
Smite Dev Tracker

14 May

13 May

12 May


Originally posted by ChrisDoom

Perfect, exactly what I wanted to know. (But also I think you made a little math error in the explanation, it says 25+35=55 in the example of what is not happening with the new system(also Nem is listed as being nerfed in non-conquest even though she was buffed))

And for anyone just reading this comment that is too lazy to look at the patchnotes again, whichever is higher between item mitigation or ability mitigation is the one applied.

lol i am cursed by typos should read = 60


Originally posted by throwawayformature

So quote that and get to the part where she says it's additive.

Baron ULT and Hades ULT already give you 80% and 60% mitigations respectively, she says there that you over cap if it's supposed to but it's not additive.

So if you have 25% mit through items she explicitly says it doesn't stack. Right there in the link. So does it or does it not, because if it isn't additive then gods who don't overcap the mit cap just get nerfed.

patch notes have been updated to explain this more clearly. check those out!


Originally posted by ChrisDoom

Hey could you help clarify something about this, on the patch show they said a couple times that ability mitigations and item mitigations aren’t additive with this change. Does that mean that it is an either/or situation where whichever is higher between your ability mitigations or item mitigations is the one applied? Or did they misspeak and it’s item mitigations up to 25% and then ability mitigations on top of that? So in the case of Baron ult it could be 25% from items and 35% from the ability for 60% mitigation total. Or is it something else like them be multiplicative? Just trying to fully understand the change. Thanks.

patch notes have been updated to explain this more clearly. check those out!


All god abilities that grant mitigations in any way will go over the cap

Only Items are bound by the cap, this includes all various types of persistent or short duration effects

The only other exception is Aegis Relic, which will always function as full dmg immunity regardless of your other sources of damage mitigation.

hope this helps! unsure if you might want to change your post based on this information.

11 May


Hello Divine Deities! PTS for the VShojo Update is LIVE!

There are TONs of new changes and exciting new features for you to try. Make sure you check out the full Update Notes here.

Be sure to post any bugs or issues that you find from PTS in this thread, and leave any feedback you have. Make sure to check out the many changes to Gods and Items, and check out some of the incredible new skins in the VShojo Event! We are so excited for your feedback!

If you would like to participate in the PTS ...

Read more External link →

Originally posted by Alex_2706

I want to believe it's a wording issue, where erosion reduced the ammount of shield vamana gained but ALSO reduced the total shield health upon each tick.

this is correct