have to
1645s have adjustable UV mapping and then
1647s those tattoos have have to adjust to
1650s those body changes as well so it is
1653s really something complicated to do we
1655s are planning to do it but since we are
1659s on a time schedule right now towards 1.0
1662s priorities are all of the core features
1664s and then we can do the Cosmetic uh thing
1668s like that listen to him and he says he's
1671s only a community manager like yeah well
1673s I stick my big ass nose where it doesn't
1675s belong a lot of the time so I can answer
1676s some questions myself you know
1679s next next question is noer
1682s R is there any plan on reworking the
1685s melee combat if I should say something
1687s that I really don't like it would be
1689s that don't get me wrong I love this game
1692s but sometimes set combat can be reducing
1695s haha and while we said that alarm went
1697s off in the office but immediately
1699s stopped so if you see us cut off in the
1701s meantime uh if you're running watch the
1705s news Sor right so is there any plan of
1708s reworking the Mele combat yeah yeah
1710s there are some plans um melee combat is
1714s well quite basic right now uh where we
1718s end up with that it remains to be seen
1721s it's again mainly due to the animation
1724s technicalities so having a melee rework
1727s isn't only like I don't know a uh design
1731s and programming challenge we also have
1734s to beware the animations because it
1738s could get hectic real real fast and MH
1741s we don't want anymore any more
1744s hectic so yeah all right next question
1748s is from 358 216
1752s 3480 I'm sure this is what your birth at
1755s given name a real account yeah uh is it
1758s possible not to delete the archive
1760s deleting a standalone save every time
1762s will cost you a lot of players I hope
1764s the developer will let me save a
1765s standalone save so I'm guessing the he
1768s talking single player single player
1769s probably yeah so unfortunately whenever
1771s we wipe it means there are some huge
1773s changes to either the database or the
1775s core element or something like or
1778s physics or uh something that if we leave
1781s all assets in it will completely break
1785s the game and there are no other ways
1789s around it so in order to have progress
1791s in the game and continue development a
1793s wipe is necessary and with that uh
1796s single player wipes are also necessary
1800s we don't like them as any more than you
1803s do even though like 80% of private
1806s servers wipe their servers all the time
1809s uh but yeah once we release Early Access
1813s you will see a lot less swipes uh as
1817s most of the if not all the uh core
1820s features are going to be in there with
1822s no changes needed to them I mean of
1824s course something might happen in the
1826s meantime but those are the right
1829s now next up we have
1833s SE
1835s hello can you us to add as many gun and
1838s B XX as we want in single player I
1841s understand the limit for uh multiplayer
1843s but single player should be up to the
1844s player also is there plans to display
1847s our gear and guns on a mannequin in the
1850s future that actually doesn't sound that
1853s bad for the for the limitations we're
1857s going to have to check it with our
1858s programmers I guess but I don't see why
1861s not but like who am I right senior game
1865s designer
1867s apparently how did that
1870s Happ all right uh crit crit game really
1875s needs a graphical and UI overhaul it's
1876s shockingly outdated yeah as you can see
1879s in a couple of our postings and uh uh
1883s Dev updates uh we are working on that as
1885s well so look forward to that
1888s and then we have 8 Wonder baton 8 again
1893s Mr Martin keeping it formal show us the
1896s current state of quest content do you
1898s want to show them the Curr well we
1900s showed the bit uh I think that the other
1904s bit are not working on this build okay
1907s so no uh we we we will show you but just
1910s keep in mind uh this is
1912s extremely uh early ACC like working
1915s progress and you will see why I'm saying
1918s this M uh so right now we have a
1922s smartphone oh saw some creation L there
1926s and we will get a mobile
1932s phone insert yeah I think you still
1936s don't need the battery all right because
1938s why would you and then and
1941s then come on Mr game designer how do you
1944s do this you don't you don't oh it
1947s doesn't completely yeah I think it's all
1950s right it's it's the server settings okay
1952s so we didn't all right so basically you
1955s can see that the smartphone is no longer
1957s broken at least so you will be able to
1960s uh get
1963s the quests on your smartphone and you
1967s can also track them in your Journal here
1969s as you can see we do have a little bit
1971s more so the quests will have as I
1974s mentioned tiers there's going to be
1976s three tiers of quests uh you you will be
1978s able to do everything through the
1980s journal tab uh so you will be able to
1983s see every quests Quest that you accept
