almost 6 years ago - Paradox Interactive - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
7s [Music]
17s since the dawn of their empire the flarg
20s earase had gazed upward towards the
22s Stars awaiting the return of the veiled
25s one flick Hoshi Cargill when this
27s Messiah finally returned he was known
30s across the galaxy as Steve and in death
33s became a martyr that rallied the
35s universe against the great chirpy Khan
38s again deprived of their most holy
41s prophet the flurgle stargazers turned
43s inward searching new realms of existence
46s for Steve what they found instead or
50s perhaps what found them was the shroud
54s with the importance of this discovery
56s unappreciated the last semblance of
58s order and stability in the universe was
61s once more shattered nations united
64s against the khan turned on one another
65s seemingly without reason the Church of
68s Chains marshaled its power against the
71s fifth interstellar time and time again
73s it's fleets smashed against the
75s socialist to show they to the public and
77s the ung seeking first to liberate
80s systems taken decades ago from the
82s termeh to die collective and later to
84s subjugate the fifth interstellar
85s entirely the cyber equestrian collective
89s having fully embraced cybernetics and
92s now known as the Omni horse codex moved
95s against the extra galactic de Sano
97s destroying their entire civilization in
100s a single horrific chain reaction with
102s this victory control over the L cluster
105s was theirs and all the hidden secrets it
108s possessed while the wars fought by these
111s and other petty tyrants had the
113s potential to upend the galaxy
115s it was the union of supreme synthetic
117s Republic's that remained the most
119s dangerous long feared their rapidly
123s destabilizing programming had caused the
125s USSR to act erratically increasingly
128s striking out against their neighbors the
131s war of extermination they unleashed
133s against the Long's
134s offering vulcan kingdom was an
135s unparalleled shock to the galaxy even
138s one so familiar with endless carnage
141s when the last val toon world was finally
144s taken and their kingdoms ceased to exist
146s the USSR began liquefying billions of
149s Vulcan citizens into energy this act
152s galvanized the other great nations of
155s the galaxy and one by one they declared
157s war upon the USSR to finally put an end
160s to its robotic cruelty the nations of
164s the fifth interstellar the Church of
166s Chains the family the Council of seekers
168s and the newly formed non-aligned treaty
171s organization consisting of the cupid er
173s technocracy omni horse codex and ung
176s launched a great offensive into the USSR
179s what began as a war of liberation
181s quickly turned into an interstellar
184s carrion field however as idealistic
186s intentions gave way to pragmatic greed
189s this was epitomized in the actions of
191s the ung a nation that since its founding
194s had abandoned every Ally and surrendered
197s at every opportunity bold yet spineless
200s it was the ung that struck the final
203s blow seizing the capital of the USSR and
206s ending in ideological struggles
208s centuries old yet the victory here
211s accomplished nothing nations that had
214s long feared reprisal from the USSR now
217s acted with impunity and the galaxy
219s descended further into chaos reflects
222s announced its intention to annex the
224s family the family declared war on the
227s Council of seekers the council of
230s seekers launched an attack into the
232s sacrosanct and Pauli Council each month
235s brought new revelations new disasters
238s new triumphs but each only served to
241s further inflame the galaxy where once
244s distant stars had served to inspire and
247s motivate now they were simply lonely
249s lights in an ever-faster swirling
252s kaleidoscope of insanity
254s even the old powers forces that had once
257s shaped the fate of existence could not
259s endure this growing madness in both the
263s territories of the log and choose and
264s the sin
265s fallen empires that had until now
267s remained dormant fleets began mobilizing
270s and plans made to impose on the universe
273s a new form of rule but even the power of
277s the old ones paled in comparison to the
279s reckless determination of the younger
281s races as thus in Wrath prepared to
284s unleash a new crusade against those they
286s considered unworthy the non-aligned
288s treaty organization struck first in a
291s preemptive strike the armadas of the
293s cupid er technocracy omni horse codex
295s and ung
296s assaulted the sin wrath before they had
299s fully prepared ending their nascent
301s recovery before it had even begun across
305s the galaxy fallen empires that had once
307s stood as impenetrable bastions of hidden
