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Um I can't even start a queue to get into matchmaking. I'm not getting an error message btw.

almost 6 years ago - Natalino - Direct link
4 hours ago, SPAJR99 said:

Fix Matchmaking so that low levels with basic gear aren't playing against players in top tier gear. highly unfair to new players and players with less experience. the game is a great game and runs very well, but its very time-consuming grinding gear just to lose it to someone who pays 100+ for the game and spends countless hours on it

Paying a certain amount of money doesn't give you benefits over others that put you in a disadvantage. That is a pay to win model and we do not have that.

There is also no plan to have some type of gear score. A high-level player can choose to go in with full or no gear. The level only shows progress and possibly what they have in the stash but not directly related. 

Like any game, experience puts you in a better position since you know the game more, the maps, the mechanics, etc. That being said, EFT is not an easy game and you will die a lot. As a new player, even more. Experienced or not, 100+ money spent on the game package or not, you will still die a lot. That is just how EFT works. You also cannot choose who you go up against or how many. That's the whole idea of the game too. 

With that out of the way, give it time, play more and learn more, run with a squad since EFT is meant to be played as a team. Enjoy and welcome to Tarkov!

almost 6 years ago - nmc_help - Direct link
I would try visiting our OFFICIAL DISCORD SERVER or STEAM COMMUNITY for help with matchmaking, as our team is very active there and likely can assist you.
over 5 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by A Random Internet User: I was just wondering what is wrong with matchmaking, the highest rank i have a achieved is Gold III due to not having people to play with and very rarely playing, i have a k'd of around 1.25 and yet i'm placed with mid tier plats to diamonds in casual and it's very frustrating, i was just wanting to ask why this is

There could be multiple factors playing into why you might be having issue getting into a game. Would you be willing to answer a few questions for me so I can better understand what the circumstances surrounding your matchmaking issues?

Which platform are you on?
How long were you queued for before attempting to restart it?
about 5 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Hey there! Please note this is an ongoing issue the team is working on a fix for. We appreciate you reaching out about your experience.
almost 5 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Hey Yaboi, can you link those videos here so we can take a look at them

Your frustrating experience is something we are definitely trying to counter, with certain measures (i.e. match cancellation with leavers). We are keeping track of issues like this to report back to the dev team.

Solo queue in particular can be frustrating. Are you in our Discord by any chance? This might give you a space to team up with other folks in your MMR range to avoid at least some of these frustrations!
almost 5 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
I recommend uploading them to Youtube and then posting the link here!
almost 5 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Hey Von Braun! Just to clarify, are you asking about whether casual has an MMR-style system? Because it does have a hidden MMR.
over 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally posted by Antax_: Keep up the good matchmaking system ubi, is really working especially in quick matches.
Really a nice very well done job on that feature.


keep it up!

f*** fix it

Hey Antax, what are the specific issues you are having with the matchmaking system?
over 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally posted by Antax_:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman:
Hey Antax, what are the specific issues you are having with the matchmaking system?

And i've already pointed that out (and im not the only one complaining about this), and no further answers were given... so i understand is not important for ubisoft and the company simply does not care about this major issue on quick

As far as further answers, we released a whole dev blog[www.ubisoft.com] on how the matchmaking system works not too long ago to provide insight for the player base.
over 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally posted by Antax_:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman:
As far as further answers, we released a whole dev blog[www.ubisoft.com] on how the matchmaking system works not too long ago to provide insight for the player base.

I'm aware of this, but is not working properly

What specific aspect isn't working properly? There are a lot of moving parts when it comes to this. Are you referencing the "uncertainty" factor which can come into play withe casual MMR?
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by jreneeconrad:
Originally posted by Younesnake: The thing is, Unranked and Casual use a second MMR which is hidden, Ranked MMR has no effect on Unranked and Casual match making. You could have a high MMR in both Casual and Unranked because you win alot and do good for the team, or maybe because the players who are you getting matched against have a low MMR that they get to play with you.
I am talking about strictly ranked games.

If you're Unranked, you have already been placed in a particular elo due to your Ranked performance in the previous season. So let's say for the sake of conversation you placed Plat II in Steel Wave. Your actual rank will reset, however, your MMR will place you around where you ended last season. That's in place to prevent Diamonds or Champs doing placement matches again Coppers and Silvers. It would make placements for good players far too easy.
over 4 years ago - Drennon - Direct link

Are you getting any error messages?
over 3 years ago - loriipops - Direct link
Originally posted by luisito10: I have a question before buying the game, you can only play with friends, people that you invite or you can join to play in games with strangers looking for something that is missing A member, thank you. ps: I have friends on steam but they don't like this type of game that's why I would have a limit when it comes to playing
Hi there!

