12 months ago - AndrewT - Direct link
What happens if you run stellaris.exe directly from File Explorer? Any Windows error show then, or does it run okay?  
12 months ago - AndrewT - Direct link
What antivirus app do you use? You need to make sure all these apps are in its exceptions lists:

stellaris.exe and dowser.exe (in the Steam Stellaris folder)
C:/users/{username}/AppData/Local/Programs/Paradox Interactive/launcher-v2.2023.16/paradox launcher.exe
C:/users/{username}/AppData/Local/Programs/Paradox Interactive/bootstrapper-v2.exe

IF that doesn't help, also set each of those .exe files (EXCEPT stellaris.exe !) to run as the Windows Admin user.

Then the game should run from Steam/our launcher, and enable all the DLCs.  
12 months ago - AndrewT - Direct link
As I don't read that language I'm not 100% sure what I'm seeing there. But disabling an AV app does not in fact fully turn it off, as that is what some malware tries to do!

You'll still have to add those .exe files to its exceptions lists.  
12 months ago - AndrewT - Direct link
L4MIA said: I think my computer is weird
What makes you say that? Are you having other issues with it? Because I'm not seeing anything wrong with the game, the launcher, or the settings.

Make a new Windows user on this machine and log into it with that and install and run the game there. Is that any different?  
12 months ago - AndrewT - Direct link
Maybe add steam.exe to that exceptions list you posted.

That aside, I'm pretty much out of ideas on this one!