1987s all of the details where you have to
1989s bring stuff uh what still needs to be
1992s completed what's going to be the reward
1994s for it uh and you're going to be able to
1998s abandon the quest from the journal Tab
2000s and everything but yeah as we currently
2003s cannot accept the quest uh we cannot see
2007s how is going to look in the journal but
2010s uh basically everything that the Traders
2013s will offer you from like information
2016s wise uh it's also going to be visible
2019s through the journal so you know like no
2022s fetting about missing information or
2025s anything like
2026s that all right so yeah uh in short no we
2031s cannot show you the current uh progress
2033s on Quest cuz it's not in this build yeah
2036s as I said no Community manager has to
2039s show
2040s something yeah that's what
2043s yeah soon to be junior uh or customer or
2048s customer yeah enjoying everything all
2050s right next question uh fishing Ranger
2052s enjoying everything scum is offering
2054s eagerly awaiting the quest system maybe
2056s getting a little impatient for it LOL
2059s looking forward to the drop ships
2061s getting more added to them my question
2063s is though can we expect more survival
2066s aspects being added soon things such as
2069s broken bones
2070s diseases uh the need to boil water
2073s negative effects due to weather
2074s conditions and other things along the
2076s line that somebody would need to fight
2078s to survive I would also like to see more
2081s added to farming I want to grow
2083s strawberries okay more cooking recipes
2086s and please please add some hunting and
2088s fishing traps and fish
2090s trophies okay so for the first part we
2093s already answered that yep and then uh
2096s more things to farm more cooking recipes
2099s and some maybe hunting and fishing traps
2102s yes so the like the farming stuff and
2105s adding adding more I don't know fruits
2107s vegetables whatever uh isn't really like
2111s a problem so we're going to add more
2114s things because the like the layout we
2116s set up for ourselves to you know add
2119s more content is pretty decent so we can
2123s do it on a fairly regular level once
2126s when we uh get everything else in shape
2132s so like for example fishing uh needs
2135s some more work and polish and love
2138s serious serious love and we're going to
2141s get to that I hope soon and you know
2145s when we do all all of that we're going
2147s to hopefully be able to add a lot more
2150s content in in the already existing
2152s features all right yep okay so next
2156s question is from Boomer 37 and he
2159s originally asked this uh question in
2161s German and I'm not reading German cuz
2163s I'm not letting you guys clip that and
2165s share it all over because I'm definitely
2167s going to butcher that so we did a little
2169s bit of a translation in English it might
2171s be wrong but we'll we'll answer it
2176s anyway it totally makes sense to add an
2178s animation that's supposed to show that
2180s you're dying but you can still tell the
2181s difference because if you die normally
2184s you just fall over in some random way
2186s without an animation you can see then
2188s through the animation that it's fake and
2190s no okay it's just an animation trick and
2193s I'm guessing this is U about the new
2196s animation that we added for the okay so
2199s the play dead one is more or less of an
2203s emote that you can use to
2206s like mess around and get into the uh
2210s Halloween spirits and all that you can
2212s actually still I guess at the end of the
2215s animation stay there and pretend you're
2217s dead uh as for making it actual that uh
2221s that
2222s itself
2225s um it would require you
2228s to uh be able to get into a knock
2233s knockout State Regal State and exit it
2236s on command but that is might that is not
2241s something that we might technically be
2242s able to do right now
2249s see how I avoided that
2251s yeah great work buddy that's why I'm the
2254s community
2256s manager uh all right next question there
2259s m oh we still have to wait until the
2262s second quarter of
2264s 2025 yeah okay I still have enough time
2267s until then to make my character even
2268s stronger thank you very much for your
2270s work and stay healthy that ship has
2272s sailed I'm already looking forward to
2275s the new features that will be coming to
2276s the game and we are looking looking
2278s forward to you guys experiencing what we
2280s have planned for you guys all right next
2284s question from
2286s cosmic uh oh no that's not it all
2292s right uh even papers won't won't help me
2296s next question is from
2297s F250
2299s man11 when are we going to get craftable
2302s ovens so we don't have to venture out
2304s with generators gas and in ingredients
2307s to bake
2309s uh good question it's uh somewhere in
2313s the you know to-do list M uh but it's
2316s not going to be it's not going to be in
2318s the next update but we're going to you
2320s know keep it there just for you because
2323s yeah I know all right I'm not sure if I
