Teamfight Tactics

Teamfight Tactics Dev Tracker

08 Jul


OK - Some people have been real creative in duplicating the items in another way than the one we initially fixed.

We've deployed another micropatch to fix the other forms of duplication.

We're hoping this fixes everything, but we will be doing some scouting to see if it still occurs. It'd be superhelpful if you see this or know of any further / different ways to repro this.

We know that this is happening for a while and we're doing our best to fix this as soon as possible, with the least possible risk to TFT on live. Thanks everyone for the patience.

06 Jul


The fix we had was only in regards to trait items which was the only dup issue we saw before. This might be a whole other beast.

If anyone sees this in their games or manages to do it themselves, please let me know (super helpful with clear steps how you did it, and a clip if possible).


Hey everyone.

Thanks to all the devs that helped figure this out this late in the evening, we have micropatched a fix to live!

Please note that we also added an extra layer of difficulty for making this even possible: If you place a x-trait item to x-trait champion more than three times, the champion will equip the item. This is to make it harder to even attempt the duplication on top of our fix.

I'd love to explain further why this happens, but since it's an exploit and giving information out could be used nefariously. Sorry to any curious minds out there.

Thanks for the patience ya'll.

P.S: If you ever see anyone pull this off again, please let me know!