
Smite Dev Tracker

18 Feb


Originally posted by Blawharag

You know, I've got to disagree with the base assumptions here. Coming from a game like heroes of the storm, where healer is it's own specific role, having primary healers to play against is not itself a boring role to play or frustrating to play against. Some people really enjoy characters like that, and as long as the healer isn't also dishing out incredible damage or reaching tank levels of survivability, it's really not a problem to play against. They become a dive target, someone you prioritize to win a team fight, and they can change the dynamic of a team fight as well, turning it into a longer term conflict of thirty seconds to a minute of straight combat rather than fifteen seconds tops and done.

I'm not saying dedicated healer builds are definitely the way to go, but ponpon's basis for being conceptually opposed to the idea is definitely flawed

Conceptually, across different games. I agree with you.

But this isnt HoTS, This is SMITE. And we dont need to worry about the concept when we have the evidence and gameplay right in front of us.

How would it feel to play against an Aphrodite with MORE healing than she has now?

Why can't we just nerf specific aspects of her damage, healing, and survivability as a way to balance her as a healer? If we just decrease her damage to make her focused toward being a healer - couldnt that create the exact success situation you described without having to rebalance 6-8 gods and create 6-8 new items?

My post today has the goal of getting people to think more about the specific gameplay changes and applications of ideas like this.


Originally posted by Lyefyre

damn AJ you beat me to it, I was just looking for the other thread.

Edit: Would you consider the global "not brawling" debuff introduced in 8.1 a success? judging by your post, you're still not happy with healing..

Yes id say it was - its just a much more specific success.

It weakens a specific strategy of healing between fights while the enemy team has to back.

We clearly need to do more to address healing as a whole though, and maybe we were too careful in 8.1 and should have just nerfed it heavily in one-go, but theres a lot of advantages to taking it step by step.


So we saw almost this exact same pitch a few months ago and ponpon wrote a solid and strong response here:

The TLDR of pons comment is:

  • Healing should not be the sole identity of any character or play style. That level of healing is innately frustrating and likely to create unhealthy gameplay, even if it is a "unique" playstyle.

  • So, instead we consider how to make...

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17 Feb


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16 Feb


Echoing what a couple of people have said here and we have received reports of this from pros and Olympians and are looking into each case as they come up. If you've experienced a match like this recently shoot me your in game name, and the date/time of the match in question. I'll forward it over to the team and make sure it gets looked into.


Originally posted by Renaissance7

I had a similar issue yesterday around 10 PM - 12 PM CST.

Thank you for reaching out!

we are pretty sure we fixed the issue that was causing this to happen sporadically across yesterday and the day before. But if you see it any more grab the match ID and let me know!