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Hi Holotable Heroes,

The team is getting ready for the Q&A at 12:30pm PT today. We've got a bunch of questions that we answering already from the survey so post your questions in the thread and we'll try to answer as many as we can live!

Today's Categories:
[*] General
[*] Art
[*] Economy
[*] Content
[*] Tech/Game Mechanics

Who's Here Today:
[*] CG_Tophat - Live Producer Out with sickness Stepping in for Tophat is CG_Coffee - Assistant Producer
[*] CG_SvenGG - Sr. Game Designer
[*] CG_Vyeking - Creative Director
[*] CG_Cyanides - Data Analyst/Lead Product Manager
[*] CG_Miller - Senior Game Designer
[*] CG_RagingSpaniard - Sr. Artist
[*] CG_SBCrumb - Sr. Community Manager

EDIT: 12:20pm PT The team is sitting down to start responding. Going to get started soon!

EDIT: 12:40pm PT Going to start posting now!

Some of the CG Team getting started on your questions
over 4 years ago - CG_SBCrumb - Direct link
TOPIC: General
over 4 years ago - CG_SBCrumb - Direct link
over 4 years ago - CG_SBCrumb - Direct link
TOPIC: Economy
over 4 years ago - CG_SBCrumb - Direct link
TOPIC: Content
Q: Are we ever going to see Legendary events or Hero's Journey events for new characters again? Or are Epic Confrontations and Galactic Legends the new bar you have set for all major character releases moving forward?
[*] A: CG_Coffee - Absolutely! Galactic Legends and Epic Confrontations exist as new ways for us to release iconic characters and interesting events, but do not replace our existing release structures.

Q: Awhile back, you said that content creation was slowed due to having different code sets in the game. And recently you promised more new content was coming. The new challenge tiers are a steel in the right direction, but it's left some players feeling like you aren't keeping that word. Is the reason for the "lack of comment" as some players feel because you are working to setup a better framework to introduce the content that you promised?
[*] A: CG_Vyeking - "I answered this question previously, but I want to repeat that answer, because it is important -

As we move through 2020, we are actively working on systems to aid in the authoring of interesting and new content. These systems take time to build, but are expected to yield a fresh, new content landscape. I know, "hold on, it's coming" can be cold comfort so I won't repeat that verbatim, but I will say, "we've heard you, we're working on it, and we think you'll like the results."

The time frame for this delivery is not something I want to promise, however, as there are many factors that go into planning and executing a client update. What I can tell you, however, is that we are in pre-production for this feature."

over 4 years ago - CG_SBCrumb - Direct link
TOPIC: Tech/Game Mechanics
over 4 years ago - CG_SBCrumb - Direct link

Q: Will you add a confirmation button for the gac registration or the chance to cancel and register again like it is with the TW registration?
[*] A: CG_Miller - We've looked into this in the past, and the task is bigger than most players realize. Once you register for the GAC we start the process of building the matchups immediately, and you can imagine the havoc one would wreck if players could drop in and out and in and out of the GAC while the game is trying to do some matchup heavy lifting. That said, it's oft-requested, so we'd like to find time to give the players some agency over this.
over 4 years ago - CG_SBCrumb - Direct link
over 4 years ago - CG_SBCrumb - Direct link

so has top hat become... down with the sickness? :D :D :D :D :D :D

Indeed, he is down down with the sickness unfortunately. We will miss his prolific answering abilities today. Ohh wa ah ah ah



I sent a bunch of your questions to the team! I don't think we will get through all of yours but thanks for answering the survey and posting them here.
over 4 years ago - CG_SBCrumb - Direct link

Crumb whatever happened to that puzzle you were working on? Was it General Skywalker? Curious what happened to it and if there is a story behind it worth sharing

I was planning for the General Skywalker release but the timing didn't end up working out. I had to scrap the original plan due to schedule changes and I wasn't really happy with the back-up plan. Half done and half baked didn't seem worthy of General Skywalker. In general, it's not something I've had a ton of time for recently though I really want to do one in the next couple month. No promises but cross your fingers.
over 4 years ago - CG_SBCrumb - Direct link

When will we get a Princess Leia portrait?

