about 2 months ago - TheGamepires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
20s hi hey man who are you and what are you
22s working on uh my name is Christian and
24s I'm a game designer here at game Pires
25s and how long have you been in game Pires
27s I've been here for almost 6 years now
29s all right and what are you working on
31s right now so currently I've been working
32s on two things I've been working on the
34s cruiser which has its engine removed
36s together with the quad and the dir bike
39s so let me just quickly show you how to
40s get the engine back on it's pretty much
42s the same as with all vehicles you push
44s the vehicle onto the service
46s lift so they put the guide that drives
49s an Alpha Romeo to do pushing Vehicles
52s yep unfortunately right yeah yeah that
54s fits so you put it on the service lift
56s and you buy yourself a new engine don't
58s forget the battery as well
62s and a seat to sit
64s on and now when you end the
67s service the Cru is ready to drive don't
69s forget to fuel it up though and the next
72s thing I've been working on uh is
74s something special with quests so Quest
76s will have different tiers and let's
78s firstly complete a tier one Quest where
80s I need to find brake oil which is
82s conveniently placed right here on the
84s desk take the brake oil turn it into the
86s mechanic and let's say Quest completed
89s this will open up tier two quests which
92s has a special reward tier 2 and tier
94s three Quest will have special trade
96s deals which means after completing the
98s quest You'll have items at a discounted
101s price and most likely at reduced fameo
103s requirements so in this case let's
105s accept this we require a car battery
108s which is also placed here at the desk
110s turn it in and if you go to the mechanic
113s search up carjack the car jack is
116s supposed to be at, 1500 price range but
118s unfortunately that is still a work in
119s progress and which we'll need to fix all
122s right cool sounds great thanks man thank
126s you and we got another one for
129s you uh you might remember M from our
132s last bch of videos when he was working
135s on some uh indoor lighting hi M Hi how
138s are you man I'm good how are you not bad
140s not bad and uh what other features have
142s you worked on before well uh I work on
145s farming on cooking M some weather
148s related stuff uh
150s lots of graphics features uh oh recently
154s I've worked on some graphics
155s optimizations optimizations yeah what
158s kind of optimizations uh we did some
161s optimizations for the uh blur Vision uh
164s blur posters effect was heavy on the GPU
166s so after optimizations it should take
169s one1 of the time to render uh we added
171s meup generation for the postprocess
174s materials and uh this should take some
176s load off uh from the blur effect the
179s same go goes for the frost effect uh it
182s use same kind of blur uh just not for
183s the full full screen uh volc fog in
187s nuclear power plant was also heav for
189s the GPU and now it takes about half of
191s the time to render uh shadows and
194s ambient osion from the clouds were also
197s optimized it's not something that I can
199s show you but you should notice uh
201s improved performance uh this
204s optimizations uh will mostly uh be
206s noticeable on low to mid and graphics
209s cards uh as they can struggle with
211s rendering complex scenes in real time
213s mhm uh it's all in the testing phase now
216s um and there are some more potential
219s optimizations we could do if all goes
221s according to plan fingers crossed huh
223s yeah okay M and uh how would you go
226s about uh testing these optimizations uh
229s we need to test them out uh on as many
231s configurations as possible from low end
233s to high end and everything in between
236s yeah sounds good man thanks a lot