Happy upcoming holidays, Stormgaters!
As we get ready to enter the new year, we’d like to give one final report on how balance is and one final game update to close out the year. In the last month, since the last big balance patch, all three factions have taken turns being both the leading race and the lagging race. Over the last month overall, Vanguard is at 48.6%, Infernals is at 51.31%, and Celestials is at 50.64%. Balance is better than it has ever been since EA launch, but we can certainly make some improvements. Before the holidays, we’d like to put out an update with the primary goals of shaking up the game, reducing player frustration in specific situations, and providing more rewarding interactions. With that, let’s talk about all the matchups.
Vanguard vs Infernals
Since the last big patch, Infernals have been slightly favored with a 5...
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