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Do 80 million+ GP guilds run BOTH Geonosis and Hoth TBs at the same time, or will they choose which one they want to do before TB starts and only do the chosen TB? I was unclear about this based on the post.
almost 6 years ago - CG_SBCrumb - Direct link
They will run simultaneously but the guild's officers will choose which one your guild will participate in. You can't do both Geo TB and Hoth TB at the same time.
almost 6 years ago - CG_TopHat - Direct link
Couple things I wanted to hop in here and clarify.

1) Concurrently was my bad word choice. While concurrently means you will have access to both Hoth and Geonosis Territory Battles, you need to choose which one your Guild will participate in. I've been living with the "you must select a TB" thing for so long that I glossed over it in my head. My apologies, not my intention to be confusing.

2) I'm seeing a lot of questions about rewards. Generally they're along the lines of "Can I still receive GET from Geonosis?" CG_Cyanides recently wrote here that players would be able to get GET and GET MK II from Geonosis. So those players that are still pursuing Hermit Yoda, Wampa, and other goodies in the GET store can still make progress towards them WHILE also making progress on Geonosis goodies.

3) I'm also seeing a fair bit of consternation around how only one can be selected at a time. I'll offer that this decision didn't come lightly in the studio and that we considered a lot of different options. Through all of our planning this just made the most sense given the variety of different players and playstyles in the game. We want to give guilds who have mastered Hoth something to really challenge their strong rosters, while also giving other guilds incentives to work towards beating/building their rosters.