Thanks for making this list! It has been forwarded to the team. Not all of these have been reported as bugs/noticed by the team, so it's really appreciated. Issues like these are also super welcome to be sent into, so we don't miss it in the future :)
Any plans to make it a little easier for solo players? I just want some nice story , exploration and killing all kinds of dinos big and small without getting my ass brutally handed to me
We’re not really a story focused game, and when it comes to solo it’s supposed to be hard and give you some bragging rights if you can do it, since we’re meant to be played as a 3-player coop. You can read about what our Game Director Simon has to share on solo play in this interview
Roadmap doesn’t say anything about console crashes on map/ in lobby or minigun vibration being set to 1000% though...
No, as you can see no fixes are on the roadmap. These are obviously going to happen but aren't planned the same way as features and content are since we tackle the issues as they appear and push the fixes out as soon as they are done.