You can always play by yourself, Icarus is designed to be enjoyed playing solo OR with a group of friends :)
over 3 years ago - loriipops - Direct link
Originally posted by luisito10: Thanks for answering, but in case you don't have the game A Matchmaking looking for a game that is being developed and join me? I understand playing it alone but to enjoy the experience more,without those people being my friends just to fill the player quota
In order to play Icarus, either alone or with your friends, you all need to have bought the base game.

You're welcome!
over 3 years ago - loriipops - Direct link

From launch, you can access our "server browser" and join any games that prospectors have open (unless their capacity is full).

I hope this answers your question! And don't worry about your english :)
over 3 years ago - loriipops - Direct link
Originally posted by UNHINGED: I'm hoping that Prospects can be locked in some way too though?
I've been championing this to our devs, will get you an answer next week :D
over 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey @eataweet ,

Sorry to hear you're not able to get into a game, are you still having this issue?

If so, may we please know more about the issue?

  • Are the buttons to select a mode totally unresponsive?
  • Is this affecting all Modes (if you try Ranked / Unranked / T-Hunt)?

Thank you!

over 3 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Make sure you're restarting your queue after 3 minutes. Which game mode are you queuing for?
over 3 years ago - Maredraco - Direct link

Most modes are based on ship type. MM tries to make both sides have the same amount of each type of ship. Random Battles in particular other than that works like this:

I have to admit, I also downloaded that to test it for a while and I found that it got in my way more than it helped. I kept being afraid of high rating people and ended up not paying much attention to what my ship is best at. I find that just doing your part correctly was getting me a lot more results. When my team was much better according to that I would go in with too much confidence and would lose a lot of matches. But yeah I also noticed very random outcomes using that.

about 3 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

we actually specifically made it harder for players over 30 to get low level players in their matches in the atlas patch

do you have a match ID or smiteguru link? what mode/region was it? was the low level player partied with higher level players?

about 3 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by drawnhi

Not sure about if he was partied with anyone but he did say that he downloaded the game for the first time today. The match I.D is 1209758795. North America for the region.


the low level player was in a 3 person party with a level 65 and 96. This is working as intended and seems like a reasonably close match for early morning NA

about 3 years ago - /u/Ubi-AJ - Direct link

You can play solo, with friends in a squad or with randoms via matchmaking

about 3 years ago - /u/Ubi-AJ - Direct link

Originally posted by rainb0wbeard

Does the matchmaking fill up the empty spot with AI if you’re playing with only one friend?

No. You can play with just 2 players or it will give you a random third.

about 3 years ago - /u/Ubi-AJ - Direct link

What time and in what region do you usually play?

If it’s 4am and you have Crossplay off you’re obviously going to struggle to find PC players.

about 3 years ago - /u/Ubi-AJ - Direct link

Originally posted by WojteksPL98

I played few days on different hours. No difference between morning and evening gameplay. West eu server. When disabling crossplay the timer usually says 0 min and 0s.

Roger, this info is still useful. I know the team is already looking into it to see if there is something in particular that may be causing the issue.

about 3 years ago - /u/Ubi-AJ - Direct link

Originally posted by imstealingacorns

Are you going to address when he says "console players are not fast enough for higher difficulties?" Or are we just ok with the game being overturned for console?

Not all console players are good just as not all PC players are good.

If this person has had negative experiences so far playing with console players, then that has been their experience and I can't argue with that. I imagine that this has led them to form that opinion.

However, they are wrong to say that console players aren't fast enough for higher difficulties as there are plenty of exceptionally talented console/controller players out there who would mop the floor with most PC/MnK players.

Don't take it personally.

about 3 years ago - /u/Ubi-AJ - Direct link

Originally posted by imstealingacorns

What’s the achievement data, specifically Maelstrom console vs pc data say?

Weird to assume I’m taking it personally.

Don't have access to that data unfortunately and wouldn't be able to share it even if I did.

You appear to be taking up for the slighted controller player base so assumed you felt slighted yourself. Didn't mean to infer anything positive/negative.

End of discussion.