2326s can say this name on Twitch honestly so
2329s I'm going to skip skip the name yeah our
2332s quests coming this year uh yes the
2335s quests are coming this year as I said
2338s somewhere before uh they are they're
2342s going to be soft launched so we're still
2345s going to see in what
2347s capacity uh we're going to release them
2351s but uh yeah so just to repeat a bit uh
2355s four Traders are going to have the
2358s quests and they will have you know a
2361s fair amount but we going to upgrade then
2365s uh in the later update but yeah this
2368s this year seems like a good time for
2369s Quest why not why not yeah why not all
2373s right next question is from uh red
2378s Thunder okay will the drop ship still
2381s spawn in on players or will it roam the
2383s island please let it roam it's much
2386s cooler um so drop ships actually have a
2390s couple of you know ways of
2393s operating uh the roaming part is just
2396s one of those ways so you know it's not
2398s one or the other we can have multiple
2401s ways of them interacting with the
2403s players uh the encounters that the
2407s players have around the island uh seemed
2411s very cool for now the
2413s problems uh most of you were facing were
2416s the base attacks so that's where we have
2421s to do some work right MH because they're
2424s you know strong and we're going to add a
2426s lot more conditions and and everything U
2430s so we can kind of uh have more
2434s understanding of which base are going to
2436s get attacked and that you can get more
2439s understanding and prepare for the
2442s occasional battles versus the tech one
2445s entries and drop ships so yeah but we we
2448s are planning to keep multiple ways uh
2451s it's not just going to be uh one roaming
2454s drop ship or just the drop ship that you
2457s know attacks and uh destroys everything
2460s you own
2462s yeah all right and looks like we went
2465s through all of the questions that we got
2466s from Steam here well all of those that
2469s we wanted to answer anyway that's a lot
2470s of paper by the way we going to recycle
2473s yeah we're going to give KS give kicks
2475s he hasn't eaten anything all day so we
2477s got to give him
2478s something um all right so now we can
2481s take some questions from the chat as
2483s well and immediately the first questions
2484s that I see is from some guy called Dario
2487s k
2488s that uh guess first time chatter first
2491s time user speaking of conditions what
2493s kind of conditioner do you use for that
2495s glorious hair if you're asking me so uh
2498s basically what I use is spit uh hair
2501s blow dryer and then uh nothing at all
2504s and then I have perfectly conditioned
2506s hair I mean it's glorious glorious
2509s perfect for the camera as well oh yeah
2511s oh yeah yeah so you can see like not
2513s only that but it also makes the light
2515s bounce off and so that can get better
2519s lightning and look even more glorious on
2521s the camera yeah it's teamwork really
2523s yeah yeah Teamwork Makes a DreamWork all
2527s right uh will there be a movement fix to
2531s be more
2532s realistic there'll be a movement fix
2535s yeah so we are planning to do some work
2538s on General player movement there's been
2541s some stuff that has been bugging us for
2543s for years I guess now uh the physics of
2546s it is complicated it's really
2549s complicated so uh I'm not going to go
2552s into details uh what's been uh worked on
2556s some things are already being worked on
2559s but we're going to leave that for one of
2561s the development updates yeah yeah all
2564s right uh I can see one question here
2566s from old snake 07 uh one character for
2569s all server um definitely not it would
2572s lead to Too Much griefing and exploits
2576s that it wouldn't be possible uh give an
2578s example you're playing on an official
2580s server PVP server whatever and you are
2583s surrounded in a house and you're about
2586s to die it wouldn't be fair that you just
2588s okay I'm going to hop on another server
2590s run out of the house an empty server run
2592s out of the house get the hell away from
2594s everybody and then hop back on the
2596s original server it's just there's too
2600s many things that can go wrong with it
2602s and it's not really
2605s viable uh next up let's answer the C
2609s plane one I have seen that one repeat so
2613s as I've said uh all of the vehicles uh
2616s that were previously in the game are
2618s making a return uh at some point so for
2622s the C plane uh specifically we are still
2626s thinking about several options uh one of
2630s those are that the regular plane is
2632s going to be customizable and you can
2635s make it into a c plane the other one is
2638s that uh as they were before there are
2641s two separate uh Vehicles right so but
2645s yeah it's definitely uh coming back all
2649s right uh I see a question here which
2651s actually goes to a point that I wanted
2653s to give at the end of the stream from
2655s Moon mermaid will we receive some uh
