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Hello, I've been playing Smite since it first launched and have been to masters many seasons, I love playing ranked, its certainly the most fun I have in Smite, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have massive issues that I'd like developers to address and hopefully change in the future.

My experience in ranked this split has been quite frustrating. (This has nothing to do with players or toxicity, only the MMR and TP systems which are clearly flawed IMO)

I started off in Gold and quickly worked my way into platinum. All this time my matchmaking division was higher than my rank giving me the "underrated" bonus and everything was going very smoothly. However, around platinum 1, I went on a streak where I won 18 out of 20 games. You would think this is a good thing, but it ended up being terrible. By the end of this streak, I was Diamond 2 and my MMR was now saying I was "overrated" and I was losing TP because of this overrated status.

Now to HiRez/Titan Forge I must ask; How can I be considered overrated, when I was previously underrated and played 20 games with a 90% win rate and hard carried most of them?

Personally I think that is crazy. I believe there should be some sort of system where more MMR is rewarded during win-streaks to prevent this issue.

For reference, I play on PC and I am currently in Masters. When I got there my win-loss was 76-46, not including games I won but randomly weren't counted, which is a completely different issue. However, my MMR says it is at a D1 or D2 level. This just doesn't make any sense. I'm on NA servers and I am constantly in games with professional players and holding my own. Furthermore, my win rate is higher than most people in Grandmasters and Masters who appear to have only played 20 matches and reached the MMR cap by using their MMR from previous splits, while their win-rate is even lower.

It seems pretty clear that the current system is extremely favorable to those who had high MMR the split or season before, and those who won all their games when they had high variance. However, the big issue with this system is that once people have a low variance there isn't any reasonable way to progress. What I mean by this is once you have low variance and are overrated, you will always lose more TP than you gain, while you will gain and lose the same amount of MMR typically (This is dependent on who your teammates are; example; I had a game with Sheento as my mid where the other team was all randoms and I won and gained +5 MMR which is nothing). If the MMR you gain/lose is the same, and you lose more TP than you gain, the only way to progress is to win a ton of games without losing which is what I did to get to masters as seen by me having 30 more wins than losses.

I don't think this is a reasonable thing to ask people to do because when you go look at the standings for Masters or Grandmasters there are people in there with win-rates that are under 50%! How is that possible when I needed 30 more wins than losses and was playing on an account that I've taken to masters and high diamond many times before.

I wanted to just point this out and I'm sure many have similar issues with this system. I hope to see it changed in the future. If I'm being honest, I believe this current ranked system is worse than the old purely TP system; after all, under that system, I wasn't punished for going on win streaks or lucking out and getting great teammates. My suggestion would be that MMR gain is increased during win streaks. I'm sure Titan Forge could create an even better solution to that, it's just nonsense that some can get GM with 12 matches played or 30 played with an under 50% win-rate while it will take others 50 more wins than losses. Additionally, it makes sense that Grandmasters should be the best players in the world, the guys with the best winrates who are playing very often. It feels like a joke sometimes viewing the GM leaderboard and seeing some players in there with low win-rates or a low number of matches played. I'm not saying they aren't great players, but they clearly don't have to grind as others do.

EDIT: I wanted to add that I emailed the Smite team about this issue and they said they prefer stuff like this being posted here which is why I post it.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/PonPonWeiWei - Direct link

Originally posted by TheycallmeHal

Thanks for the insight Pon!

No problem :)