28 Feb

@Jarvind Your profile picture is incredible.

27 Feb



5) Can any or all of the raids be added to the journey guide for fun and/or practice? No rewards of course, apart from allowing people to progress in any of the quests that they may be doing.

The Journey Guide presents the raid characters: Han Solo, General Kenobi, and Darth Traya. The goal of the feature is to surface the actual actions players need to do and point them to those actions. Because the raids are designed to be collaborative game modes, creating an isolated practice mode wouldn't fit the goal of the Journey Guide. That said, I can see the value in the suggestion, and it's probably something that could fall under the initiative of the sandbox mode.


6) Can the past Marquees events be added to the Journey Guide? This would help new-ish players catch up to veteran players by potential giv...

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Some of the CG Team getting started on your questions

Which one is scrumb? The random white dude?

He's the one taking the picture. I'm the RWD.

Please add an option to disable auto-sort in mods and add an option to reverse-sort.
In this video, I Ievel approximately 30 "MK V-E" mods to L12 to drop all stats as quickly as I can. It takes over 6 minutes to do this because the mods resort as soon as a mod is levelled.
I used a clicker to count this:I swipe to re-scroll through the mod list to find my previous place approximately 300+ times while levelling these ~30 mods to get all stats to drop. This is roughly 10 swipes PER MOD! My hand literally hurt after all these swipes to scroll back to where I was.
Please fix this in the next QoL update. This current system with the auto-sort is painful... Literally.

We're actively gathering and organizing all mod feedback and suggestions, so my QOL list has a bunch of it... Read more

When will you rework the Jawas?

How about some Jawa zetas? Soo-gah.... OOOOOTINI!!!!


@CG_SvenGG @CG_Miller @CG_Cyanides

1) When can we have our “sandbox mode” infinite play mode where we can keep tweaking and learning and theory crafting our squads as so many have said they wanted?

Our first step is to deliver a new PvE mode that can reward play so that it fulfills a sense of meaning. Hopefully the underlying tech that goes into that facilitates a sandbox mode.

10 Jan


QoL: ship squads preloads, please!!! someday near?

and Mod management, can there be additional improvements that wont break the game? filtering and instant upgrade/sell ?

Fleet Management is high up in our QoL backlog and we are exploring the UI designs and engineering implications of it (taking care of reinforcements, capital ships, etc.)

We're actively exploring priorities and opportunities for the mod experience to be improved too.

2019 saw a relatively low amount of new, unique content. Do you have plans for 2020 to have more fresh concepts to introduce to the game instead of rehashing existing game modes?

Hey CubsFan! As the lead feature designer for the game, we're working on systems to build new game modes that I couldn't be more excited about. We're doing it right, so I can't go into any details, but we want to have fun, fresh things for players to do in-game.

How was your holiday break? Do anything cool that is worth sharing? I hope you had a nice holiday season! Thanks for all you do to bring us this game.

Thanks for asking! I got to fly home and make more than 300 Swedish meatballs, lounge with my dog by a fire, and enjoy time with family. Hope you had a nice holiday season! Oh, I also caught a shiny Magikarp that evolved into a shiny red Gyarados. That was fun.

06 Dec

Hello there (again) Holotable Heroes!

We revealed some of the reasons why we’re excited about the Journey Guide and the future of events last week, but there is one more thing to reveal before the Journey Guide is released into the Cantina. The Journey Guide is going to introduce the newest type of character to the holotables: Galactic Legends. The Galactic Legend designation will be reserved for some of the most famous and powerful characters in the galaxy and the Journey Guide will be your path to unlocking them. We’ll be sharing more about what makes a Galactic Legend special and how to unlock them down the road, but for now I have the honor of revealing who the first two Galactic Legends will be:


To avoid any plot spoilers, these aren’t the final in-game names. We will unveil the final names at some point following the theatrical release of Star Wars: The... Read more

22 Nov

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today I want to cover what’s changing with events. Specifically, scheduled Legendary, Journey, and Epic Confrontation events (going forward these are the events referred to when “events” are mentioned). These events are often the key to unlocking some of the most iconic and powerful units in Galaxy of Heroes, but by their very nature they are some of the toughest to understand. When will the event return? Which units are required? How strong should they be? Without exploring some of the (awesome) community resources, you may not only have a hard time answering these questions, but might not even know that you have questions.