2658s roleplay additions uh actually uh there
2661s is a high possibility for that cuz I've
2663s been talking with Aries and all that so
2665s I just want to make a request right now
2667s for all of you in our roleplay community
2669s and know that uh make sure you contact
2671s me on Discord uh you can find me in our
2674s official Discord under all announcements
2676s make sure you join the official Discord
2677s first because you won't be able to
2678s message me otherwise uh if my I'm bet on
2682s Discord and make sure you contact me and
2684s send me all of your suggestions and
2686s stuff that you want to see for uh the uh
2689s roleplay Community as well so got on
2693s that uh all right next c c kill
2699s back I was waiting for that one I mean
2701s if you ask some people it never left
2704s yeah I mean honestly the camouflage
2707s skill uh so we are planning
2710s to uh make the camo skill a bit more
2714s well I wouldn't say useful but clear in
2717s what does it mean because obviously when
2721s you say camouflage when you have two
2723s players just with the different set of
2725s clothes mhm that works like a camouflage
2728s as well so we are going to get to it and
2733s if I mean just in all honest if we see
2736s that it's not working we going to scrap
2738s it because uh the game needs to have
2741s like the skills needs to be pretty clear
2744s and camouflage is something that uh PVP
2748s players can abuse if done wrong and like
2753s if it's not going to be okay in any
2755s iteration we do we just is going to not
2758s include it but uh we'll get there yeah
2761s all right uh next up we have uh tarantal
2765s and 97 who is constantly spamming scope
2767s fix when scope fix when scope fix when
2770s scope fix when if you think this is
2772s annoying well yeah uh anyway uh scope
2774s fix when uh when when it's fixed yeah
2778s like I don't know when to tell you it's
2780s not like that we want to keep the bugs
2782s in whenever it's fixed and we ready to
2784s release that's when it's going to get
2786s fixed
2789s yeah will the cannons in the abandoned
2792s bunkers be activated that
2795s is that's a that's a that's a question
2799s that is a surprise that we're saving for
2802s later all right uh will there be an
2806s interactive
2807s mapping will there be an interactive
2810s mapping uh so we have again we we have a
2814s lot of plans it seems uh
2817s but we have some concepts for it and we
2821s would really like to do some first basic
2824s changes and then uh further upgrade it
2828s uh it is not in the near future mhm I
2832s can yeah say it's not going to be in the
2834s near future but we have a lot of
2837s feedback on that so yeah hopefully we
2839s get around to it all right uh next we
2843s have torsin uh the last modular vehicle
2847s when are they planned to be done we are
2850s planning to implement all of them uh up
2853s to and before
2855s 1.0 all right I see a lot of the custom
2858s quest questions so uh yes we are
2863s planning to add at some point the
2867s ability to for you guys to make some
2871s quests uh by yourself how is that going
2874s to look like and what possibilities will
2877s you you have uh that I still do not know
2881s it is still in the conceptual phase but
2884s we would really like to do that because
2887s uh we think you guys are able to do a
2890s lot of fun stuff you know and yeah but
2893s we'll see in what capacity are we going
2896s to be able to support it we have a lot
2898s of ideas for it uh and the programmers
2902s even said it should be okay so but we
2905s don't trust them as much so so we we're
2908s just going to have to see I see a
2909s questions from one no please add gym
2912s tools I don't know I think that the load
2916s on the server might be too
2920s heavy here he goes
2923s again yeah I mean can we just remove him
2926s from the screen kicks can we just you
2928s know split it here
2933s yeah a come on
2938s all right next
2941s question uh will window shutters be
2944s added for
2946s basis uh so at the last iteration we
2950s implemented uh some of the stuff but we
2954s have more plans for the windows
2957s specifically uh it's technically
2960s currently a bit
2961s complicated uh but we're going to do
2964s them at some capacity I still don't know
2967s if there's going to be stuff you know
2969s parts that uh move and you can open or
2972s close we have to really be careful
2975s because base rating could perhaps become
2979s just another thing if it's if it's easy
2982s if it's blocking damage if could you
2984s know there's aund things that could go
2986s wrong so as simple as it sounds uh we
2990s kind of have to be really careful about
2992s that
2994s one uh all right
2999s more
3000s questions when comes new
3003s updates soon
3005s comes like real soon and a hard fix
3008s maybe yeah we are planning a lot of the
3011s fixes as we said in the post uh there's
3014s a lot of people testing it right now and
3016s feed feedback flying from all over the
3019s sides uh we want to get it right and get
3023s all of that Fe feedback and then have
