
Smite Dev Tracker

23 Oct


Originally posted by Schmidtty29

Differentiation for game design/balance reasons most likely.

Just think about how annoying some gods could be if every indicator looked the same.

In this case, if they were the same, it’d be a matter of β€œis that an old Clio ult in the wall or is she exiting it?”

Yep, we wanted to ensure that portal was only used in places where it was clearly her ultimate or in context with an animation (dying, recalling) that could provide the context it wasn't a gameplay element.

For entering/exiting the wall we wanted it to be visually distinct so that was clear for enemies to know her intentions and that if they see a portal in that scenario they know it is dangerous. Functionally she also doesn't use the portals to 'travel' so the theme of her becoming ghostly might have been lost if they were used.



Could you please read our rules here:

The reason why I'm writing this is that your latest few posts break a lot of our rules at the same time, so I'd just like to ask you to check them out before your future concepts.



Hello u/Deathofthegods1 and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

Sadly, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

Please wait 72 hours between creative content posts.

If you have any questions or concerns, please ...

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22 Oct


Originally posted by cronatos

Is there info on voice actors?

Yes! We had the pleasure of working with the voice actors from the 2020 TRANSFORMERS: War for Cybertron Netflix Trilogy for Optimus Prime(Jake Foushee), Starscream(Frank Todaro), and Megatron(Jason Marnocha).

Here's a tweet from our VO director with all their @'s!


Wait till you see these skins in game. The animation team went HAM!

See ya next weds for the update show!


Even though it's pretty obvious at this point, just another reminder if anyone comes to this post that we most certainly aren't HiRez employees. Bugs and all should be forwarded in other places because it is near impossible for HiRez to fully track them over the subreddit.


Hello u/TherealCataclysm and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

Sadly, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

Bugs and Tech issues

This is a community-ran forum and therefore not the best place to ask for help regarding technical issues or to post about bugs ingame.

If you have found issues related to the latest patch, please report them in the active appropriate me...

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21 Oct


Hello u/kmanmott and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

Sadly, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

No Personal Problems

By this we mean ...

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20 Oct


Originally posted by BadSpartan97

since when? why would you do that?

it was implemented last update to increase to increase the amount of game experience required before players can enter ranked


Originally posted by BadSpartan97

BadSpartan PC and ranked joust and conc. weirdly duel works...still wont play that mode XD

you do not have enough masteries. you now need 20 gods at rank2+ to play ranked


can you share your in game name, platform, and queue you were attempting to join to help us troubleshoot this issue?