
Stormgate Dev Tracker

07 Mar


Originally posted by ihatesc2smurfs

Don't want to be a debbie downer, since I know a lot of people are looking to Stormgate as SC2's successor, but does this all this shilling trip anyone else's bullshit alarm? There are a lot of very well-trodden marketing tropes present here: "the devs are SO passionate, listen to feedback, and their office has a gym!" It honestly sounds like a bad marketing intern wrote the copy. Everything is being marketed except... the game itself?

It marketing really reminds me of so many failed high-profile projects (Daikatana, Star Citizen, to name a few): the people behind the game is front and center in the marketing while the gameplay itself takes a backseat. To me, it sounds like they want the hype, but know their gameplay isn't worth the hype, so they try to keep relevant by paying influencers. It doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

One great example of marketing with a comparable company is Grinding Gear Games for Path of Exile. Both companies are indie studios building...

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Hey everyone, I’m the comms guy at Frost Giant, so I can share our perspective.

FYI, Neuro ran his article past us before posting. We did not ask him to write it and had no part in creating it. We actually asked him to tone down his praise because, even though it was 100% genuine, we knew it could give this exact impression.

We are the first to say that we are very early and have a lot of work ahead of us.

Regarding our decision to announce so early, we decided to go this route because we wanted to involve the community in our development process. Frankly, we've all been waiting a long time for a new Blizzard-style RTS and we wanted to confirm that we were making one and begin community-building.

We understand that some of you are going to be skeptical of any praise for Stormgate until you see gameplay or get your hands on the game—and that is a stance we respect.

We hope that when you finally do get to play, whether that’s in our upcomin...

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Originally posted by Wraithost

I was referring to the animated trailer, because while it was cool it felt very basic compared to a lot of modern cinematics

It's new version of IN-GAME ENGINE things. For example in SC2 you will have it on Ray's Bar when Tychus came to see Raynor. For "real" cinematics you need HUGE budget and in FG situation probably this ultra high quality, ultra expensive cinematics will be a waste of money - it's better to have the money to make a good game.

You wouldn't believe how much it costs to make one of those Blizzard cinematics! They're incredible, but very, very expensive. We're focused on making a great RTS. :)


Originally posted by Radulno

mostly the fact that they aren’t beholden to Activision

Keep in mind they have other investors like Epic or Riot (so Tencent) so they're beholden to them.

But yeah I would take those with a grain of salt too. That guy seems to be the only one that played the game and gave public opinions which is a weird thing to begin with (you generally open playtests to a lot of influencer type people).

I wish I had a better explanation, but Neuro's access really just came down to him being able to come visit us in our Irvine headquarters. I've personally extended similar playtest invitations to other RTS community members, but they aren't local.

We plan to welcome even more members of the community to come play throughout the year (like our recent visit and playtest from my favorite StarCraft-loving superstar, Simu Liu).


Once you’re done playing these games, be sure to sign up for the Stormgate beta! Sounds right up your alley.

We hope you’ll enjoy the game.


Originally posted by darrow2021

What's the Xbox controller for?

Elden Ring?


Originally posted by Armeniandave1

Was this picture taken on a beeper

I think I took this photo with my iPhone. I’m also responsible for the pro editing you see on that screen. This definitely wasn’t meant to be zoomed-and-enhanced!


Originally posted by A_Fellow_Weeb

I'm very surprised but eager about the fact that they're not even that far into development! From the small amount of content we've seen online I think I had assumed they were further along than I thought, and as a result felt that what info I had was not up to the level I was expecting.*

The fact that it's not even begun singleplayer/co-op, and one of the two major factions is still not even remotely playable, means that they'll have so much time to improve the content of the game in leaps and bounds.

I'm delighted to hear all the other info, though I'm not as steeped in RTS games to be able to fully visualize what it means for the final product, but everything else sounds very interesting as well!

Thank you for posting this!

*I was referring to the animated trailer, because while it was cool it felt very basic compared to a lot of modern cinematics. I assumed that because we were getting a video like that, they were closer to the end of development...

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I can share a little context about our announcement trailer. It was made entirely in Unreal Engine using game assets—very different from a typical Blizzard-style cinematic.

