The wording of the first part seems correct if I understand the ability correctly? Like as in if you hit 6 shots in a row the damage of the last shot has been reduced by the maximum of 70% less damage? The math is wonky because at 15% reduction a hit that should be 75% reduction on hit 6 but I just assumed the devs didn’t want to fully reduce the last shot and chose to still have it do 30% of the damage instead of 25%?
The extra time is just a window to fire it still at full strength. Olorun 1 charge does the exacts same thing(except obviously that’s range charge not damage).
Exactly, it's been reduced by the "maximum" of, not "minimum" of.
As for the extra time yeah I was thinking if it was that, but seems kinda counter productive to have to click every time you want an instant reaction, but that's just my opinion.