3026s all the settings set right so yeah you
3030s can look forward to those pretty
3032s soon uh Mala poop streamer mode I won't
3036s stop
3038s asking okay don't stop asking uh can we
3042s see the scar
3043s l should we show the Carl can we I movi
3047s matovski told me that I shouldn't show
3049s it that I need to save something so if
3051s matovski tells us that it's okay in chat
3053s yeah movi is here in chat it's really up
3056s to to matovski so spam matovski uh oh
3059s there you go sure all right let's get
3062s rid of this pH yeah I really hope that's
3064s in the build that that needs to that
3067s needs to be the
3070s build we of course of course
3074s I more creation letters I hate this
3078s key so uh as you could see on social
3082s media and
3084s uh Steam and everything like that uh we
3087s are we do have a new weapon coming soon
3091s it's the another Belgian variation
3094s another variation of the Belgian rifle
3096s Scar and instead of the DMR this is the
3098s scar l version chambered in 556 and I
3103s without any
3105s ammo
3107s uh and it is shorter it is a little bit
3113s lighter uh but it's still a scar so it
3117s looks like a scar it's going to be have
3120s a it's going to be a little bit more
3122s accurate a a little bit slower fire rate
3126s but it's still a beautiful weapon that I
3131s mean who doesn't like guns in this game
3134s so for those of you who don't know B is
3137s our local weapons expert he's really
3140s hyped about any weapon so yeah yeah so
3144s but it is cool yeah uh so so uh these
3148s were meant to be uh in service until
3151s they realize that it's you know we
3154s already have a 556 weapons why do we
3156s need another one uh but there is still
3158s in service in a lot of the armies around
3159s the world uh up to this day uh we
3163s decided to implement it in the in scum
3166s because I mean it's a scar l come on
3169s everybody likes the scar l the scar age
3171s the scar family just looks so good and
3174s as you can see okay 556 the animations
3178s for it are pretty good even though like
3180s we said it's still work in progress so
3182s uh the magazines right now need to be
3184s worked on and another thing that will be
3187s arriving pretty soon and still needs to
3189s be worked on on this car are
3191s malfunctions but as soon as those are
3193s done it's in the game and I guess yall
3197s want to see me fire it
3200s right there you go we got some full
3202s automatic
3204s action Port Port three is in the
3207s and a little bit
3211s of they they just respawn it's okay so
3215s everybody that's the
3218s score uh when SKS when it's ready my guy
3221s when it's ready we cannot either show
3224s you or implement it before it's
3226s ready
3228s uh I see Lou want a helicopter in the
3231s game Lou wants a helicopter in the game
3234s uh yeah well Louis
3239s listen that one's a bit more complicated
3241s you know yeah uh the the issue with the
3244s helicopter in the game right now is
3246s balance right so helicopter is at right
3249s now without any more Base building
3252s defense uh would just lead to a lot of
3255s stuff not being right so as soon as we
3258s have more uh Base building defense and
3260s stuff like that we can look into a
3262s vehicle like that but there are no plans
3264s or talks about it at this moment
3267s and of course the performance things you
3270s you know that we uh have just a tiny
3274s number of airplanes currently so like
3277s adding any more uh complicated Vehicles
3280s like that for example the helic uh would
3284s be a challenge as well but yeah I see a
3287s lot of you wants the helicopter somebody
3288s asked can we have
3291s mortars wait just I
3293s mean just just take the m2o just take
3296s the grenade launcher and just aim at the
3297s sky and pretend it's
3300s Mor go to a roleplay server I guess yeah
3304s play as a m uh when will the character
3308s start using both hands for example to
3310s hold a gun in one hand and for example a
3312s back or some type of shield in the other
3315s yeah i' we've kind of answered that one
3318s so the animations for the other hand are
3321s really complicated and the I mean the
3324s amount of work to enable the other hand
3328s is I mean we're not even talking months
3331s we're perhaps talking like a year or
3334s more so yeah I'm not uh not really sure
3338s about that one but uh perhap perhaps
3341s like in some capacity we'll see all
3345s right
3349s uh all right more questions more
3353s questions all right uh how about the DLC
3357s inventory so we can mix and match DLC
3358s items and custom DLC characters I'm
3361s guessing this is being able to have
3365s items from the character packs
3368s uh not on the character itself or you
3371s don't have to respawn every single time
3374s uh there are some talks about it there
3377s are some talks about it but I mean yeah
3380s everything regarding DLCs and I don't
3383s know possible new DLCs is still you know
3386s uh
3387s first of all not for you guys not for
3389s public not yet not yet we kind of just
