3 months ago - JackieKo - Direct link

Hey everyone! 

Just posted an update regarding this issue. The fix in 7.6a only fixed the issue for some players, so we're investigating further. If you are one of the players who is impacted by this issue, can you please also report the following: 

  • List the Strongholds in your possession
  • Confirm how many expansions you have unlocked for each

We are especially interested in impacted characters who have the Mek-Sha and Fleet Apartment Strongholds.


3 months ago - JackieKo - Direct link

Hey everyone, 

Popping in here for a quick update. The team reverted a change that is believed to be the cause of this particular issue, and that will be coming in a patch that we will be deploying early next week. This patch will contain a few other bug fixes which I will confirm once details are solidified. More details to come on Monday. Appreciate your patience! 

3 months ago - JackieKo - Direct link

Hey everyone, 

The fix for the Stronghold Conquest Bonus issue will be going out in Game Update 7.6b. I do want to provide some background into this particular issue as the “reverting a change” I referred to last week means that a previous bug will be reintroduced once the change goes live with 7.6b. 

The first bug we were aiming to fix was the Stronghold Conquest Bonus not applying to the Daily Log In Rewards. When that fix went out with 7.6, that caused the issue that we’re seeing reported in this thread. 

With 7.6b, we are rolling back that initial fix which will correct the Stronghold Conquest Bonus % being granted, but players will see the Daily Log In bug happen again. A fix for that will be coming in a future patch. 

All that said, 7.6b will be coming tomorrow morning
