Sea of Thieves

Sea of Thieves Dev Tracker

18 Dec

17 Dec

16 Dec

15 Dec

14 Dec

Millions of treasures taken. Scores of skeletons smashed. More bunches of bananas cronched than we can possibly count – it’s been a wild ride across the waves in the 1000 days since Sea of Thieves hit shelves and storefronts for players around the world to enjoy! Here’s a small selection of the many and varied ways in which pirates have spent their time upon the seas:

Naturally, we weren’t about to let such a marauder’s milestone pass without using it as an excuse for a good time and a few giveaways. Let’s begin with the game itself: as Sea of Thieves’ 1000th day falls on December 14th 2020, any players who log in and play between December 13th and December 16th (10:00 UTC) will receive a commemorative 1000 Days Eyepatch emblazoned with a red Roman numeral ‘M’. (Who says pirates have no appreciation for history?) And pl... Read more