3393s focused on the base game stuff for now
3395s but we'll see yeah um if if we ever plan
3399s to do something like that it would have
3401s to be done through the Traders
3405s mhm um but
3407s yeah um Auto sort from I am Dr Grant
3414s autosort is something that we are
3416s playing around with but it needs to wait
3419s for an inventory rework cuz the current
3422s current inventory system that we have
3423s right now simply would not be able to
3426s support it yeah and I mean we do have
3429s like two groups of people ones that are
3432s really for it and ones that are really
3435s against it so as better said we need to
3439s play around with it a bit to see uh how
3442s and where uh it will fit the game right
3446s MH because uh a lot of people like the
3450s let's call it Inventory management stuff
3453s you know when you have 20 chests in your
3456s base and you're you know uh having each
3459s chest for just one thing uh but yeah and
3462s then again you have the other type of
3464s people who just you know want to get rid
3466s of stuff so the out sort will be nice
3468s all right sorry so uh we do have one
3471s question that our uh now producer R
3475s answered so that was a question from
3477s dingo drip said can we get more than uh
3481s can we get more than more than one bird
3484s sound and he said uh we don't have the
3487s budget for it
3490s uh bird actor so
3495s expensive all right so uh faction Squad
3498s spray paint as their logo to Mark
3500s territories on
3503s walls still talking about it but we do
3505s have some similar news about it and it
3508s has been leaked a little bit uh soon you
3511s will be able to uh wear armbands and
3515s they will be they should be able to have
3517s their squad logos on them as well that's
3519s so not only that is that going to help
3521s you like customize your characters and
3524s make you a cool boy band with all the
3526s matching gear but it will also help that
3529s uh servers that do not want to see name
3531s plates on top of their a big topic uh of
3534s their squad mates on uh there's still
3537s going to be an option for the squad M to
3539s identify each other and make it even
3541s more uh immersive for those of you who
3543s want to and not only that but if you you
3547s know uh take someone else's armband yeah
3551s you will have the ability to leave their
3554s squad emblem on so amus yeah that that's
3559s it's going to be fun especially without
3561s the name placeat
3564s yeah all right
3568s uh Grizz bombs bring back the birds the
3571s birds are not real man yeah they are
3573s government operated drones that are here
3575s to SP drones really birds are not real
3580s man they're in the Walls by the way
3586s um all right okay simple
3591s question let's oh yeah we're almost out
3595s of time we are
3597s perhaps one more question one more
3599s question one more question all right
3601s give us a big ass question that for like
3603s can
3605s answer yeah we we're going to you know
3607s just pick one out B is going to pick one
3609s out to here see uh uh convict 999 I got
3614s your name uh cuse is when so they are
3617s planned I can't tell you when but uh
3620s cuse
3621s and uh server browser update to the
3624s server browser with the filters and all
3626s that is planned we are talking about it
3628s uh when
3630s exactly remains to be seen it seems like
3632s an easy thing to implement but it's a
3637s lot of server clients communication so
3640s the networking part of it and combined
3643s with the UI stuff and we combined with
3645s everything else we need to do like in
3647s the game itself yeah uh but we do
3650s realize that it's basically a necessity
3653s at this point so yeah we're kind of
3655s hoping
3656s of getting into M
3659s so all okay so yeah I guess that's it
3663s yeah I guess that's it so that that this
3666s was one yeah this was one and um thank
3670s you all for coming and I mean we had a
3673s wonderful time yeah we had a blast
3675s really yeah who doesn't like staying
3677s after work yeah and I mean kicks here
3680s honestly he's
3682s just he's looking at us IRL you should
3685s see the look of enjoyment on his face
3689s there I don't know what talking I have
3691s been sitting here and watching them talk
3693s that's all The Man Behind the Scenes
3696s yeah straight from Australia yeah but uh
3700s also you guys have been wonderful as
3702s well so who knows we might make this a
3706s regular thing uh you might see Martin
3709s you might see other devs as well if
3710s you're interested in I don't know maybe
3713s a little bit of art a little bit of
3715s Animation a little bit of L level design
3717s uh who can answer the questions for you
3720s next and yeah thank you all for coming
3722s thank you all for asking your questions
3725s uh thank you all for being nice and
3726s polite as you generally always are and
3731s uh we will see you all actually pretty
3735s soon y have a good night everyone good
3737s evening or good morning in whichever
3740s corner you reside in goodbye
3745s byebye
3775s e e