New God Release: Maui - Hero of Hawaiʻi
Passive - ManaiakalaniWhen an enemy god is Hard Crowd Controlled near Maui, they are marked for the duration of the Crowd Control and for an additional 2s afterwards. If Maui basic attacks an enemy with this mark, his next basic attack becomes enhanced. Any gods hit by Maui's enhanced basic attack are pulled to him. This passive has a 10s Cooldown.
Master FishermanMaui charges up, spinning his hook and preparing it to go farther the longer he charges. When he refires, the projectile damages enemies and stops on first god hit. If Maui hits an enemy god he reels them in, crippling and vortexing them towards himself for 1.5s. Maui can cancel this ability at any time.
Mystical UluaMaui throws an Ulua made of magical water that ex...
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