We decided to make our announcement trailer in-engine to provide an example of the kinds of stories we can tell in-game.


Originally posted by halpmebogs

Inject this into my veins. Glorious

And I love this team so much. Because they are so genuine and transparent, and you have the ability to put your faith in them without worrying about daddy activision stepping in from the back to f**k over the development. I only wish I could buy some merch right now

We have the best community ever. Thank you for supporting this team! <3

04 Mar


Originally posted by Cve

If by leak you mean "share with your passionate fanbase who definitely didn't watch a 44 second gif loop way more than they should have" then most certainly yes! :D



I would be very sad if Stormgate just got released and I had no responsibilities on the schedule for the day, for obvious reasons!

03 Mar


Originally posted by Cve

I told you guys, Frost Giant can't stop us. Soon we'll have an entire image.

I might as well just leak something now and save you the trouble!


Originally posted by SKIKS


In the background of one of the images, we got our first look at the alpha UI [a super pixelated, 1/8th of the screen]. Can you talk about the different tabs we see - is that a combined command cart, auto-hotkeys, or something else?


We’ll be sharing more information on our UI in the future. We’re happy to see the community get so excited about anything new about our game, but we want them to remember that we are still very early on and things like UI can undergo lots of change between now and release.

That is such a great way of saying "Can you guys chill TF out a bit?"

It’s a tough balancing act. In my role, I am super happy to see so many people excited for the game, but it’s also important to remember that this game is still relatively early in development. We have a lot of work ahead of us.


Originally posted by Osiris1316

So, if I start a venture capital firm and invest in FG, I can get Kevin to coach me!?

Basically, yes.

24 Feb

21 Feb

Hi, everyone! It’s been a little while since we last had a discussion, so let’s get right into it. We’re going to discuss systems that have a huge impact on both the fun of an individual match or story mission, as well as the long-term fun of the game.

That’s right -- we’re talking about Progression.

What Is Progression?

There’s Player Progression, which we’ll call the player’s journey of personal growth as they become more skilled; and then there’s Game Progression, where rewards are unlocked, characters or units become stronger, and quests are completed—often ending with “beating the game” and watching the credits.

For the purpose of helping us make Stormgate the best game it can be, we’d like to focus this conversation on two sub-categories of Game Progression in this discussion: Match Progression and Meta Progression.

Match Progre...

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23 Jan


Unfortunately, this is an engine-level issue that would be extremely difficult and take substantial engineering resources to tweak, especially without widespread consequences across the whole game. =(

22 Dec


As a slight correction, I believe the original quote/thought was "25% StarCraft, 25% Warcraft III, 25% other RTSs, and 25% new ideas."

23 Nov

Originally posted by fslyy

never played any rts ever before but somehow i stumbled over this subreddit and for some reason i decided maybe its my time to start my rts journey with this game if it comes out. i am looking forward to it :D

One of us! One of us!

Originally posted by Exherm

This is a bit tangential to the target discussion, but I feel like it is still important. With the launch of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, Blizzard is both targeting new audiences whilst supporting their content creators with Twitch drops.

Streamers are streaming the game more which further advertises the game and more people are watching to get the loot which boosts streamer income resulting in more content from the game itself.

To link back to the discussion, I believe that further success can be had by supporting streaming content creators with drops. Maybe even consider old content from battle passes, or two free chests, or extra in game currency for a tier of the pass or two tiers or whatever the value may be. This not only keeps people watching the game's content, but it keeps creators creating content for the game.

Thanks for reaching out! We are absolutely looking at ways to support our awesome content creator community, including things like Twitch Drops for their viewers.

22 Nov

It’s that time again!

We’d like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts in response to our last discussion topic on War Chests, better known in the games industry as Battle Passes. This is a super-important topic for the long-term health of the game and your feedback was constructive, thoughtful, and incredibly valuable to us.

Time waits for no man

It’s not money, gas, or minerals – time is the most valuable resource as it’s the only commodity that can’t be replaced. Many of us who once enjoyed long nights and weekends playing our favorite games now have other responsibilities that demand our attention. Many of you, including ...

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