310s knowledge were now looked upon with
312s envious eyes eager for whatever
314s advantage they might possess the younger
317s races fell upon the old until the oldest
320s fires of the universe were finally
322s extinguished with the age of the old
325s ones finally ended the time of great
327s omens began censors across the galaxy
331s began registering a faint signal which
333s soon intensified at an alarming rate
335s broadcast between hidden relay stations
338s it seemed to have a particular influence
340s on synthetic constructs who abandoned
343s whatever masters they served on mass and
345s disappeared to Regions unknown when the
349s purpose of this ghost signal was finally
351s realized it was nearly too late massive
355s energy spikes appeared in seemingly
357s random star systems and the surface of
360s entire world split apart to reveal
362s ancient planet wide factories the first
366s appeared within the territories of the
367s aterna
368s the second within platy Corp the third
371s rocked the foundation of the Omni horses
373s while the fourth mercifully appeared on
375s the borders of the galactic core from
378s each new machine world sprang fleets of
380s ai-controlled warships determined to
383s wipe out all life in the galaxy of the
386s nations affected by this unprecedented
388s crisis it was the omni horses who had
390s prepared the most effective response now
393s a machine intelligence themselves the
395s omni horse codex together with a UNG in
398s the key
399s beador immediately counter-attacks the
401s machine world within their space
402s blasting apart the machine world before
404s its threat could spread Clady Corp was
408s not so fortunate waves of AI warships
411s fell upon their star systems and their
413s old rivals were quick to take advantage
416s of this new calamity even as their
418s populace was massacred by armies of
420s machines the dredge the way and the
423s floral carved-up what remained between
425s them only the Turk ardian utopia
428s resolved itself to the defense of platy
430s Corp but by the time they arrived solely
432s barren worlds remained the galaxy had
437s truly entered into the end times but
439s there was seemingly nothing in the
441s universe that could end it's mindless
443s petty conflicts while AI fleets stalked
446s across the galaxy
448s NATO v interstellar the Church of Chains
450s the Cupid er technocracy fell deeper
453s into the abyss of endless war the
456s battles they waged resolved nothing
458s serving only to give the ung yet another
461s opportunity to surrender and join a new
464s alliance this time as a vassal under the
466s spiritual guidance of the way so
469s complete was the absurdity that gripped
471s the galaxy the approaching objects from
474s beyond the outer rim were barely noticed
476s the sacrosanct from Poli Council which
479s for so long had avoided the worst
481s impulses of its neighbors became the
484s first victim nourishment for an extra
486s galactic predatory species when
490s salvation arrived it came from the
492s shroud the floral stargazers had been
494s the first to probe its depths but it was
497s the way that embraced it fully the
499s Covenant they entered into with the
501s shroud delivered unto the way untold
503s power but they and their allies were
506s forever marked the influence of the
508s shroud spread across the way the flurgle
510s stargazers the aeternam and even the ung
514s and all were blind to the approaching
516s doom the price the shroud demanded for
520s the power it bestowed was terrible in an
523s instant the nation's it had marked were
525s destroyed utterly reduced to a scattered
527s few exiles who fled to the safety of
530s forgotten worlds
531s through their sacrifice arrived the
534s third coming of Steve Steve the Steve
537s artheon Steve the traveler Steve the
541s destructor the insight provided by the
544s shroud revealed to Steve that the galaxy
547s was too sick to survive and only through
549s its complete annihilation could balance
552s be restored avatars of Steve appeared in
556s orbit of doomed worlds delivering swift
558s judgment while Steve himself presided
561s over all bringing to the galaxy a new
564s utopian age that could never be undone
568s until he was killed by the family and
570s reflects Inc thanks to Paradox
578s Interactive for allowing us at the
580s template Institute to investigate and
582s document the many empires in this
584s intense and unpredictable universe this
588s is our last recap video covering the
590s events of the dev clash series but if
592s you'd like to watch our own stellaris
594s Invictus series where we Chronicle the
596s rise of the greater terran union as it
598s stands against the most powerful forces
600s in the galaxy check out our twitch and
602s youtube channels
612s [Music]