Original Post — Direct link
Hi Holotable Heroes,

There are some upcoming changes to the buff, Advantage, and we wanted to clarify some current inconsistent interactions. At the moment, Advantage works differently depending on the circumstances. Sometimes when you can’t crit (IE the enemy dodges) Advantage is consumed and you don’t get any value out of the buff but in other cases, like Critical Hit Immunity, Advantage is not consumed. Here how Advantage currently works:
[*] You have Advantage and your opponent has Critical Hit Immunity. Advantage will not be consumed in the attack.
[*] You have Advantage and your opponent has Foresight. Advantage will be consumed in the attack.
[*] You have Advantage and your opponent has both Critical Hit Immunity and Foresight. Advantage will be consumed in the attack.

To address this erratic behavior, we are changing Advantage to no longer be consumed when the attack is dodged in the next Content release. This means Advantage will not be consumed unless you actually land a critical hit. Do note that Advantage can still can be dispelled, and will still expire at the end of the buff duration like normal.

In general, it felt bad to lose Advantage and not land a critical hit. This drove us to decide to boost the power of Advantage and minimize the bad experiences instead of diminishing its power. This change is scheduled to go live in the next Content Update so stay tuned for Updates Notes with this change.
almost 5 years ago - CG_SBCrumb - Direct link
Hi Holotable Heroes,

There are some upcoming changes to the buff, Advantage, and we wanted to clarify some current inconsistent interactions. At the moment, Advantage works differently depending on the circumstances. Sometimes when you can’t crit (IE the enemy dodges) Advantage is consumed and you don’t get any value out of the buff but in other cases, like Critical Hit Immunity, Advantage is not consumed. Here how Advantage currently works:
  1. You have Advantage and your opponent has Critical Hit Immunity. Advantage will not be consumed in the attack.
  2. You have Advantage and your opponent has Foresight. Advantage will be consumed in the attack.
  3. You have Advantage and your opponent has both Critical Hit Immunity and Foresight. Advantage will be consumed in the attack.

To address this erratic behavior, we are changing Advantage to no longer be consumed when the attack is dodged in the next Content release. This means Advantage will not be consumed unless you actually land a critical hit. Do note that Advantage can still can be dispelled, and will still expire at the end of the buff duration like normal.

In general, it felt bad to lose Advantage and not land a critical hit. This drove us to decide to boost the power of Advantage and minimize the bad experiences instead of diminishing its power. This change is scheduled to go live in the next Content Update so stay tuned for Updates Notes with this change.