New God Release: Shiva, The Destroyer
Passive - SamsaraShiva cycles between the states of Bliss and Destruction by dealing damage to enemy gods with attacks and abilities. Each state provides benefits to himself and allies or hindrances to enemies. On switching between states Shiva’s non-ultimate ability cooldowns are reduced by 2s.
Emblazoned SweepShiva’s trident is emblazoned with the fire of Agni as he spins it around dealing damage, pulling in enemies and leaving behind a firewall at the edge.
Bliss – Allies gain a Movement Speed buff on passing the firewall.
Destruction – Enemies suffer a Protection Reduction debuff on passing the firewall.
Damaru's TempoShiva hits the butt of his trident down into the ground, shaking the damaru drum and causing energy to dissipate and damage enemies. Depending on the selection, enemies in the chosen segment are knocked up as well.
Bliss – Allies gain an Attack Speed buff if the energy passes through them.
Destruction – Enemies suffer an Attack Speed debuff if the energy passes through them.
Pillar of DawnShiva dashes into a pillar of fire where he meditates for a short duration, taking reduced damage and CC Immune, before being able to dash out again. Each dash deals damage to enemies and as he meditates the pillar emits an aura.
Bliss – Allies in the aura gain a block stack while Shiva gains up to 3 after leaving.
Destruction – Enemies in the aura suffer constant damage.
Shiva TandavaShiva performs his Tandava, channeling for the next 6 with CC Immunity and 20% damage mitigation. Every 1.5s he performs a step that can be preselected.
Step one – Ally Healing and Mana restore.
Step two – 50% Damage and Healing and also amplification of next step radius and effects.
Step three – Damage and Shield reduction to Enemies.
Supreme Protector Shiva
Ascended Shiva
Shiva Masteries
Event Updates
The Dharmic Era
- New Hindu God Shiva added to the Codex
- New Skins available in the event
The Welcome Pass
- New 20-level reward pass, free to all SMITE Players
- Earn rewards for completing 20 Games (either normal or ranked games)
New God Skins
Lunar Moth Discordia
Big Gun Khepri
Shadow Prowler Bastet
Crystalline Chaos Nu Wa
Oni Huntress Artemis
Mystic Moon Tsukuyomi
Garnet Nu Wa
Scarlet Serpent Medusa
Azure Skies Kukulkan
Crimson Keeper Cerberus
You will also find a ton of updates to other content in-game! The Dharmic Era event is updated, there are also a variety of balance changes to both Deities such as Hera and Bakasura, and Items such as Persistent Teleport and Calamitous Rod of Tahuti. You can learn all about this Update's balance in the Update Notes. This Update also includes the release of Shiva, our newest Deity joining the Battleground! Log into SMITE and check out all of this new content, today!