We want to begin to tackle improvements to the player experience by changing the event cadence we ... Read more
Hi! I’m CG_SvenGG, you might remember me from the last few Q&As or my posts on the forums. I’m a Senior Game Designer for Galaxy of Heroes and I helped create the Journey Guide.

Hi Holotable Heroes,

As we announced in the Road Ahead, the next Title Update will bring The Journey Guide to Galaxy of Heroes. With 177 characters and 44 ships in the game, understanding how to unlock your favorite Star Wars characters or how to build the mightiest fleet in the galaxy can be awfully daunting whether you’re new to the cantina or a veteran of the holotables. With that in mind, we explored what opportunities we had to improve each of these... Read more

02 Oct


Once a toon reaches G13, there is ALOT of wasted space on their profile. Do you have any plans on doing something with that wasted space?

Here is one person's idea:

The space available varies a lot from tablet to different phones. We are aware of the vacancy though and are exploring options to best use the space and to ensure that the screen feels compelling.

Question: Darth Revan's relic, for examle, gave him huge physical damage boost. But DR deals only special damade. Similar for HK. Similar for many other characters. Why do relics increase stats (and a lot sometimes) that has no connection with characters kits?

We made 12 stat groups for relics based on role (Attacker, Healer, Support, Tank) and primary stat (AGI, STR, TAC). From there we tried to identify the shared stats that most consistently provided significant benefits to those units. Unfortunately for the sake of balance (plus some other factors) not all stats are highly beneficial to all characters in a group. As Relics continue to evolve, we'll keep an eye on whether or not they are living up to expectations and how they could be improved upon.

Why can you not sort characters by critical chance or critical damage? Would really help with deciding mod placement.
Also, can you PLEASE return the default sim number to 1 instead of as many as possible?

Great quality of life suggestions! I'll add them to the list I've collected for prioritization and exploration.

Seriously though. Can you either give us RoTJ Luke or take him off the loading screen?

Jedi Knight Luke is pretty cool. He converts Darth Vader to the light side and isn't afraid of anything. So he definitely has a chance to make it into the game.

New splash screen art is always fun too, and the run up to a new film seems like a great opportunity for a refresh there.

Any chance for an option to make some of the UI elements that have become really small to be regular sized again? I'm talking about:
[*] Arena timer
[*] Buff and debuff sizes + counts (trying to read if the raid boss has 2 or 3 stacks of confusion on my phone is hard). When the buff/debuff grouping came around these got smaller.
[*] Relic signal and salvage counts - these are way too small.
[*] Ability Basic/Special/Unique/Leader label

We're working on this right now! We're starting with a follow-up to the UI changes from the last update to polish those and maintain our standards.

Beyond that we're looking at opportunities to improve all of the game to be more usable, match our latest styles, etc. Readability and usability are always priorities.

is there a chance for players to choose what their next character will be? For example, everyone would write one character and the one to be mentioned the most times could be added in the near future.

I love community engagement. Our road map is planned out pretty far right now, but this is a cool idea for us to engage with the community and celebrate our shared love of Star Wars. So, nothing now, but we'll be sure to talk about how we could approach something like this in the future!

When is (insert specific character) coming out? JK.

But seriously. Hondo.

We've got some huge Hondo fans in the office, and right now there is a huge painting of him and his pirates in the lobby, so he's never far from our thoughts. No answer for now on Hondo, but anything is possible!

One more question for the lolz... Regular Mountain Dew or Baja Blast? And by this I mean how much Dew do you devs drink on the regular?

When I was in middle school and high school, I consumed prolific amounts of classic Mountain Dew. I haven't touched it in ages, and generally don't drink pop. Every now and then I'll treat myself to a fancy root beer.

I consume way more coffee than I should.