New God Release: Martichoras - The Manticore King
Basic AttacksBasics apply Venom, dealing 5% Basic Attack Power over 2s. Initial hit applies 4 stacks, hits refresh and increase damage by 1 stack, max 8 stacks.
Passive - MonstrosityMartichoras gains up to 100 stacks of Ferocity for hitting Basics, Abilities, and earning kills or assists. Once maxed, he loses all Ferocity and gains an Attack Speed buff that increases in duration by Basic Attacking gods. He also gains a permanent Monstrosity stack of 1% Physical Lifesteal and 1% Physical Ability Lifesteal.
Acid RainMartichoras fires hundreds of venomous spikes from his wings, creating a circular rain of spikes that deals damage as it rolls forward. As the rain moves, it leaves behind a toxic trail that slows and damages all enemies within the ...
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