
Smite Dev Tracker

23 Feb


Originally posted by ChrisDoom

The wording of the first part seems correct if I understand the ability correctly? Like as in if you hit 6 shots in a row the damage of the last shot has been reduced by the maximum of 70% less damage? The math is wonky because at 15% reduction a hit that should be 75% reduction on hit 6 but I just assumed the devs didn’t want to fully reduce the last shot and chose to still have it do 30% of the damage instead of 25%?

The extra time is just a window to fire it still at full strength. Olorun 1 charge does the exacts same thing(except obviously that’s range charge not damage).

Exactly, it's been reduced by the "maximum" of, not "minimum" of.

As for the extra time yeah I was thinking if it was that, but seems kinda counter productive to have to click every time you want an instant reaction, but that's just my opinion.


I may be wrong, but shouldn't Tiamat's one say "up to maximum 70%" damage reduction, not minimum?

Also also, is it intended to have her play this 1 second animation after charging and have the option to fire it early for the same amount of damage on her one? She doesn't appear to get anything if you let the animation go.

Edit #1

Another bug on the new God is if you pick a buff with your first in ground stance, then pick a normal buff, if you use your first again to pick a buff you're already holding with your first, the game will crash with 100% replication. This can easily be done in jungle practice

22 Feb

Goddess of the Salt Sea Update[]:
  • It’s finally time to welcome Tiamat to the Battleground!
  • Tiamat, our latest Mage, will be going live with Tuesday’s Goddess of the Salt Sea Update.
  • The Update will also bring new content to the Dawn of Babylon event, with skins for Arachne and Mulan. 
  • We will also be adding Northern Warder Khepri to the Critter Chest, but you can also grab him by Direct Purchase.
  • The new Vamana, Xbalanque, and Baron Samedi skins will be going live in the Esports and Livestreams tab, so check those out, too. 
  • To see all the balance and skins coming with the Update on Tuesday, make sur...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

Hey, I've removed this. Please wait 72 hours between posting video clips on the subreddit!


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This made me ugly laugh, let's goo

21 Feb

20 Feb