
Smite Dev Tracker

26 Apr

25 Apr

24 Apr

23 Apr


Originally posted by Lokisboon411

The same thing is happening to me, and hirez has yet to tell me anything.

Can you send me your in Game name and platform?

22 Apr


Originally posted by GuessThisNameIsTaken

I'm back and I have better answers this time.

Match ID: 1029934293

In game timer 00:28 yep not even a minute in and it got locked

Normal casting mode.

No special keybindings.

I had a mana chalice, then used my 2 stored the potion, and that's when I noticed it did the thing were the potion was still floating next to me so I knew it got locked. Tried swapping but all I did was just switch the slots the potions were stored.

What's better was the ult bug I had it was like a lottery everytime I ulted, would I be able to fire, would it work normally, would the house animation end early, and best one was could I infinitely shoot witch fires long after the house animation (this made the game so much fun, sadly it stops if I right clicked or got cc'ed)

Also randomly through out the game I would be unable to jump, then randomly i would be able too.

Gonna copy/paste this to a lot of people - unfortunately Reddit isn't great for individual responses.

As an update we shipped a fix for this to Xbox/PC/PS4. It was a client fix, and server didn't need a restart, so you'll have to relaunch your clients to get the patch (was sent out at ~1pm EST) . Let me know if you run into this issue again after you've downloaded that patch!


Originally posted by Yaminoari

and yet sylvanus still cant hit the gold shrine everytime with his autos been a bug since the gold shrine was released

I've been able to hit the gold shrine with Sylvanus in live at many different angles - can you send screenshots of the angles you're having trouble with?


Originally posted by Acromegalic

Happened to me with the ultimate. At one point I just pushed all the buttons during a team fight and from that point on the ultimate would go into the house but wouldn't lob the fire. I'm on xbox.

Gonna copy/paste this to a lot of people - unfortunately Reddit isn't great for individual responses.

As an update we shipped a fix for this to Xbox/PC/PS4. It was a client fix, and server didn't need a restart, so you'll have to relaunch your clients to get the patch (was sent out at ~1pm EST) . Let me know if you run into this issue again after you've downloaded that patch!


Originally posted by Senpai-Thuc

I had this issue and it seem like using your ultimate allows you to throw your potion again. Well, or until the bug happens again.

Gonna copy/paste this to a lot of people - unfortunately Reddit isn't great for individual responses.

As an update we shipped a fix for this to Xbox/PC/PS4. It was a client fix, and server didn't need a restart, so you'll have to relaunch your clients to get the patch (was sent out at ~1pm EST) . Let me know if you run into this issue again after you've downloaded that patch!


Originally posted by NeckbeardRedditMod

I also play on PS4 and this happens with Sol as well with her 2. I'll get it ready and the aiming line doesn't show up and I can't use it or any other attacks. It happens 1-2 times a game and I have to recall to fix it. I haven't messed with the controls.

Gonna copy/paste this to a lot of people - unfortunately Reddit isn't great for individual responses.

As an update we shipped a fix for this to Xbox/PC/PS4. It was a client fix, and server didn't need a restart, so you'll have to relaunch your clients to get the patch (was sent out at ~1pm EST) . Let me know if you run into this issue again after you've downloaded that patch!


Originally posted by ShellFlare

i had the ult cant fire bug a match ago. it was only for a single ult usage but i was stuck in hut while my team fought and i was just there.

Gonna copy/paste this to a lot of people - unfortunately Reddit isn't great for individual responses.

As an update we shipped a fix for this (the ult and the potion issues) to Xbox/PC/PS4. It was a client fix, and server didn't need a restart, so you'll have to relaunch your clients to get the patch (was sent out at ~1pm EST) . Let me know if you run into this issue again after you've downloaded that patch!


Originally posted by LMW-YBC

Match ID = 1029867629

Happened right at the start, when going to help jungler clear their speed buff.

I use quick cast in the options menu (for relics), but change individual character abilities to either instant or normal. For Baba, I have all of her abilities set to instant cast except her 1 (which is on normal cast).

No special keybinds.

I had 4 multi pots and was unable to fire with or without a pocketed 2, and swapping them did nothing to help.

As an additional note, I decided to leave and reconnect to see if it fixed the issue. It thankfully did, however this is still not ideal as I got pretty far behind the enemy midlaner.

Gonna copy/paste this to a lot of people - unfortunately Reddit isn't great for individual responses.

As an update we shipped a fix for this to Xbox/PC/PS4. It was a client fix, and server didn't need a restart, so you'll have to relaunch your clients to get the patch (was sent out at ~1pm EST) . Let me know if you run into this issue again after you've downloaded that patch!


Originally posted by molokodude

Same also her ultimate never letting me cast mortar shots but would let me house up. Problem is it was a vs ai game so zero history But it was about 20 mintues ago so 10pm ISh est with darkcosmiclotus and saltalchemy. My IGN is same as my reddit Standard everything else thou

Gonna copy/paste this to a lot of people - unfortunately Reddit isn't great for individual responses.

As an update we shipped a fix for this to Xbox/PC/PS4. It was a client fix, and server didn't need a restart, so you'll have to relaunch your clients to get the patch (was sent out at ~1pm EST) . Let me know if you run into this issue again after you've downloaded that patch!