I know this has come up a ton of times and I would love to share more details but there are some roadblocks for us to do this. It's not possible at the moment but I will keep remind folks it's something the people want!

over 4 years ago - CG_SvenGG - Direct link

@CG_SvenGG @CG_Miller @CG_Cyanides

1) When can we have our “sandbox mode” infinite play mode where we can keep tweaking and learning and theory crafting our squads as so many have said they wanted?

Our first step is to deliver a new PvE mode that can reward play so that it fulfills a sense of meaning. Hopefully the underlying tech that goes into that facilitates a sandbox mode.
over 4 years ago - CG_SvenGG - Direct link

When will you rework the Jawas?

How about some Jawa zetas? Soo-gah.... OOOOOTINI!!!!

over 4 years ago - CG_SvenGG - Direct link

Please add an option to disable auto-sort in mods and add an option to reverse-sort.
In this video, I Ievel approximately 30 "MK V-E" mods to L12 to drop all stats as quickly as I can. It takes over 6 minutes to do this because the mods resort as soon as a mod is levelled.
I used a clicker to count this:I swipe to re-scroll through the mod list to find my previous place approximately 300+ times while levelling these ~30 mods to get all stats to drop. This is roughly 10 swipes PER MOD! My hand literally hurt after all these swipes to scroll back to where I was.
Please fix this in the next QoL update. This current system with the auto-sort is painful... Literally.


We're actively gathering and organizing all mod feedback and suggestions, so my QOL list has a bunch of items tagged as a part of a Mod QOL initiative - I'll make sure this is on the list!
over 4 years ago - CG_SvenGG - Direct link


Some of the CG Team getting started on your questions

Which one is scrumb? The random white dude?

He's the one taking the picture. I'm the RWD.
over 4 years ago - CG_SBCrumb - Direct link

FANTASTIC JOB CAPITAL GAMES!!!! I've been playing this game since 2017, 5M GP and loving the game everyday. I spend some money to support the game, but mostly try to earn my way by playing on a daily basis and haven't missed one day. The work you guys do is incredible and there is no need to respond to this as I am just letting you know what a fantastic job you guys are doing. Kudos!!

Thanks Quantum, much appreciated!
over 4 years ago - CG_SvenGG - Direct link


5) Can any or all of the raids be added to the journey guide for fun and/or practice? No rewards of course, apart from allowing people to progress in any of the quests that they may be doing.

The Journey Guide presents the raid characters: Han Solo, General Kenobi, and Darth Traya. The goal of the feature is to surface the actual actions players need to do and point them to those actions. Because the raids are designed to be collaborative game modes, creating an isolated practice mode wouldn't fit the goal of the Journey Guide. That said, I can see the value in the suggestion, and it's probably something that could fall under the initiative of the sandbox mode.


6) Can the past Marquees events be added to the Journey Guide? This would help new-ish players catch up to veteran players by potential giving them access to these characters earlier. Also if a player missed the event the first time, they can collect the shards that most other players had collected.

The Journey Guide is meant to capture pinnacle units that players can form goals around. Exploring catch-up mechanics is complex because we need to respect the time of existing players, but we want to create respected catch-up mechanics. Superficially, if we introduce marquees into the Journey Guide, the current presentation would be almost unusable due to the volume of content. All of that to say that catch-up mechanics are a complex initiative that we're thinking about but that we can't commit to any solutions at this time.
over 4 years ago - CG_coffee - Direct link

CG_Coffee questions (and any other CG staff who wants to answer I guess):

1. What do you do?
2. What kind of coffee do you drink?
3. How often do you drink coffee throughout the day
4. Have you tested every coffee option in the office?
5. What’s the worst coffee you’ve had?

Ah, the important questions.

1. Assistant Producer
2. The caffeinated kind
3. One per meeting (JK. Kind of.)
4. Recently discovered the best option is next to the Art team
5. Probably the machine from the old office ha!
over 4 years ago - CG_SBCrumb - Direct link
Thanks for coming everyone! I'm going to let these folks get back to work making the game. I'm sorry if we didn't get to your question. I'd love to hear your feedback on how we can improve these Q&A for next time.