New Release: Titan of the Cosmos
Passive - The AstrolabeAs Atlas deals or takes God damage he accumulates 1.25 Energy in his Astrolabe. Minions provide 1/10th of the Energy. When he reaches 20 Energy his next Basic Attack has 1.5x damage, 1.5s swing time, and deals bonus damage in an area in front of him. Gods hit are Trembled for 2s while minions are stunned. Atlas can store up to 30 Energy.
UnburdenAtlas throws his Astrolabe to a target location, damaging and slowing enemies where it lands. While deployed, his Basic Attack will cause an explosion at the target area that damages all enemies. This explosion deals 40% damage to Minions and costs 5 Mana to use. After 5s or when he re-fires this ability, the Astrolabe will return to him. Atlas' second ability changes based on whether his Astrolabe is deployed or held.
Gravity PullAtlas pulls enemies towards his Astrolabe. Enemy gods who are too close get pulled into the Astrolabe. If Atlas is holding the Astrolabe enemies who get pulled into the Astrolabe get held in front of Atlas. After a brief delay, the held targets get launched in the direction Atlas is facing. If Atlas has thrown the Astrolabe, enemies who get pulled into the Astrolabe will get held at the Astrolabe's location before being launched towards Atlas.
Kinetic ChargeAtlas charges forward. Each allied god he charges near will have their burdens removed, cleansing them of any current slows and increasing their movement speed. When Atlas collides with an enemy god he will release accumulated burdens in an explosion. For every burden accumulated the slow is increased by 25% up to a maximum of 75%.
Gamma-Ray BurstAtlas tears the sky asunder and calls forth a Gamma-Ray Burst. Enemies in this area are hit every 0.5s and gain a stack of Radiation. Radiation can stack up to 5/5/6/6/7 times and lowers the enemy’s Protections and Power. After 5s or upon re-fire the Gamma-Ray Burst will focus in power and begin traveling across the battleground. Enemies hit by this focused ray take heavier damage and gain Focused Radiation, lowering Protections and Power equal to 3 stacks of Radiation.
Cosmic Carrier Atlas
Ascended Atlas
Atlas Masteries
Event Updates
Yulefest Event
- Purchase Exclusive Yulefest event skins, with 2 skins releasing every 2 weeks! Each skin will be discounted by 25% for their release!
- You can participate in free quests to earn additional rewards throughout the event!
- When Purchasing Yulefest Skins, you will receive gift tokens that you can send to your friends!
Game Mode Updates
Custom Games
- Added a new "Duel" mode to custom games which will utilize the specific map rules that Duel has - Such as Titan and BDK HP changes.
- Added a new pick/ban type "All Ban" to match the new Ranked Conquest System
New God Skins
Available December 14Burning Desire Aphrodite
The Magnificent Sol
Infinite Oracle Morgan Le Fay
Little Helper Bastet
Holo Halo Pele
Noxious Naga Medusa
Available December 21Iroh Bacchus
Curious Courier Chang'e
Available December 28Cyberblade Amaterasu
Shadow Hunter Hachiman
Stingpunk Ahmuzen Cab
Void Sourceress Yemoja
Availabe January 4SWC Starlet Hera
Available January 11Shining Chivalry Chiron
Plushie Raijin
Accursed Soul Set
You can also find a ton of content updates, our new Yulefest event, and Balance Changes for Deities like Terra, Bellona, Ratatoskr, and Jing Wei in the Update Notes, and LIVE on the Battleground! We are excited to see you on the field testing Atlas in SMITE!