over 1 year ago - AndrewT - Direct link
I know nothing about mods here, but I'll check your hardware and game settings.

DXDIAG is a program you run from the Windows search box on the task bar. After running it will open a window and start collecting info with a progress bar in the lower-left corner. When it completes click the 'save all information' button and save it to a file then attach that file here.

Please attach here your Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/settings.txt and pdx_settings.txt .
From your Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/logs/ folder, attach here system.log , error.log .  
over 1 year ago - AndrewT - Direct link
Deathfur said: Oh, wait I double checked and there are errors at the start of a month.
You'll have to talk to the mod authors about that.

Deathfur said: Pdx settings is empty.
That can't really be the case, it is created by our launcher if not there. Can you delete it, run the game, then check again please?

You may as well update that nVidia driver to Oct 2022 https://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us

THEN Right click on stellaris.exe , properties, compatibility. Tick "disable fullScreen optimisations" untick every other box in that dialog, Apply and exit.
Then in the launcher Game Settings menu, select fullScreen display mode, Vsync off, refresh rate 60.

AND unload GeForce Experience before starting the game.

Does that help at all?  
over 1 year ago - AndrewT - Direct link
pdx_settings.txt is written by our launcher rather than the game. I don't know what could cause it to make the file but not populate it!  
over 1 year ago - AndrewT - Direct link
I see. Can we not do that while we work on this problem please?  
over 1 year ago - AndrewT - Direct link
When you run this game from the PLAY button in Steam, it automatically runs our launcher. You don't need to find its .exe file.  
over 1 year ago - AndrewT - Direct link
I see we are in borderless mode with vsync on. Please implement my suggestions up in post #5, thanks.  
over 1 year ago - AndrewT - Direct link
Sorry then, I have nothing else to suggest here. Please contact the mod authors about this.

Good luck!